Monday, August 25, 2014

37 St. Mark's Place is cleaner, still for rent

[Photo via EVG reader Patrick Reynolds]

We recently noticed workers cleaning up the empty retail spaces at 37 St. Mark's Place at Second Avenue. Workers even removed the "for lease" signs.

Perhaps there was a new retail tenant for the storefronts that previously housed a 7-Eleven, among other businesses.

Apparently a false alarm. The signs returned on Friday. The now spiffed-up space is still for lease.

The clean look didn't last long. Overnight Friday, someone left a tribute to LES Jewels outside the former 7-Eleven…

Meanwhile, work continues on the corner space… soon to be home to DF Mavens, a dairy-free ice cream shop

Previously on EV Grieve:

[Updated] Reader report: The 7-Eleven on St. Mark's Place has closed (48 comments)

A few more details about renting the former 7-Eleven space on St. Mark's Place

Today in posts about terra cotta steel panels on Lafayette Street

The two incoming luxury buildings on the west side of Lafayette between Great Jones and Bond continue to show up the rest of the developments around here with their speedy construction pace …

In particular, the 7-floor 10 Bond Street is getting all glassy…

… and workers have attached the first of the building's wavy terra cotta steel panels on the facade …

Terra cotta panels aren't the only interesting feature for these condo homes. As Curbed noted, the building's windows will have exterior, automated sun shields. No word on what becomes of the unwanted glare.

Previously on EV Grieve:
New skyline for Lafayette Street?

Another corner still primed to fall on NoHo

Demolition starts on former garage and lot; new developments coming for Lafayette Street

Looking at the future luxurious corners of Lafayette Street

Looking for the deeper meaning about renting the former 99-Cent Discount Center on East 14th Street

News that the former 99-Cent Discount Center at 440 E. 14th St. is now for lease is not such big news.

However, the one-level storefront is adjacent to two other empty properties — the former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office and the Stuyvesant Stationery shop. There has been some speculation that these spaces will yield to a new retail-residential mixed-use building.

Adding to this development theory: Asbestos abatement signs recently went up outside the post office at 438 E. 14th St. near Avenue A.

But the fact that the 99-cent store property at 440 E. 14th St. is for lease makes this space unlikely for the future development. (For now anyway!) The post office and stationery shop apparently have the same landlord.

OK! Got all that? This will be on the midterm.

Previously on EV Grieve:
First sign of more development on East 14th Street?

Asbestos abatement to begin at former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Chloë Sevigny on the East Village today: 'It’s like a frat house everywhere'

Former East Village resident Chloë Sevigny on the neighborhood today in The Daily Beast:

"Walking around the East Village, I just want to cry at the state of it. There are so many fuckin’ jocks everywhere! It’s like a frat house everywhere. I don’t know if it’s a sign of the times, but where are the real weirdos? The real outcasts? They’re a vanishing breed here. Maybe New York isn’t drawing that anymore because it’s too expensive."

Week in Grieview

City approves dorm conversion plans for the former PS 64 on East 9th Street (Monday, 53 comments)

Legendary LES street photographer Rebecca Lepkoff dies (Wednesday)

Rally for Mike Brown winds through the East Village (Wednesday, Thursday)

Rizzo's on Clinton Street is quitting Seamless, GrubHub, etc. (Thursday, 41 comments)

Winter the Siberian Husky gets his head stuck under a fence in Tompkins Square Park (Monday)

Out and About with Jack Sal (Wednesday)

Esperanto opens a juice bar (Monday)

CC Cyclery and Company now open on East 13th Street (Thursday)

More juice for the East Village (Monday)

Rooftop noise at 84 E. 10th St. (Monday)

Golden Cadillac will reopen as Boilermaker next month (Tuesday)

Random tree pruning (Tuesday)

Closing dates for Kim's and Shakespeare & Company (Friday)

People complain about dog poop here (Wednesday)

A street dance studio coming to Second Avenue (Tuesday)

A Ricky's Halloween shop for Red Square (Wednesday)

Yonekichi opens (Tuesday) with bright lights (Thursday)

The renovations at 58 E. Third St. (Thursday)

Gutting the former Silver Spurs space (Tuesday)

New kiosk instructions for Citi Bikes (Wednesday)

#TrashTara leaving no butts behind

EVG reader Andrew spotted #TrashTara (aka socio-ecological artist Colleen Flanigan) picking up every cigarette butt along Avenue B this afternoon…

Street trends: Empty golf bags

We spotted these two empty (and unattended) golf bags yesterday morning outside the new Cooper Union building… they weren't for the taking though…

Meanwhile, this afternoon on Second Avenue and East Ninth Street, Slum Goddess spotted this one

Three is a trend. Paging Sunday Styles!

East 7th Street inspiration

Dave on 7th spotted this between Avenue A and Avenue B…

Either these didn't work or the person is sharing the wisdom…

I trust my intuition.

I believe in my sensations.

I trust my visions.

I believe in myself and my higher presence.

Maybe drop this off for Zoltar?

The stage is set for the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival today; port-a-potties too

The stage went up yesterday for the 22nd annual Charlie Parker Jazz Festival … today at 3 in Tompkins Square Park. It is free. Find the artist info here.

Meanwhile, the port-a-potties arrived Friday afternoon. We forgot to post these under the headline "Exclusive First Look at the Jazz Festival Port-A-Potties." Next year OK?

Photos via Bobby Williams

3rd Avenue, 8:34 a.m., Aug. 24

Move-In Day at NYU.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tomorrow is Opening Day at the NYU Dorms

Just FYI you know. In case your plans were taking you anywhere near Third Avenue, East 14th Street, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc.

Have a good weekend!


Been meaning to note this on Avenue A near East Ninth Street…

Sing-a-long at the 6th and B Garden this afternoon

The 6th and B Garden is hosting a fundraiser this afternoon … which will include a 1960s sing-a-long and a raffle.

DNAinfo's Lisha Arino has more on what the expect:

Attendees will be able to purchase a $10 6th and B Community Garden T-shirt to tie-dye or take part in a raffle for cash and '60s-themed prizes. Food donated by New Yorkers Food Market on Second Avenue will also be available for purchase.

The fundraiser will help the volunteer-run garden put on its free community events, which include a monthly drawing class with a live model, film screenings and children’s programs ... Donations go toward supplies and paying entertainers.

The sing-a-long starts at 4. The garden is on the southwest corner of East Sixth Street and Avenue B.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Endless 'Love'

The Raveonettes have a new record out now, which I haven't heard yet. Until then, a hit song, "That Great Love Sound" (and silly video!), from 2003 from the Danish duo...

And they'll be at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on Sept. 29-30.

After 55 years in business, C'est Magnifique closes tomorrow

C’est Magnifique relocated to East Ninth Street from Macdougal Street back in March 2012.

Unfortunately, after a combined 56 years in both locations, the family-owned custom jewelry shop, whose clients through the years have included Iggy Pop and Madonna, is closing for good after the business day tomorrow.

Proprietor Alfred Albrizio III shared this on the store's Facebook page:

Sadly, after 56 years, the time has come for us to close C'est Magnifique. Saturday August 23, 2014 is the last day the store will be open and my aunts, Cathie and I would like to invite all of or friends and customers to come say goodbye to C'est Magnifique.

I have met so many amazing, talented and inspiring people during the last 20 years I've been working at C'est Magnifique. Many of those relationships shaped the person and artist I am today. I am very grateful for all the love and support our loyal customers have given and will always have the fondest memories of C'est Magnifique.

I learned so much from working with my father, and I plan to continue utilizing those skills and making jewelry. Although the physical space of C'est Magnifique will be gone, my family's legacy will live on. I am devoted to my craft and customers. I'll still be doing custom work and selling my original designs from my website which should be ready soon. Please keep your eye out for an update regarding the launch of my website.

I look forward to seeing you all at the closing. We will be there from 1 pm - 7 pm.

Family member Thomas Paladino elaborated at Vanishing New York today (a rent hike chased the store from the West Village):

Unfortunately, the new location was not as lucrative as our previous one, and combined with a death in the family of my uncle (who was the main proprietor of the shop for the last thirty years), the store will have to close its doors.

The shop is located at 328 E. Ninth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

While my guitar gently weeped: 12 years later, stolen 12 string reunited with owner

In May 2002, someone broke into Buddy Cage's Chrysler Voyager van on East 13th Street and First Avenue and stole his the rare Hilt-brand 12-string from the trunk.

As the Post reports today, Cage, who played with New Riders of the Purple Sage and worked on "Blood on the Tracks" with Bob Dylan, just had the guitar returned to him.

It's a long short story, but a fan called Cage after spotting the guitar on Ebay.

Cage then called his friend, retired detective Bob Geis, who originally helped him look for the guitar when it was stolen. Geis went back to precinct where it was originally stolen, and found a detective who remembered the case.

A 9th Precinct detective, John McAuliffe, traced it to Miguel Tapia, of East Flastbush — who claimed he had bought the guitar at a flea market on Canal Street long ago, he said.

"I tried to play it but I couldn’t figure out how, so I just threw it in my basement and forgot I even had it," said Tapia, who discovered it while cleaning his home. Bidding had reached $820 by Saturday before he pulled it.

Tapia didn't realize the guitar was stolen and returned it.

[Photo: Stefan Jeremiah/Post]

Remembering the Dugout

[Looking north on 3rd Avenue at East 13th Street/John Fensten]

Last Friday, I posted sampling of photos that EVG Facebook friend Susan Fensten and her father, John Fensten, took around the East Village in the 1980s.

The above photo showing the old Variety and the Dugout Tavern on the west side of Third Avenue between East 13th Street and East 14th Street brought out the most reader comments.

Back in September 2012, Vanishing New York reader Jason Fernau shared this photo and some memories of the Dugout with Jereniah Moss ...

[Photo from 1983 by Jason Fernau]

The Dugout had one night bartender, Bob from NJ. It seemed like he worked every night, though he must have had a day off. The place was never busy enough to need more than him. I think sometimes in a crunch there was somebody else who would rinse mugs and put them in the freezer. Nicest guy you could ever imagine. Ready with a smile, did what was needed, when it was needed, and we thanked him every time and he thanked us every time for coming in. From the first to the thousandth time you ordered a beer from him, Bob would say "Frosted Mug?" as if the answer could ever be anything but "Yes."

And those frosted mugs were 50 cents.

Read the rest of the post here at Vanishing New York.

The Dugout morphed through the years ... to The Pit Stop, Looking Glass and finally Finnertys.

It was erased to make way for the towering glassy condos of 110 3rd Avenue.

Also, on Wednesday, Curbed did a few now-and-thens with these photos right here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
14 photos of the 1980s East Village

The 22nd edition of the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival is Sunday in Tompkins Square Park

That is true. And here is the lineup:

Kenny Barron / Cindy Blackman Santana / Craig Handy & 2nd Line Smith / Brianna Thomas

You can head to the SummerStage website here for more info on each artist.

The show is 3-7 p.m. in Tompkins Square Park … and it's free.

Off the Grid has more about the Festival … as well as the Charlie Parker Residence at 151 Avenue B right here.

And now if you have an hour to spare… then you can watch this BBC special on Parker…

There are still good record stores around here

[A1 Records via the EVG files]

Despite a few (OK, a lot of) record store closings in recent years ... there are still several excellent places to buy music around here... Gothamist dropped their "12 best" yesterday ... and the East Village was well represented...

Other Music, 15 E. Fourth St. between Lafayette and Broadway

Turntable Lab, 120 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue

• Academy Records, 2 W. 18th St. between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue ... not to mention their sort of (right?) affiliated location at 415 E. 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue

A1 Records, 439 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue

As Gothamist noted, "Every record store in this city deserves a shoutout for surviving this long."

Indeed, so here's also a shoutout to Good Records NYC at 218 E. Fifth St. between Second Avenue and Cooper Square.

Closing times for Shakespeare and Company and Kim's

By now you are likely painfully aware that Shakespeare & Company, 716 Broadway, and Kim's Video & Music, 124 First Ave., are closing soon.

There have been several closing dates in circulation about the book shop that opened here in 1987.

According to a report at NY1, the store shutters for good after Sept. 6.

Per NY1:

It's a familiar refrain among small retailers in the East Village: "The rent has gone up," says Margot Liddell, general manager of Shakespeare and Company Books.

"I've had calls from kids, from California, from all over the place that say, 'We've heard you're going out of business and its horrible and this was our home,' you know, so...'" Liddell says.

When Shakespeare closes, many people expect a national chain store to move into the space, fitting in with this stretch of Broadway.

Items are currently 30 to 50 percent off... we haven't been inside since earlier this summer, so we can't speak of any specific deals ...

Kim's closes for good after the business day on Monday. New releases are now 50 percent off and everything else is 75 percent off.

We'll likely go back one more time, as depressing as the store kinda is now. Maybe pick up that (yet another) "Daydream Nation" reissue (we own it on cassette!) ... we might stare at that reissue of Ciccone Youth's "The Whitey Album," even though we sold it back once in like 1990. And there were a few other things too.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Shakespeare & Company loses lease on Broadway

Shakespeare & Company space is for lease on Broadway

[Updated] A really bad sign outside Kim's Video & Music on First Avenue (31 comments)

Listing for Kim's Video says space is 'ideal for Bank, 711, Starbucks'

So long Emma's Dilemma

OK, so:

• This is a little outside the usual EVG coverage zone at Park Avenue South and East 22nd Street.
• I have no idea when they closed this summer.
• Probably not the greatest loss in the grand scheme of things.


• They were always really nice to me whenever I was there.
• I always liked the name — Emma's Dilemma Cafe.
• I can only imagine what chain or first NYC branch of a healthy fast-food operation that specializes in, say, collard-green wraps for $23 will open here.

The RKF listing for the space includes a rendering that just dazzles the imagination …

Thursday, August 21, 2014

More about last night's #HandsUp march and the arrest on East 10th Street

[Photo on East 10th Street via Bobby Williams]

The Daily News has a report on last night's rally for Michael Brown … where participants marched through parts of the East Village to Union Square.

According to reports, the NYPD arrested a man on East 10th Street between Avenue C and Avenue D. To the News:

NYPD cops beat a man Wednesday night during a solidarity protest for Michael Brown, a video shows, although the circumstances surrounding the attack remained unclear early Thursday.

When asked for a comment on the video, police said the man was taken into custody on E. 10th St. near Ave. D, issued a C-summons for disorderly conduct and then released. They described his actions before the violent encounter as "tumultuous behavior."

The Daily News has the full 46-second video here.

Updated 12:04 p.m.

OK, here's the video the Daily News has via Facebook…

Previously on EV Grieve:
#HandsUp #TurnUp rally winding through the East Village; report of one arrest

I removed the Vine clip during the update…

Checking in on 58 E. Third St.

More than a year has passed since we last looked at "East Village3" aka "The #EV3" ... aka 50-58 E. Third St. where many longtime tenants lost their leases when new owners (GRJ, a fund co-founded and co-managed by brothers Graham and Gregory Jones) bought the walk-up building for $23.5 million in the spring of 2012.

We looked at units ranging in price from $4,900 to $5,150 for a post in March 2013.

EVG reader Yenta Laureate, who took the above photo, has been keeping tabs on the buildings between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Yenta notes that the first and biggest of the downstairs duplex apartments at No. 58 rented for $11K a month earlier this summer. Aside from six bedrooms and four bathrooms, the unit features a private courtyard.

And how about the renovations in the buildings?

"The quality of the work and materials is quite good. All bricks have been properly re-pointed and mortared. Marble steps were replaced. I'd call the attention to detail unusually painstaking and quality oriented," Yenta said. "One cornice still needs doing but they seem to be seriously researching how to do that best. In some ways it is both a preservationist and luxury project about a type of comfortable authenticity."

"Which in no way justifies the misery they cause the few existing tenants who remain or abates their overall impact on the neighborhood."

By comparison, Jared Kushner's 170 E. Second St. is a "newer building with far better bones, but he is not doing this type of quality work."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Three apartment buildings sold on East Third Street

Advocate for East Third Street buildings moving to Washington Heights

More about the lease renewals at 50, 54 and 58 E. Third St.

Tenants at 50, 54 and 58 E. Third St. banding to together in face of building sale

More drama at 50-58 E. Third St.; 'heavy construction' awaits tenants who stay

And now the renovations really begin at 50-58 E. Third St.

The 'East Village3' is ready for you; for that 'Industrial Chic feel'

That post about Rizzo's

We posted this item about Rizzo's on Clinton Street no longer taking orders via Seamless, GrubHub, etc.

It prompted a lot of comments. Then, seriously, the post just vanished. We didn't remove it … we couldn't even find it in the Blogger drafts.

Um, anyway, we have the original photo … and the 41 comments. Maybe we'll just got back to bed now.

Reader report: Blinded by the Yonekichi light

[Monday night]

Yonekichi opened Monday at 236 E. Ninth St. And with the exception of some Daily News readers, people seem to like their specialty, rice burgers, at this sliver of a take-out spot between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

So far, at least one neighbor is unhappy about their arrival. To the EVG inbox.

Starting Monday night their new storefront lit up our apartment like a UFO on an abduction hunt. They have 16 exterior lights hanging above their store in addition to their interior lights. They are so bright. To put it in perspective, there's a film crew shooting down the block and their lights don't even come close.

Some blackout curtains may be in order for the evening business hours.

Still, there's one bright side, so to speak.

"Thank God they kill the lights at 10."

CC Cyclery and Company now open on East 13th Street

CC Cyclery and Company opened last week at 530 E. 13th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B (closer to B) … it's the new bike shop from Jeff Underwood, who previously ran Continuum over on Avenue B.

EVG regular Crazy Eddie stopped by to say hello to Jeff…

Getting to know the family behind Westside Market, opening this fall on 3rd Avenue

The Times checks in with a feature on Ioannis (aka Big John) Zoitas and his wife, Maria, who opened Westside Market on Broadway near 110th Street-Cathedral Parkway in 1977.

Since then, the family has expanded, with store No. 6 opening this fall on Third Avenue at East 12th Street. The Zoitases' son, George, and his brother-in-law, Jimmy Beleses, will run the new store.

To the Times:

George has lived near the new market since June 2013 to learn about the neighborhood’s food mores. He shopped at markets, visited coffee shops and wine bars, and talked to residents about what they wanted in a community market.

Most of the Westside Markets operate around the clock, seven days a week. The inside of each store is designed by Big John with pencils, paper, a ruler and a few erasers.

As for the prepared foods, every dish is either made by Mrs. Zoitas, 57, or made with her recipes...

The Times does note that the new location is "something of a gamble: It will be less convenient to a subway entrance than the other stores, said the Zoitases’ son, George, and it will be going up against two nearby giants, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's."

Not to mention M2M on the southeast corner of Third Avenue and East 11th Street ... and there is Heavenly Market opening later this year on the northeast corner of Third Avenue and East 11th Street.

The market watch is on...

[Westside interior shot from Tuesday]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Westside Market coming to the East Village

The new Westside Market on Third Avenue will have Wi-Fi

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#HandsUp #TurnUp rally winding through the East Village; report of one arrest

[Photo by jdx]

All sorts of reports coming in regarding the #HandsUp #TurnUp rally that started earlier this evening at Sarah D Roosevelt Park. The march is in remembrance of Mike Brown.

[Photo on 2nd Avenue via @alexisperrotta]

We're still sorting out everything… so far, there is a report of an arrest on Avenue A.

One resident figures there were 100-plus people "yelling 'no justice,' 'no peace' on East 6th Street. At least 40 NYPD with zip tie handcuffs too."

Here's video from East Sixth Street and Avenue B…

Here's another snippet of video via Grant Shaffer…

More to come…

Updated 10:32 p.m.

More photos… via EVG regular jdx

Updated 10:49 p.m.

The rally has moved to Union Square …

[Photo via @PeterKimFrank]

There's an update here.

Missing the light

EVG contributor Derek Berg came across this minor collision early this afternoon on Second Avenue at East Fourth Street ... the NYPD was on the scene to sort out who did what ...