Sunday, February 5, 2012


Per @hattmayes — "in front of the NYU dorm. People flooded the street and some guys in speedos jumped on a cab."

And the Giants win the pennant ...

Crowds take to Third Avenue and 11th Street after the Giants beat the Patriots.

Via @AndrewPettit

The calm before the Super Bowl

Photos late this afternoon by Bobby Williams.

A challenging new way to play ping pong in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Suddenly, everyone is a New York Giants fan!

As you may have heard, the New York Giants are playing the New England Patriots tonight at 6:30. The winner will be crowned this year's Wimbledon champion.

And as you might expect, there are plenty of bandwagon jumpers... Like, do you recall seeing signs that this Duane Reade on 14th Street near First Avenue was the official pharmacy of the Giants during the regular season?

And where were these savings at Trader Joe's earlier?

Anyway, we looked around at various specials for tonight... didn't find anything that stupid. Did you?

Last day for East Village Farms

Today is the last day for East Village Farms on Avenue A. A lot of things are on sale. (But not everything — saw some annoyed people who thought their items would be half off.) All the beer is 30 percent off, and they have a pretty good selection. (At 30 percent off, it's now about the same price as Key!)

Anyway, took a few shots of the store's well-worn exterior before it's wiped away...

Employees here have said the landlord plans to tear down the building. But we've never heard this officially from the landlord. And there still aren't any permits of any kind on file with the DOB. So expect the space to sit empty for some time.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

East Village Farms is closing; renovations coming to 100 Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

Reader reports: Village Farms closing Jan. 31; building will be demolished

Tacos Morelos is back on Avenue A and Second Street

Oops. Meant to note this earlier. Did anyone see them Friday or Saturday? The cart was out of commission last week while the Taco Morelos folks waited for a new permit or something.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Let the music play

Tompkins Square Park earlier today. Photos by Bobby Williams.

The Coen Brothers want to dress up East Ninth Street

The Coen Brothers are ready to film the 1960s period piece "Inside Llewyn Davis," and they need your help. As you can see from the flyers that the crew posted yesterday, the production would like to request permission "to temporarily dress several storefronts and buildings" to fit the period here on East Ninth Street.

Per On Locations: "The movie follows a protagonist loosely based on singer Dave Van Ronk, a friend of Bob Dylan’s. Oscar Isaac stars as the title character while Justin Timberlake co-stars as another folk musician, his wife will be played by Carey Mulligan, and John Goodman will play a jazz musician who takes a road trip with Davis."

The crew will film on Feb. 16 from 1 p.m. to 2 a.m. Expect the color-coded Justin Timberlake sighting-level system to be on Red all that day and night.

H/t @chriswytenus


Spotted outside a building along the Bowery...

Here's to Ben

As you may have read, Ben Gazzara, always a favorite here, died yesterday from pancreatic cancer. The acclaimed actor was 81.

Per the obit in the Times today:

He grew up in a building at 29th Street and First Avenue, where, he wrote in his autobiography, he slept on the fire escape in summer and occasionally heard screams from the patients at Bellevue psychiatric hospital.

Here's the trailer for "The Killing of a Chinese Bookie," the 1976 John Cassavetes mob drama.

The Ludlow getting the inevitable non-fast-food tenant

Well, this isn't really newsy ... BoweryBoogie pointed this out back in December... just kinda wanted it for the record... Anyway, four years after opening, The Ludlow has another retail tenant here on East Houston at Ludlow...

Nail salon! And that name! Petition!