Thursday, August 17, 2017

I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant

East Village resident Susan Schiffman has been photographing the apartments of rent-stabilized tenants living in the East Village for her Instagram account, I Am a Rent Stabilized Tenant. She will share some of the photos here for this ongoing EVG feature.

Tenant: Linda, since 1972.

Linda contacted me after seeing my first post on EV Grieve.

She said that her mother recently passed away. Her apartment is almost vacant.

"I will be returning the keys to the landlord in a couple of days," said Linda, who wanted a record of the place she had spent her whole life.

Although the apartment was almost completely empty of furniture and personal items, it was filled with strong emotions and memories. Linda's grandparents had lived and died there. So too had her father and now her mother.

"I have spent years fighting for this apartment," she said. "I am not in a relationship or have a family. Do you think I should stay and fight for this place?" [Ed note: Linda was not evicted, and decided to leave on her own to start anew somewhere else after living in this space her entire life.]

One of the earlier fights Linda had to win was proving that her mother was a resident there. Linda's mother did live in the apartment, confined to a hospital bed.

Linda said that it took "thousands of pages to prove this."

Her mother loved that the apartment was close to church and her favorite stores on 14th Street, such as the Stuyvesant Stationery shop She especially missed La Isla, the inexpensive Latin restaurant between Avenue A and Avenue B that closed in 2012.

If you're interested in inviting Susan in to photograph your apartment for an upcoming post, then you may contact her via this email.

Report: Icon Realty investigated in tenant harassment probe

A joint state-city task force is investigating Icon Realty over tenant harassment, The Real Deal reports.

The task force has been looking into several complaints of tenant harassment while holding talks with the Noho-based real estate investment firm, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.

The task force consists of the New York Attorney General’s office, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, the city Department of Buildings and the state Division of Housing and Community Renewal.

To date, Icon has not been charged nor subpoenaed, sources told The Real Deal, adding "that the parties are in advanced talks regarding a potential settlement."

After learning that they were on the task force's radar, Icon reportedly "has changed its approach." (Still, Icon recently made the list of Stabilizing NYC's "10 worst predatory equity landlords" in NYC.)

In May 2016, the realtors announced that they had hired a chief safety officer to oversee the construction and renovation work in Icon buildings. Earlier that month, during a rally outside two Icon properties on May 9, Cooper Square Committee and several elected officials accused Icon of employing "construction-as-harassment" tactics to displace rent-stabilized tenants.

At the Icon-owned 128 Second Ave., tenants in March 2015 filed a HP Action for Repairs and Services, citing inconsistent heat, lack of fire alarms, a broken fire escape, front door, and stairs, and other dangerous living conditions. Residents have also alleged "harassment from the landlord in order to push out rent-regulated tenants." The next month, the tenants filed a contempt of court motion against Icon for the ongoing building issues.

Icon first made headlines here in 2008 ... when a contentious battle broke out between longtime tenants at 176 E. Third St and Icon, the building's new owner. In September 2008, the Post reported that several rent-stabilized tenants were fighting to keep "their East Village neighborhood affordable by turning down buyout offers of up to $125,000." Those residents also accused Icon of harassment.

In 2011, Icon sold No. 176 as part of a portfolio to Stone Street Properties for $90 million.

[Updated] Report: Anger over Confederate flags on 8th Street and Avenue D

Several flags drape the windows of an apartment on the top floor of a building on Eighth Street and Avenue D.

There are two Confederate flags, several Israeli flags and what appears to be an American flag with 13 stars...

The Post reports that the flags have been hanging in the windows for several months. (Updated: The Daily News says that the flags have been there for a year.) However, after the weekend's deadly violence that erupted at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., people are now taking notice of these flags.

According to the Post, people threw "rocks and bricks" at the windows yesterday.

“They’re scary, we don’t know who we are dealing with in the neighborhood. I feel uncomfortable because that represents evil. I see the protests in the news and I come home and see this,” said local Louise Abddhal, 56, as a chorus of others yelled at the window.

Residents had turned a blind eye to the offensive banners in the past, but started getting mad after Saturday’s rally in Charlottesville ...

“It’s been there forever and no one said anything. Now it’s going crazy. Virginia is bringing more light and attention too,” said longtime resident Janet Brown.

At night, the flags are illuminated in the windows.

Buzzfeed Senior Editor Matt Stopera tweeted this Saturday night...

Police responded to the rock tossing, though no arrests were made, the Post reported.

Updated 5:25 a.m.

The Daily News filed a story overnight about the flags. The also posted a video showing a man on the corner throwing throws at the sixth-floor windows.

Last night around 11, police had blocked off the area outside the building and were attempting to speak with the tenant. (The Post reported that the leasing agent had reached out to the tenant as well.)

"We don’t want a riot here," Michael Schweinsburg, the Eight B C D Block Association president, told the News.

Schweinsberg said he hoped that the cops can convince the tenant to take down the flags — for the sake of the neighborhood.

“The cops went up there, there was absolutely no response to repeated knocks on the door,” he added. “So the idea now is that they’re going to reach out to the landlord and ask for something to be hung from the roof to cover it up. That way hopefully he will communicate.”

The NYPD said that they will keep a patrol car on the scene "to monitor the situation."

[Photo from last night at 7:30]

Updated 10:30 a.m.

The Daily Beast has more details, including that the tenant has lived in the building for 12 years.

The flags, according to several neighbors who know their owner, might be as much a product of mental illness as they are of racism.

The apartment building’s superintendent Ruben Vargas told The Daily Beast that the flags have been up for five months.

Until then, the tenant had been a building nuisance. Two neighbors were scared of him, Vargas said, and a third had moved out “because he goes off on a rampage inside the apartment throwing things around.” Multiple people described the tenant as mentally ill.

“Some days he’s talking to you, then you see him again and he’s out cursing and saying racist words. ‘Heil Hitler,’ all these things,” Vargas said.

Updated 11:30 a.m.

Here's a statement from City Councilmember Rosie Mendez...

Recently, I was made aware that confederate flags were hung in the windows of an apartment building in my district. It saddens me that a symbol of hate and oppression would be displayed in my district — a multi-ethnic district that is comprised of and embraces its racial and economic diversity. More troubling is that these flags remain in display after the tragic and fatal events that occurred in Charlottesville this weekend.

I am concerned as I am hearing that local community residents are upset by the display and are taking some matters into their own hands. There have been reports made to my office of counter actions taking place at the residence that are alarming and illegal. You can voice your displeasure, but you cannot throw objects at the windows, to the building or block anyone’s entrance or exit to the building.

While this display may be offensive to many of us, please know that each and every one of us has rights and protections under the United States Constitution. We all have a First Amendment Right to Free Speech. Displaying a flag, in and of itself, is not illegal and there are no legal actions that can be taken to have this individual remove the flags from his/her windows.

However, there are limitations to our First Amendment Right to Free Speech and if this individual steps outside of those limitations, then local law enforcement can take the next necessary steps.

I want to remind everyone that this is a multiple dwelling building. Many other individuals, families with children, live in this building and are probably equally offended by the display. I ask that you please respect and support your neighbors who reside in this building and who unfortunately live next to this individual.

While I do not know nor do I have any contact with this individual, I respectfully request for everyone’s safety that s/he take down this flag — a symbol that is so offensive to the surrounding community.

To my neighbors, I hope you continue to exercise your First Amendment Right as we traditionally do in this community, but we must do it within the letter of the law. Please do not exceed or violate what is permitted expressions of free speech.

Lastly, my staff and I have been in contact with the local precinct and we have been informed that the situation is being monitored.

Updated 8:30 p.m.

Earlier this evening, 12 to 15 people were gathered on the southwest corner. Some of them had signs with them that read "End Racism," and other messages. No one was actively holding them up at this time. There was one police vehicle parked on Avenue D. There weren't any news crews at this time, though there were two photographers on the corner.

The Daily News filed a second story earlier today that names the resident.

Updated 8/18

Workers have dropped a tarp over the windows. Read that story here.

Updated 8/19

The flags have been removed.

The current home of The Stone is for rent on Avenue C

Late last year, John Zorn announced that The Stone, his experimental performance space on Avenue C (No. 15) at Second Street, would close in its current location in February 2018.

That space is now on the rental market, with a March 2018 move-in, per the listing. Here are a few details about the rental:

1000 sq. feet + 400ft basement.
Currently used as music performance space The Stone
Suitable for retail, office, white box gallery, etc. NO BARS
Rent on demand.

As you can see, the listing says NO BARS.

The Stone will be taking up residence in the New School's Glass Box Theater on West 13th Street beginning in March 2018, as the Voice first reported.

The Stone opened in 2005, and has played hosted to an estimated 7,000 performances.

Physical therapy center set for former Dolphin Gym on 4th Street

The signage arrived yesterday for a new (Professional) physical therapy center at 244 E. Fourth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

The space has remained empty since the Dolphin Gym abruptly closed in March 2015. The original asking rent for the 5,800-square-foot space was $24,167.

No word if they will be seeking a beer-wine license just to have something to pair with the range-of-motion exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome.

H/T Salim!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Dolphin Gym abruptly closes on East 4th Street (31 comments)

Cleaning out the East 4th Street Dolphin Gym

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday's parting shot

Photo on St. Mark's Place by Derek Berg...

Thoughts on 'the twin plagues of vacancy and the mall-ification' of NYC

The Architect's Newspaper takes a deep dive into a popular topic in a post titled "What’s being done — or not — to save Manhattan’s small businesses from Amazon and big box competition."

To some excerpts...

High rent, high taxes, regulations that favor owners over tenants, and plain old capitalism — the incentive for owners to seek their property’s maximum value, and the consumer’s desire to acquire goods at the lowest price — all contribute to the twin plagues of vacancy and the mall-ification (national chains displacing small, local businesses) of Manhattan. Stakeholders, though, disagree on what should be done to solve a growing crisis at street level.


It’s not only high rents and taxes that are driving businesses to close. Online shopping is slaying retailers big and small, in Manhattan and the suburbs and beyond. Right now, unchecked real estate speculation and limited protections for small-business owners mean that there is little protection against ultimately having a national bank and pharmacy on every corner.

Find the article here.

H/T The Lo-Down!

Out and About in the East Village

In this ongoing feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village or Lower East Side.

By James Maher
Name: Heidi (who declined to have her photo taken)
Occupation: Retired Teacher
Location: Tompkins Square Park
Time: 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 11

I grew up in Puerto Rico, but I came here when I was 22, and I’ve been here 50 years in this area. I worked as a teacher in Queens. I retired about three years ago.

The best thing is when I was dancing on 14th Street. They had a Spanish, Latin club with the music from Puerto Rico. I had a good time and danced — I used to go club by club. Oh my God, there were a lot of Latin clubs here. You would get dressed and walk around and you could dance. Special people and more community.

And I liked the time with the hippies. The hippies was a beautiful time, I loved it. But there were drugs. But you know what? They weren’t dangerous. The drug people, the addicts, they only robbed. But now, this is a scary time now. Scary. They have changed the buildings, the population, the Latin flavor is not here no more. Alphabet City used to have Latin flavor — now they have a different kind of people. It’s because of the rent.

I love St. Mark's. And 8th Street was beautiful. When 6 p.m. came, everybody would go to St. Mark's, the stores. They stopped that. They’re different. You can’t go there no more — it’s very sad. Manhattan is changing a lot. The people were gentle, more considerate about where they were walking. Now you have to be alert when you walk.

I’m the third generation here, the senior, and I said to my nephews, my son — prepare and have an education, because when my generation disappears, things are going to be different. You know what they’re doing now with the projects? Before, if you’re my son, you can keep the apartment. Not now. They give you a hard time now for the family. You have to be sick, older. You have to say you’re taking care of someone. If you don’t, you lose your apartment. When my generation disappears, they’re going to fix the building and they’re going to sell the apartments.

They aren’t building for people. They’re making restaurants, restaurants, restaurants. There’s no place to live. I live by myself and I go to shop for my food, and I say how can people afford this? I don’t know how. It’s expensive.

Now everybody’s leaving, and I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. It’s tough. My nephews, they move. They have condos in the Bronx because of the rent. I don’t regret coming here. I worked, I enjoyed, I had my time, and I had a beautiful time but you know, everybody’s leaving now. I don’t know what’s going to happen. A lot of people are moving back to Puerto Rico. How are they going to live here? It’s crazy.

We’ll see what happens in the future. I’m living day by day. I’m going to Puerto Rico now for the winter because I’m retired, and I said to people, don’t come here, why for what? I remember Frank Sinatra, "New York, New York — if I can make it there." That song is no more, that song is not for now. It’s true. I remember the beautiful time when Frank Sinatra sang that song — it was true.

And now, nobody can dance to Spanish music here – they close everything. There is no more flavor. The Alphabet City flavor, the Latin flavor went, left, bye.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Fair Folks & a Goat leaving 11th Street

Fair Folks & a Goat, the coffee shop and boutique on 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, is closing its East Village location at the end of the month.

An EVG reader shared an email from FF&G, which is owned by the husband-wife team of Aurora and Anthony Mazzei. The email read in part:

It has been our absolute pleasure to be a part of the East Village community over these past years at Fair Folks on 11th Street. We have built memories for a lifetime with you all, in a vibrant neighborhood that we continue, personally, to call our home. As for the shop, we're so excited to see you all over at our original location at 96 West Houston, where things are buzzing. ... We've decided not to continue our lease, and close the doors for the final time at our East Village location on August 31st.

The shop, which offers a $35 monthly membership for unlimited coffee, opened in 2014.

After this closure, there will be four empty storefronts in a row here on the block. Anna left after April while Odin and Pas de Deux closed after February.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Fair Folks & a Goat opening East Village location

The closed and for-rent restaurants along this part of 2nd Avenue

Starting just north of Third Street...

N'eat remains closed...

The restaurant serving "new Nordic fare" has not been open for the past month at 58 Second Ave. The sign on the door between Third Street and Fourth Street says: "Due to unforeseen building issues, we have to close temporarily for maintenance work." There isn't any mention of a temporary closure on their website or social media properties. Their phone number is not in service.

N'eat opened last November.


Express Thali at 82 Second Ave. between Fourth Street and Fifth Street hasn't been open for the past two-plus weeks...

The restaurant that serves/d vegetarian Indian cuisine opened in early March.


After less than three months in business, 100% Healthy Blend (or maybe just Healthy Blend) closed last November at Fifth Street...

The space has been on the market... the asking rent is $14,000 per month, per this listing.


And at 79 Second Ave. between Fourth Street and Fifth Street, the for rent sign recently arrived in the window at Heart of India...

The Marshal came calling here on July 24...


Closures aside, there are many fine places to eat along here that look to be doing brisk business... whatever your favorite places may be...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

NYPD gives the all clear after L train bomb scare

[Photo via @natesten]

Reports of a suspicious package inside the L train station at 14th Street and First Avenue snarled rush-hour traffic this early evening.

The NYPD blocked off 14th Street at Second Avenue to Avenue A ... the L train was suspended between Eighth Avenue and Bedford Avenue...

Patch reported that several nearby buildings were also evacuated as a precaution.

The NYPD gave the all clear about 5:30 p.m. ...

H/T Shawn Chittle

So long to the great sinkhole at the 8th Street entrance to Tompkins Square Park

You'd never really know that anything was ever sinking here at the Eighth Street and Avenue B entrance, which was closed for nearly two months while the repairs were made...

Photos earlier today by Steven