Thursday, August 17, 2017

Physical therapy center set for former Dolphin Gym on 4th Street

The signage arrived yesterday for a new (Professional) physical therapy center at 244 E. Fourth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

The space has remained empty since the Dolphin Gym abruptly closed in March 2015. The original asking rent for the 5,800-square-foot space was $24,167.

No word if they will be seeking a beer-wine license just to have something to pair with the range-of-motion exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome.

H/T Salim!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Dolphin Gym abruptly closes on East 4th Street (31 comments)

Cleaning out the East 4th Street Dolphin Gym


Scuba Diva said...

Does the kava bar on 10th street need a license? This place could sell kava, and tout it for its medicinal properties.

cmarrtyy said...

We might see a lot more of these medical type businesses open because of the Mt. Sinai move to 14th Street.

Mr. Mister said...

94 E 4th St.