Saturday, April 25, 2020

Here's how to check out a new group show this weekend

The Half Gallery on Avenue B and Fourth Street debuted a new exhibition this past Thursday titled "Under Glass" ...

Per the gallery's Instagram account: "The entire exhibition is viewable from the street and each piece is mirrored on our website with a brief audio description. This show follows in the tradition of Ugo Rondinone’s window gallery on Great Jones Street and The Wrong Gallery in Chelsea. Not exactly public art, but art for all."

Find the audio tour here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Half Gallery debuts on 4th and B


A COVID-19 Urban Etiquette Sign spotted on the Bowery at Fourth Street.

It reads:

Dear Jogger,
Bicycle Douchebag,
Narcissist swine:


Please respect your community and the lives of others.


East Village

Thanks to EVG reader Tina Li for the photo! Also spotted the signs on Second Avenue.

Café Social 68 now serving from their all-new to-go door

Café Social 68 reopened yesterday for the first time since mid-March here at 68 Avenue A between Fourth Street and Fifth Street.

They set up a to-go counter at the front door where you can order coffee ...

... or one of their varieties of croissants and other café fare...

For now they plan to be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Van Da continues its weekend collaboration with Chef Hannah Wong

[Reader-submitted photo]

Van Da, the well-regarded Vietnamese restaurant on Fourth Street, is continuing its collaboration with chef Hannah Wong (of the incoming Brooklyn restaurant Haema), for a weekend takeout service. (Saturday and Sunday, or today and tomorrow.)

You can find the Haema-Van Da menu, which changes each weekend, and order in advance via this form. (If this is of interest, then consider putting in your order early: they've sold out the past two weekends on Sunday.)

You pick up the food at Van Da, 234 E. Fourth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B from noon to 8 p.m.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday's parting shot

A moment on 14th Street. Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk.

'Male' call

Here's a video for "Male Bonding," from the Dutch trio the Homesick's album titled The Big Exercise. (February 2020, SubPop). It would be on a top-10 list if we cared about those at the moment.

Anton van Dalen, drawing in isolation

[Photo by Jason van Dalen]

Anton van Dalen, the artist who has lived on Avenue A for decades, recently sent me an email with some new drawings.

Throughout March, he said that he worked to put his learning about COVID-19 on paper by pencil.

Here's more from his letter, which he invited me to share along with his work:

My thinking and drawing are intimately linked — it’s my means of coming to understanding.

I have always worked from the perspective of home, then street, neighborhood, city, world. So we learned that COVID-19 came to envelop every dimension of our private and public life.

Events rudely stirred up my still emotionally scarred childhood memories of World War II Holland. And as more and more military language has come to be used to halt the spread of the pandemic.

I wanted my visuals to center on the East Village, and began the drawings at my Avenue A home. But then family and friends, because of my age of 81, thought I should get out of the city.

Came to understand that I should listen to my children and retreat to the countryside of Long Island. Through their generosity I was able to turn my scribbles into accessible drawings.

Throughout my effort I worried about being appropriately thoughtful about this most serious matter. So I learned from family and friends, also daily news reports about the virus and its implications.

But then I also had to integrate mine and everyone’s frightened inner self into the drawings. Still I was concerned, not to be frivolous or satirical, rather keep the subject big, and myself small.

Downtown Bakery returns

From the EVG comments... inexpensive eats favorite Downtown Bakery reopened here on First Avenue near Fourth Street for takeout and delivery. You can also call ahead for pickup: (212) 254-1757. They created a new pickup window right inside the door and sealed off the space with Plexiglass. For now, they are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, though those hours may change depending on the business.

For more help with what's open, check out the interactive map created by the East Village Community Coalition (EVCC) along with residents Perry Leung, Paul Gale and Zhi Keng He ... the EVG link is here ... the EVCC link is here.

Elsewhere Espresso is back in action tomorrow

You'll have another coffee choice again moving forward: Elsewhere Espresso is reopening tomorrow (Saturday!) at 335 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Per the gate signage, they'll be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Photo via @eastvillagefoodfinds!

Old favorites

EVG contributor Susan Schiffman was cleaning out some drawers at home and came across menus for three old (and long-closed) favorites — La Foccacceria, Jade Mountain and Bamboo House...

Don't remember when they all closed — well, OK Bamboo House in November 2007 ... and Jade Mountain in the summer of 2007.

This would be a good PAUSE cleaning activity. Unfortunately, the EVG menu drawer went in 2011.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday's parting shot

EVG regular Lola Saénz ran into Michael "Mikey" Cole today outside Mikey Likes It on Avenue A between 12th Street and 13th Street.

He was checking in on his ice cream shop, which has been closed for the duration of the COVID-19 PAUSE.

Mikey has been staying home and staying healthy ... and he's looking forward to reopening again one of these days...

Grant Shaffer's NY See

Here's the latest NY See panel, East Village-based illustrator Grant Shaffer's observational sketch diary of things that he sees and hears around the neighborhood.

This week, HuffPost published a three-panel comic that Grant created about small business owners. You can find that work here.

RIP Shirley Campbell

Shirley Campbell, a longtime activist and East Village resident, died on April 12. According to notices from the Cooper Square Mutual Housing Association posted at her former building on Fourth Street, she died from COVID-19 complications.

Campbell, who was born in 1940, had most recently been living at a location of the New Jewish Home.

Per the flyer:

Shirley was a well-known activist on the Lower East Side. She participated in housing and other social justice struggles for more than 30 years. She was an avid tennis enthusiast who loved music, film and art.

Local State Sen. Brad Hoylman offered his condolences...

Her friends plan to hold a celebration of her life this summer. Will post more details when they become available.

There are now plans for an 8-story residential building on this long-empty 10th Street lot

Plans for an 8-floor residential building were filed last Friday for the long-empty lot at 351 E. 10th St. between Avenue B and Avenue C.

This past October, an array of city and federal officials came together during a press conference "to celebrate the commencement of the preservation and rehabilitation of project-based Section 8 housing in the East Village." During this event, officials also noted that more affordable housing was set for this 10th Street parcel.

The pending permit lists that the building will have 28 residences with amenities that include a laundry room, bicycle storage and a 40-foot backyard space.

John Scobie of the NYC-based developer Center Development Corp. is listed as the property owner. It's not clear at the moment how many of these units will be designated as affordable.

Plans for housing here date to 2005 when permits were filed for a 6-floor building with 24 units. The work was never approved though, per public records.

In the past year, the city has announced fixed-income housing plans for 204 Avenue A and 535 E. 12th St. as well as 302 E. Second St.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Details on the preservation and rehabilitation of 243 affordable housing units in the East Village