Thursday, February 4, 2010

Moonstruck Diner closed for a variety of reasons

EV Grieve regular Goggla noted last night that the Moonstruck Diner on Second Avenue at Fifth Street was closed... As she said:

A sign on the door says they have plumbing problems, but a DOH sign says there will be a court hearing to decide whether or not they'll re-open, which is odd...the kitchen windows have been papered, so you can't see what's going on in there, but it looks like someone is doing some work.

Indeed, we walked by ourselves and saw the following...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Neighbors call for a boycott of the Moonstruck Diner

Sad news about the liquor store on Houston and Avenue B

I walked by the liquor store at Houston and Avenue B last night... and once again, the place was closed...

...and I noticed that the liquor sign on the side had been removed...

My worse fears were confirmed when I got home and read the latest issue of The Villager... in an item about Chico's new mural here, Scoopy reported that the woman who owned the liquor store died several months ago... and in the space on the roll-down gate, Chico is going to paint a mural of the owner. (And does anyone know her name?)

I have no idea what will happen to this space. I haven't seen the store open in some time, though this isn't really a corrider that I walk with any frequency.... Me being me, I worry about what will become of the space. This is prime corner real estate with million dollar condos right across the street (like this one for $1,825 million).

And I'll miss the owner... the kind of which we don't see much of anymore...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Meanwhile, right around the corner

As for Chico's new mural...

In his column this week, Scoopy had the following news about the new mural CHico is creating on Houston and Avenue B. To the Scoopster:

It turns out Chico, who is back in town from Tampa for some more commission work, is painting over the P.O.P. [Power of Peace] mural with a new one for a local band, Loisaida. He’ll then paint a new one for the Girls Club just to the west, covering over another of his murals, for the local band Aventura. Basically, it’s not what we thought — that someone might have dared diss Chico by painting over his work — but just some mural switching by the artist himself.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Chico has a new work in progress on Houston and Avenue B

A vintage TV ad for Christopher Street Bookstore

Jeremiah's post yesterday on adult bookstores reminded me of this vintage commercial that I found for Christopher Street Bookstore... I think this first ran during Super Bowl XX...

Get your Bowery pants! J. Crew memorializes the Lower East Side in cotton and worsted Italian wool

According to the new J. Crew catalog, these shots were taken in Portugal. And where are the Clinton Chinos? Or the Pitt Street polos? The possibilities are endless...

All work and no play makes....

We were browsing around the Internet looking for some East Village property to invest that $9 million in that we have lying in suitcases in the hallway... when we came across a new listing to buy 105 Avenue B, one building south of Seventh Street. Challenging times for real-estate types these days, for sure... Still, the listing seemed a little stressed out...

Oh, yes -- just a computer glitch... anyway, we'd like to know more about the building... not much information just yet... a few photos, though...


Did you read about Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s first day on the job yesterday? Per the Times:

The first indictment of Mr. Vance’s tenure as the Manhattan district attorney was of a pair of teenagers accused of swiping a brown handbag from a woman leaving a Dunkin’ Donuts in the East Village, according to court documents.

The article didn't mention which DD this happened at...

[Image via]

Things that we were unaware that happened on Wednesday

NYU Wednesday at Butter Lane Cupcakes on Seventh Street.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Your pigskin preview

From an article that I never finished reading in the Times today on pigskins:

People come to Porchetta, the slip of a sandwich shop run by the chef Sara Jenkins, just for the skin, which she sells for $25 a pound. The trick, she said, is a special oven and good pork. She uses the middle sections of Niman Ranch pigs at a rate of about 20 a week, making sure the skin looks clean, healthy and fresh. (Cooks who use a lot of pork skin say the fresher the skin, the better the crackle.)

This Little Piggy called his cardiologist in advance

There's a rather hilarious review of the new This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef shop on First Avenue near Ninth Street over at The Awl. Here's part of the exchange between Balk and Choire:

BALK: I am a man who LIKES HIS SALT. And I've got to say?
BALK: That roast beef was SALTY. Like, if I'm ever going to have that heart attack I've been working up to, it's gonna be today.
Choire: Yes. I actually don't… I don't feel right?
BALK: Are you getting the tingling thing down the arm?
Choire: No! Though I did have that the other night? I mean, I feel bad, not in the way, like, OMG BAD MEAT? But like, "Oh I have a cup of salt inside me that I cannot dilute even with this 33.8 ounce container of seltzer!"
Choire: The sneaky thing is: we didn't realize this WHILE we were eating!
Choire: Which is what makes the sandwich magical.
BALK: I know, it just tasted great!
BALK: And then… jdkvngekjrgvbsvbjjvk.
BALK: So I guess we should tell the roast beef fans of New York that they will enjoy this sandwich, but they should call their cardiologist in advance?

Day of Ray lineup set

We'll have more later this week on the Day of Ray, coming this Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. at Sidewalk on Avenue A and Sixth Street...check out the flyer designed by Jennifer Schindelar....

And here's the lineup...

NOON - Luigi Babe

12:15 - Reww

12:25 - Marilyn Kirby

12:40 - 5 minute video by Pam Kray

12:50 - Bowery Boys (Joff solo set)

1:05 - (comedian) Andrew Lisa

1:15 - Shaker Pegs

1:35 - Elastic No-No Band (Justin solo set)

1:50 - (comedian) Steve Bossous

2:00 - Mike Winkler

2:15 - A Brief View of the Hudson

2:30 - Jordan Levinson

2:50 - East River String Band

3:10 - Bill Murray Experience

3:30 - (comedian) Johnny Lanzilloto

3:40 - Nobody Can Dance

4:00 - Joe Yoga

4:15 - Master Lee

4:35 - The Fools

4:50 - Daniella, Our Lady of Perpetual PMS

5:00 - Jessica Delfino

5:15 - Toby Goodshank

And, you know, there's a Save Ray's Twitter feed, which will have the latest updates...

And there's the Save Ray's Facebook page...

And thanks to Lilly, Haley, Leah, the folks at Sidewalk and everyone else responsible for helping put this benefit together...

Live at the "top of the Bowery"

There's a new listing for a studio apartment on Cooper Square... $530,000 and it can be all yours...

Perhaps it's a fine home... I just didn't make it past the first sentence of the listing:

Top Of The Bowery -- Bright, Renovated Studio Condo Located On The Edge Of Noho And The East Village And Just Above The Evolving And Now Chic Bowery.

Former Joe Jr's space looking empty and lonely ... and suspiciously like a future nail salon

Walked by the former home of Joe Jr's at Sixth Avenue and 12th Street for the first time in months ... The "for rent" sign is still up, and the space is all cleaned out, and looking like it's prepped for a bland doctor's office or, more likely, a nail salon...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Joe Jr's has closed

Chico has a new work in progress on Houston and Avenue B

A tipster riding the M9 yesterday afternoon noted that Chico and company were at work on the corner of Houston and Avenue B... and here's the mural so far...

Not sure just yet what this is going to be a mural for...

This replaces the anti-violence mural that Chico and and the POP (Power of Peace) Youth Anti-Violence Coalition created last October.

Meanwhile, right around the corner...

...After checking out Chico's mural, I saw that the shabby liquor store on Houston and B that I like so much wasn't open last night...

I haven't been here in some time... I forget the woman's name who runs the place. I enjoy watching her reaction to some fancypants asking her if they have any, say, really buttery California chardonnays whose grapes were harvested on hillsides composed of Kimmeridgian marl, limestone and chalk. Her reaction is usually either, "WHAT?" or "WHY WOULD WE HAVE THAT."

Figure this is one of those doomed I'll often take a photo of the storefront. Come to think of it, I took these shots on a Friday afternoon in the fall, and they weren't open then either...

An endorsement that the Horus Cafe management (and neighbors) will just love

Horus Cafe, everybody's worst nightmare favorite hookah hotspot on Avenue B and Sixth Street, received a nice writeup in Washington Square News, NYU's student newspaper...

The premise of the article: "So for those under 21, here are some fun options for your weekend entertainment that you might not have considered before." To the endorsement of Horus!

Horus Cafe is usually crowded and poorly ventilated, resulting in thick smoke hanging from the ceiling at all hours. But its East Village location is definitely convenient, as evidenced by the swarms of underclassmen who frequent the hookah joint on East Sixth Street and Avenue A on the weekends. DJs spin Top-40 songs and belly dancers drift about Thursday through Saturday nights, adding spice to an otherwise mellow night out. Sample the Middle Eastern menu while you're at it, and you won't be disappointed.

Swarms of underclassman...poor ventilation...smoke hanging from the ceiling... why not just call the DOH too?

East Village Visitors Center moves to East Fourth Street

Per the news release:

Lower East Side History Project has joined forces with Fourth Arts Block and the Cooper Square Committee to bring the East Village Visitors Center to the heart of the E.4th Street Cultural District.

The new EVVC is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Let's get lost (soberly)

We've heard from readers about those strange numbers on the gate at Professor Thom's on Second Avenue between 13th Street and 14th Street ....

This means nothing to me... A reader explained that this is from "Lost," which begins its finale tonight... and Thom's has a "Lost" viewing party.... I went to the site to link.... and I noticed this:

"Unfortunately, we will not be able to sell alcohol at the event due to Community Board relations but the party will still go on and the food and soda will be flowing."

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

Ray pays his January rent today (Neither More Nor Less)

Old Hell's Kitchen butcher becomes a — oh yeah! — Subway (Grub Street)

The roll-down gates of the East Village (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

More debate on Avenue D's luxury housing (The Lo-Down)

Remembering J.D. Salinger with a retro white T-shirt (Nonetheless)

Signs of life at new LES tiki bar (Eater)

One to do with those leftover shrimp heads (With Leftovers)

Selling 195 Bowery (BoweryBoogie)

More scary shit about ATM skimmers (BoingBoing)

Stromboli on First Avenue at St. Mark's Place has reopened following the addition...

Barfin' at the Coop: The Serial Vomiter strikes again

We're hesitant to write anymore about this ongoing atrocity versus architecture... However, it is our duty to file this report... As we worldwide exclusively reported last Friday, someone in recent weeks has turned the new Cooper Union academic building into his or her own private vomitorium... We hoped that these were merely isolated incidents, perhaps... perhaps just an extra vicious pub crawl, extended game of flip cup or soapy batch of McSorley's...

No. The Vomitrator is getting dangerous, empowered by the publicity we so willingly heaped upon this sick individual.

As seen Sunday morning...

And, for any of you skeptics who thinks that the Yeti is a myth or believes that balding comes from your mom’s side (or wearing hats), here is further evidence that someone (or thing) is chundering on the Coop... the outline of previous puking sessions as seen here in Exhibits A through E:

We're curious what will happen next. Will the Cooper Union beef up security, particularly after happy hour? Or will The Vomitrator be free to strike again? Given the number of bars/tourists/students in this region, can anything stop The Vomitrator?