Sunday, March 26, 2017

Report: Maria Hrynenko looking to sell 2nd Avenue properties destroyed in deadly gas explosion

[Photo from yesterday]

On the 2-year anniversary of the deadly Second Avenue gas explosion, the Post is reporting that landlord Maria Hrynenko "is poised" to sell her now-empty lots at 119 and 121 Second Ave., which could jeopardize the settlements of the victims.

Maria Hrynenko, 57, appears ready to cash out on her valuable Second Avenue properties before the criminal case against her goes to trial and as the civil actions wend their way through the courts...

Hrynenko could rake in at least $12 million, based on the sale price of a neighboring lot, if she sells both her parcels.

Authorities have said that siphoned gas at 121 Second Ave. is to blame for the explosion, which killed Moises Ismael Locón Yac and Nicholas Figueroa, and injured two dozen other people. A 21-year-old student visiting from Berkeley during spring break lost an eye and fractured his larynx. Two firefighters also suffered serious injuries.

In February 2016, the DA charged Hrynenko and her son, Michael Hrynenko Jr., with involuntary manslaughter ... as well as contractor Dilber Kukic and an unlicensed plumber, Athanasios Ioannidis. (A fifth person, Andrew Trombettas, faces charges for supplying his license to Ioannidis.) All pleaded not guilty.

More than two dozen lawsuits have been filed against Hrynenko, her companies — MAH Realty and Kiev Realty — the city, Con Edison and other defendants.

Lawyers for the victims say it would be virtually impossible to stop a sale — as long as it’s for market value and not to a straw buyer — and that the potential $12 million-plus windfall could be difficult to locate.

“Let’s say she sells the property and takes the cash and stashes it away in the Canary Islands, there’s no way for us to recoup that,” said Marius Wesser, a lawyer for Machendra Chongbang. The Nepalese immigrant was a chef at Sushi Park and was badly injured when he was blown into the basement.

According to the Post, a broker working with Hrynenko recently contacted the new owner of the lot at 123 Second Ave., who paid $6 million for the property. The broker reportedly said they had a buyer interested in purchasing all three lots.

However, the owner, Ezra Wibowo, declined the offer.

“For him, it’s a long-term investment. He’s not in a rush to build or develop,” the source said.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updating] Explosion on 2nd Avenue and East 7th Street

How displaced residents are faring after the 2nd Avenue gas explosion

Living out of a suitcase 6 months after the 2nd Avenue explosion

Moving on — and feeling lucky — after the 2nd Avenue explosion

A family continues to feel the loss on 2nd Avenue

Updated: 2nd Ave. explosion — landlord, 3 others charged with 2nd degree manslaughter; showed 'a blatant and callous disregard for human life'

Former residents talk about landlord Maria Hrynenko: 'it was clear she wanted to get rid of anyone with a rent-regulated apartment'

Report: 123 2nd Ave. is for sale

Selling 123 Second Ave.

And read our interviews with longtime residents of 45 E. Seventh St. Mildred Guy and Diane McLean.

How The New York Times is improving its home delivery

By including Free All Digital Access on any device and fresh-baked rolls.

Spotted on 11th Street near Avenue C this morning.


Second Street at Avenue A. And good morning.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday's parting shot

Marking the 106th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire today... Photo on Sixth Street by Derek Berg...


Today in photos of squirrels carb loading in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams...

The squirrel collection grows

Aureus Contemporary hosting a temporary exhibit on 7th Street

Aureus Contemporary is hosting a group show on weekends through April at 116 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue...

The show is titled Bish Bash Bosh.

Thanks to Drew Bushong for the photos earlier this week!

Tableside Italian Cook Shoppe now open on 6th Street

The Italian restaurant had its grand opening last evening at 345 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

Until earlier this month, the space was Edward and Neal's Fish Bar. Owner Shane Cover, who runs Upstate around the corner on First Avenue, told us:

"I needed to switch it up. I was never able to be there as much as I should. Running fresh fish places took all of my time. Also I thought the prices were too high. I have not raised Upstate's prices since we opened [in 2011]. So Edwin and Neal's had to compete with a fish place right around the corner with better price points."

Anthony DeGrezia, whose family owns several Italian restaurants, is managing Tableside. You can find their menu here.

Tableside is open 5-11 p.m. Monday-Thursday; to midnight on Friday-Saturday; and 10 p.m. on Sunday.

Thanks to Vinny & O for the photos!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Edwin and Neal's Fish Bar gives way to Tableside on 6th Street

Rise of the 'Empire' — Arturo Vega retrospective through April 20 at the Howl! Happening space

The "Empire: An Arturo Vega Retrospective" debuted this past Thursday at the Howl! Happening space on First Street.

Here's more about it via the Howl! website:

This ambitious survey runs through April 20 and will include guest lectures, performances and a panel discussion exploring Arturo Vega’s broader impact on popular culture while contextualizing his work as a visual artist.

Howl! Happening was established to honor Vega, his life and work, and his support for East Village artists, and we are particularly proud to be the second stop for the late Mexican-born artist’s U.S. museum retrospective. The exhibition features photography, collage and a number of iconic canvases from the artist’s Supermarket and Silver Dollar series (begun in the 70s); his Flags and so-called “word paintings” from Insults; and other series produced during the 80s, 90s and aughts. Of special note is his last major work, Life isn’t tragic, love is just being ignored, a mural commissioned in 2013 that hung on the corner of Prince and Elizabeth streets.

Escaping the repressive violence of an authoritarian regime under Mexico’s “perfect dictatorship” in the late 60s, Arturo Vega made his way to New York City to study English, philosophy and photography at the New School for Social Research in the early 70s.

While working on his first painting series of supermarket signs, he befriended members of the Ramones. Designing the Ramones’ ubiquitous logo based on the Great Seal of the United States, painting backdrops for their stage, and creating a lighting scheme loosely adapted from Albert Speer’s Lichtdom to enhance their effect, Vega created visual imagery that defined the transgressive aesthetic of punk rock by co-opting and questioning symbols of power.

You can check out the Howl! site for dates and times for the panels (there are two tomorrow).

Howl! Happening: An Arturo Vega Project is at 6 E. First St. between the Bowery and Second Avenue. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday.

Vega died in June 2013. He was 65.

Friday, March 24, 2017


East Fourth Street today via Derek Berg... which was reminiscent of a scene on Avenue A many posts ago...

[Photo in 2015 by Derek Berg]

Have a good day

Here's "Everyday," a bouncy little number by the Glasgow-based Sacred Paws, who released their first full-length record earlier this year.

City getting desperate to remove remaining snow

Please hold your booing until the end of the post.

St. Mark's Place today.

Angelica Kitchen closing on April 7; friends raising money to pay off expenses

[Photo of Leslie McEachern from 2016 by James Maher]

After 40-plus years of serving vegetarian cuisine in the East Village, Angelica Kitchen is closing its doors after service on April 7.

Owner Leslie McEachern confirmed the news yesterday, saying in a statement that "Making the numbers work week in and week out is just not viable for us anymore."

In September 2014, the restaurant on 12th Street near Second Avenue launched a public awareness campaign to help keep its doors open.

Earlier in 2014, McEachern signed a new 5-year-lease for $21,000-plus a month. As Gothamist pointed out, that rent "doesn't include additional expenses including utilities, taxes, insurance, payroll, etc."

Angelica made some other changes then, including updating "its menu to include iced and hot coffee, as well as natural wines, and brought in an ATM to accommodate an increasingly cashless culture," per Eater.

[EVG photo from 2015]

The restaurant first opened in 1976.

In an interview for EVG in January 2016 for EVG, McEachern talked about how she got involved with Angelica.

I had started a small business representing certain natural foods, but I was going to different health-food stores around the country and trade shows and demonstrating their products. One day in 1981, I was at Greenberg’s. It was a very old school natural food store on First Avenue, between Seventh and St. Mark's Place. I was in there doing a miso demonstration and handing out samples and Frank Simons, the guy who had just bought Angelica Kitchen, walked in. I didn’t know him at the time but I had been a fan of Angelica. He and I caught each other’s eyes, to say it mildly. We got engaged and I moved from the mountains of North Carolina to New York to be with him. That was what got me here – falling in love and doing the right turn so many of us know about.

Angelica was at 42 St. Marks Place at that time. It was a small place and we had very few seats, so we had an open policy about seating. People came in and sat in any empty chair in the restaurant, whether it was a two top or a four top, so lots of connections were made that way. That was very fun. It was very community spirited. Organic wasn’t as much of an issue at that time but there were a lot of products available. That became my mission once I was in charge of the restaurant after Frank died. I really believed in the small, independent organic farmer as stewards of the land, so I was able to get on my soapbox through having Angelica Kitchen and really support the farmers.

She moved to the current location at 300 E. 12th St. in 1987.

[Reader-submitted photo]

Meanwhile, a group calling themselves Friends of Angelica Kitchen have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help pay off remaining expenses.

Sadly, as a result of increased rent and operating costs combined with reduced patronage, the restaurant has been operating at a loss for over two years. Having poured all of her personal resources into the business in an attempt to sustain it, that effort has failed and she's now deeply in debt. Leslie feels a commitment to avoid having her difficulties adversely affect local farmers and small independent businesses, some of whom have been with Angelica Kitchen since the beginning.

Our goal for this fundraiser is $245,000.00. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to resuscitate Angelica Kitchen, but Leslie has many significant financial issues to deal with and would be grateful if Angelica could close with a clean slate, without financially damaging the small businesses who stood by her, some for 40 years.

Details here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Angelica Kitchen is latest East Village restaurant in danger of closing (35 comments)

More about Angelica Kitchen's uncertain future

Out and About in the East Village with Leslie McEachern

The landmarked Father’s Heart Ministry comes back into view on 11th Street

Workers yesterday removed the sidewalk bridge and scaffolding from outside the Father’s Heart Ministry Center on 11th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... marking the near-completetion of the landmarked building's roof replacement...

The roof work is part of a capital improvement project for Father’s Heart Ministry Center, which provides a variety of services, from classes to meal services for the homeless, the elderly and working poor.

The neon tubes for the familiar Jesus Saves cross on the church were removed during the construction... the neon will be returning soon, church officials say...

Find more details about the renovations at their crowdfunding page. And you can read my interview with Carol Vedral, co-founder and executive director of Father's Heart, here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Renovation work starting at the landmarked Father's Heart Ministry on 11th Street

A sign for Nobody Is Perfect on 4th Street

It has been a busy week of restaurant-related news ... and so I didn't get a chance to note the recent arrival of the Nobody Is Perfect signage at 235 E. Fourth St.

This will be the second new restaurant on this block between Avenue A and Avenue B via Mario Carta, the proprietor of Pardon My French at 103 Avenue B. Chouchou, serving Moroccan cuisine, opened earlier this month. (David Pegoli is the chef for the restaurants.)

Haven't heard about an opening date just yet for Nobody Is Perfect, which will offer a variety of tapas, or a closing time, which was a point of contention for neighbors who spoke out against the license application during the CB3-SLA committee meeting last September. (DNAinfo has a recap here.)

Nobody Is Perfect will be the fifth restaurant to try this address in the past 10 years. B4 closed last June after nearly three years in business ... and previously Piccola Positano, Tonda and E.U. have all come and gone.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Team behind Avenue B's Pardon My French eyeing 2 spaces on 4th Street

Marking the anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911, was the largest industrial disaster in the city's history ... causing the death of 146 garment workers (mostly young women) who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths. Many of the victims lived on the Lower East Side.

Today also marks the 13th anniversary of Street Pictures organizing volunteers to "inscribe in chalk the names and ages of the Triangle dead in front of their former homes."

The Triangle Waist Company was located on the northwest corner of Greene Street and Washington Place just east of Washington Square Park.

Find more information at The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition.

[Photo from 2016 by Christine Champagne]

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sculptures making their point at Cooper Union

Workers continue to erect representations of John Hejduk's pair of architectural structures based in Prague, "the House of the Suicide" and "the House of the Mother of the Suicide." (Read more about these here.)

Hejduk, a Cooper Union graduate, was the founding dean of The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at Cooper Union.

This is part of a month-long exhibit that starts next Wednesday.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Celebrating the work of John Hejduk at Cooper Union

Come Together with Other Music (and others) this Sunday at MoMA PS1

Other Music is back ... at least for one day. Here's part of an email we received the other day...

It’s been too long since we last hung out together in a record-filled room talking about music, but we'll have that chance at an exciting event happening here on Sunday, March 26! Other Music has been collaborating with our friends at MoMA PS1, organizing a record fair and festival in the Long Island City museum that will be celebrating vinyl culture and the interconnecting music communities of NYC and beyond.

It’s been quite an undertaking, but we've put together a huge record market featuring over 60 of our favorite labels from around the world selling music, merchandise and much more. Add to this so many other inspirational people, with live performances inside MoMA PS1's VW Dome, thought-provoking panels and workshops, film, and plenty of other surprises.

Find all the details at the MoMa site here. Tickets are $15 for the day, which includes the panels, performances and film, the NYC premiere of "A Life in Waves," which follows the life and innovations of composer and electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani.

Other Music closed last June on Fourth Street after 20 years in business. Other Music's owners cited rising rents and the changing face of the music industry as reasons behind the closure. The storefront remains on the market.

Is this studio the East Village at its best?

Just a quick look at a new listing for a studio on Fifth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B.

It's a short, simple description:

East Village At Its Best* This Apartment is located between Ave A & B. Its a perfect size to divide into a separate bedroom and living room. It also features exposed brick, hardwood floors, high ceilings and other cute detail.

And here we are...

Not sure how this qualifies the neighborhood at its best ... You can find more photos at the listing. And the best has an asking rent of $2,000 monthly. The unit is available starting May 1.

A look at Wall 88's menu

As noted on Tuesday, Lions BeerStore has closed on the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Sixth Street.

Its replacement, Wall 88 Restaurant, is already open for business. Vinny & O shared this photo showing the menu... featuring a variety of pub-type fare...

[Click on image for a better view]

... including starters, salads, burgers. The entrees look reasonably priced (depending on the portions, etc.), with plates starting at $12 (for the "house special" pasta or fish & chips). The priciest item is $26 (beer can chicken!), and that serves two people.

Lions BeerStore — part retail shop, part restaurant — opened in November 2015. Apparently the Lions BeerStore owners are partners in the new venture, though someone else is involved in the day-to-day operations.

A new all-you-can-eat sushi option on 2nd Avenue

The signage is up for Oishi Village Sushi at 199 Second Ave. between 12th Street and 13th Street...

The owner of this all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant also operates Oishi Bay Sushi Restaurant on 29th Street at Second Avenue. (If anyone has eaten there, then feel free to chime in here in the comments about the food.)

According to Oishi Village Sushi's application for a beer-wine license (they were OK'd last August), they plan to be open from 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 11 a.m. to midnight Fridays and Saturdays, and 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays.

The previous tenant here was Tease, the hair salon that moved around the corner to 13th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.