Monday, March 26, 2012

Why is this woman in 59J?

We don't know much about MiMa, the new tower on West 42nd Street that Curbed refers to as "the Magical Island of Many Amenities in Hell's Kitchen."

But we are enjoying the ads for it, such as this one on East 13th Street near Broadway...

The ads don't make it clear that this actress actually lives there. She's currently in 59J. Is she visiting? What is she doing there, aside from carrying her shoes and flashing some thigh? Does she still make movies and plays? Or is she retired? So she retired from acting and is now carrying her shoes in 59J? We just need more to go on here.

More details on renting the Patricia Field boutique space on the Bowery

Here's a little more information about the Patricia Field boutique on 302 Bowery ... on Saturday, we noted the "for rent" sign above the designer's storefront on the Bowery...

Field is currently renovated her ground-floor storefront at 306, and will move here sometime this spring...

Here is the listing for 302 via Joanne Klein... for retail or restaurant use...

[Click to enlarge]

[Outside the store Saturday afternoon. Photo by Bobby Williams]

Former East Village resident's new record out today

Just doing what we can to help out up-and-coming recording artists!

Heh... oh, just an excuse to get some cheap SEO by mentioning Madonna. (Madonna, Madonna, Madonna. Of course, it would have been helpful had we put her name in the headline.)

Anyway... a repost from last March 15... a Richard Corman photo of Madonna in the summer of 1982 around her apartment at 234 E. Fourth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B...

[Richard Corman]

Coen Brothers are back; plus a prop remains

Oh, the Coen Brothers and friends are back nearby to film "Inside Llewyn Davis" ... today along Bleecker Street ...

And we meant to note this after the first visit from the Coens, when they filmed on East Ninth Street on Feb. 17 ... here's how the block looked to help recreated the Greenwich Village of the 1960s...

[Bobby Williams]

Apparently the folks at Enchantments decided to keep the prop awning...

Guest bartenders for Sidewalk starting tomorrow night

Via the EV Grieve in box...
Some of New York’s most well-known and innovative cocktail specialists are temporarily stepping away from their spices and strainers to serve up shots and drafts as guest bartenders at the East Village’s Sidewalk Cafe, at 94 Avenue A (at East 6th Street). Starting March 28, such master mixologists as Scott James Teague (veteran of Pegu Club); Michael Klein and Nick Brown (PDT); and Frank Cisneros (Dram, Bourgeois Pig, Cienfuegos) and Jane Danger, formerly of PDT; are taking a break from the stylish concoctions they create elsewhere to lend their hand serving more typical bar fare — beer, shots, and a handful of popular mixed drinks, at Sidewalk Cafe. Guest bartenders will be on hand at Sidewalk the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 8 p.m. to midnight.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trash talk

Bobby Williams spotted these bags on East Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Week in Grieview

[East 13th Street yesterday morning]

Former P.S. 64 on the market... again (Thursday)

The end of the line for the World Famous Pee Phone? (Monday)

Tenants joining forces at 50, 54 and 58 E. Third St. (Tuesday)

City fixes Avenue C Sinkhole, Jr. (Thursday)

The bloodcurdling late-night screams continue (Wednesday)

DOH temporarily shutters Japadog (Monday)

Work permits on file for the Mystery Lot (Thursday)

Nino's for sale (Friday)

Spring began (Tuesday)

Redeveloped funeral home looking for a few live tenants (Thursday)

Another makeshift shelter arrives alongside the Liz Christy Garden (Tuesday)

And there was a lot of debate about saving Kate's Joint ... Three posts and 74 comments. Read them all here.

Marking the 101st anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire


The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911, was the largest industrial disaster in the city's history ... causing the death of 146 garment workers (mostly young women) who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths.

Matt LES_Miserable photographed Steven Greenhouse here on East 11th Street outside Veniero's ... Greenhouse, a longtime business writer for the Times, is one of the volunteers who takes part in the chalking project each year... writing the name and age of the victims in front of the buildings where they lived — mostly in the Lower East Side and Little Italy.

Marjorie Ingall has more on the Triangle activities here. Here's a piece Greenhouse wrote on the tragedy for the Times last year. And here's the site of the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition with a list of activities taking place...


Spotted on East Second near Avenue D.

Hoodie mass this morning at Middle Collegiate Church

There's a mass this morning at Middle Collegiate Church on Second Avenue between Seventh Street and Sixth Street in honor of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teen a neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed last month.

Senior Minister Jacqui Lewis discussed the service in a blog post. "It can feel overwhelming, addressing racism, but we have to do it. Come to our multiracial/multicultural community, Middle Church, on Sunday; wear your hoodie and plan to pray for healing." (Esther Zuckerman at Runnin' Scared first reported this yesterday.)

Meanwhile, the news trucks are lined up for reports on the service.

Also, as you may have seen, someone placed wanted posters around the neighborhood for George Zimmerman, the Florida community watch captain who shot the unarmed 17-year-old Martin. Florida authorities have not charged Zimmerman in the shooting. At the time of the shooting, Martin was wearing a hooded jacket.

TODAY is the last day for Blockbuster on East Houston

Blockbuster extended the closing date for its East Houston Street/Red Square location from last Sunday to today...

We only mention this in case that you were looking to buy a used safe.


One more reason why we need bank branches every few feet

As you may be able to tell (ha!), the Chase branch on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place is closed this weekend... (wonder how many people missed the 75 yards of caution tape and tried to walk in anyway...)

So you have to walk up two blocks to the next Chase...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Salvation Army in Tompkins Square Park today

Thanks to our friend BaHa for these photos today...

The Patricia Field boutique is for rent

If you happen to walk by the Patricia Field store on 302 Bowery, then you'll spot the new "commercial space for rent" sign hanging above the doorway...

We understand that the designer/stylist is expanding her showroom space at 306 Bowery... work permits point to this taking place...

What comes next could be interesting ... someone posted a message on Bobby Flay's Facebook page reading, "We are the owners of 302 Bowery in NYC. We have over 4800 square feet available as a potential restaurant space - ground floor and basement. If you know of ..." It cuts off, and the message has been removed from the Facebook page...

City trashes some of Manny the Peddler's goods

Matt LES_Miserable tells us this morning that sanitation workers discarded a covered stash of Manny the Peddler's items along here on Avenue A at his usual spot... Matt stopped the workers from trashing the second covered table(s)... Per Matt: "He always has the coolest stuff. It would be a real shame for him to miss out on flogging curiosities on such a nice day."

Manny, who turned 71 in January, has been selling odds-and-ends down on Avenue A near Second Street for 32 years...


Just noting that the 13th Street side of the Verizon building is now graffiti free.

The back-and-forth between graffiti/tags/whatever vs. brown wall has been going on a good two years...


Last night on Avenue C at East Ninth Street.

Mast at dawn

Early morning photo on Avenue A by EV Grieve contributor jdx.

Friday, March 23, 2012

To have and to 'Stranglehold'

The U.K. Subs with "Stranglehold" circa 1979.

Feeding time for bendy thing at 11-17 Second Avenue

So that bendy thing (OK, concrete pump) has been at work at 11-17 Second Avenue...

[Bobby Williams]

And this photo via @bndo today shows the concrete armada invading trucks lining up to feed it...

Going through the roof at East Village Farms

A reader notes a little activity at the now-shuttered East Village Farms on Avenue today... a few people were at the scene along with a box truck... The roll-up door on the south side of the former grocery was open ... Looks like the roof is coming down... or came down...

And is this the owner, Mr. Park?

The city disapproved the first round of plans to renovate the space, including adding a "dwelling unit" and roof garden on upper floors.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

East Village Farms is closing; renovations coming to 100 Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

Reader reports: Village Farms closing Jan. 31; building will be demolished

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Houston and the Bowery on Wednesday, photo by Bobby Williams]

New Congressional boundaries for the East Village, LES (The Lo-Down)

A call to scale back the NYU expansion plan (The Villager)

Fine Fare moving its recycling center from Fourth Street to Avenue C (DNAinfo)

A quiet afternoon at Milano's (The Gog Log)

Watch a video about the classic Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop on Fifth Avenue (Eater)

RIP Bowery, the store cat at MooShoes on Orchard Street (BoweryBoogie)

Phil Mushnick on the closing of Bill's Gay Ninties after tomorrow night: "For the regulars, semi-regulars and irregulars, Bill’s lately has been like walking into a crime against nature in progress." (New York Post ... Marty had the scoop on the closure at Tripping With Marty)

And via a reader on Twitter... noted... anyway, we're waiting for the Ranch shampoo..

Nino's Pizza is for sale

We came across this listing for Nino's Pizza, a favorite hub on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place ... According to the listing, "owner retiring and looking for a quick sale." No mention of key money, though the rent is $13,200 a month...

It's certainly possible that another pizzeria will take over the space, maybe even keeping the year-round Christmas decorations and the fountain drinks...

Or, possibly, given the way things seem to go around here, the space becomes [insert absurd foodie concept here]

Meanwhile, Sal's remains closed down the Avenue.