Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lilly Coogan's RIP?

Walked by Lilly Coogan's on First Avenue near Sixth Street last night several times... and, when I took this photo around 9:30, the gates were still down... And I called the bar to discover their number was not in service... One of the bars around here that I've never stepped foot in... maybe because it replaced one of my favorites, the Homestead, one of the great dives in the neighborhood. I reminisced about this in a comment on Eater... They had the crummy pool table that was about a foot from the north wall. I recall they had shorter sticks as a remedy.


East Village Wines said...

They closed last Friday. Maybe McDonalds can expand their sidewalk enclosure even further now.

Lisa said...

BTW, Grieve, I walked by 14th and A today and saw someone had cut peepholes into the roll-down gates at Stuyvesant Grocery and Pete's-a-Place. If you look in I think you'll pretty much see that neither of these places is probably gonna be back...

Jeremiah Moss said...

the oldtimers referred to the Homestead fondly as "The Bucket o'Blood."

Erin Bradley said...

I live right near it and always meant to go in but never did.

Laura Goggin Photography said...

I used to go in there while waiting for my laundry when there was a laundromat nextdoor. At that time, it seemed like a local old man bar. Went in for the last time about 5 years ago. It was really loud and full of frat types - one standing behind me yelled, "I saw a hole in her pants, so I stuck my dick in it!!" Since then, I never noticed the place being very busy.

Anonymous said...

This used to be my second home....lots of good memories. And I'm not an old man. So......any recommendations for other dive bars with few bartenders that I can become friends with and get cheap drinks?