Alas, she won't be around for any ribbon-cutting ceremonies, though. "I've been living next door for two years and I am finally moving next week," Caroline said, "but I'll always have my memories of 2+ years of nonstop jackhammering noise."
And here's what the rendering looked like...

How'd they do?
And here are a few shots that I took later...
Cue the music ... Now let's take a stroll through our photo archives... at the former site of The Sylvia del Villard Program of the Roberto Clemente Center, which helped to offer counseling and therapy to people who were discharged from psychiatric facilities.
See you soon!
For further reading:
Can copper rust? (WikiAnswers)
I HATE that f******g ugly building. I live right next door - suffered throufgh the permanent loss of a kitchen window, cut phone lines, wrecked cable, cracked walls, plants on windowsills killed from their power washings, endless noise, lack of security die to scaffolding, endless. Next I'll have to put up with trust fund brats, nyu piglets, yuppie scum using the east village as a way station...i'll stay though and laugh, especially in the hopes that the owners/developrs lose a ton of money and that bad karma befalls all who dare buy/rent in the Copper Piece of S***.
That building is going to have very bad karma, considering what used to stand in its place. I hope the apartments are overrun with the angry ghosts of former psych ward patients!
I live a block away on A, and my heart goes out to my neighbors. This building depresses me so much. I nicknamed it the B Building because its spirit totally recalls the A Building horrorshow up the block.
Used to be a neighborhood got posh (if one can consider this boxy glass eyesore "posh," but I digress) relatively slowly. The Copper Building is just an overnight block-ruiner.
Ugly building?
LMAO, you people crack me up.
This building radically alters that slummy disgusting block, and brings first-world standard into that filthy, unattractive third-world looking ghetto block.
If you want to see ugly building, click on the photos and look what surrounds it. Third-world commie brick public housing looking hideousness.
MUCH needed improvement.
There's a whole lotta first-world concrete going on there...
that 'slummy, disgusting block' has been my home for many years - it is a block of wonderful, real, vital, artistic, struggling new yorkers - totally unlike the self satisfied pricks that will eventually (Or maybe given the economic times NEVER) fill up the Copper Crapper. That's going to be for it - the Copper Crapper!!! And karma woe indeed to the gentrified scum that dwell or float in the Copper Crapper!
hey myrtlequeen, I'm the reader who sent in this photo and not only am I a (former) "nyu piglet" as you so graciously put, I also think this building is ugly. Just because I went to college in the city doesn't make it less authentically mine. I live next door, too.
Ha! "NYU piglets" seems very apt. Maybe even a bit too kind. If the shoe fits, well....
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