A common theme hereabouts is how quickly things change in the neighborhood... as it always has. Photos from EV Grieve reader Lambert Jack help illustrate this point... He came across some photos that he took in 2000 on Avenue A and Sixth Street... See for yourself how much has changed in these last 10 years... the businesses that have come and gone...

and a few bonus shots....

oh man.. seeing kim's brings a tear to my eye
and benny's -- mediocre benny's -- trucks on. (although the did re-contract back to just the one space, from the little expansion)
looking at the guy in front of powerstation building - it's probably not him but... made me think of Merlin!
Sweet street guy still missed when i pass his reading/sitting corner.
You know what I miss...Is the person that used to live in the apartment above Niagra on the corner of 7th and A. Every day I would walk home from work and as I reached that corner, there would be some note of wisdom written in magic marker on a big piece of Oak Tag. That person was a precursor to the daily blogs I read now...every day, I went there for a daily quote and it never failed to make me smile.
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