Thursday, January 20, 2011

Earlier today in Tompkins Square Park

A few Tompkins Square Park photos from late this afternoon courtesy of EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams... a few kids apparently started a fight, which promptly brought a large police presence....


blue glass said...

is the moon in retrograde or something?
all these fires.
rivington street is close enough to be concerned about.
fighting teens.

cw! said...

I was there man, I saw it all. That one kid, he was totally gonna take that other kids backpack. But then, out of nowhere, an ENTIRE VAN FULL OF POLICE came out of nowhere to put an end to these school yard shenanigans. If only I had this kind of intense elementary school police presence growing up in Ohio, I might have turned out alright.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is special training in the park to get ready for the opening of the benches on crusty row

Shawn said...

In the first photo the officer to the far right has what looks like... is that a little Purell bottle fastened to her belt?

Anonymous said...

Throw the book at em.