1. cuny portal
2. duane reade locations
3. mta trip planner
4. seamless web
5. conedison.com
6. hopstop
7. hale and heardy
8. shake shack
9. nyu home
10. queens library
Why would anyone have to Google "Duane Reade locations"? Just walk two blocks in any direction and you should find one.
As EV Grieve reader T.E.V.B, who passed this along, noted, "C'mon people, learn to spell 'hearty!'"
What did other cities look up...?
11. 66 Perry Street
12. chase bank
13. magnolia cupcakes
14. cvs
15. starbucks
16. wholefoods
17. rite aid
18. bank of america
19. superdive
serena van der woodsen
blair waldorf
chuck bass
's addresses
oh wait... here are some more
21. chipotle
22. fro-yos or frozen yogurts
23. ramen noodle shops
24. le pain quotidien
25. au bon pain
26. cbgb (good luck with that one)
ok, i think i'm done
Ha, thanks, EVG, for putting my quote up there! Is Hale and Hearty really that popular? I guess everyone loves soup. And yeah "duane reade locations"?? Just look out your window.
It is heartening though (even to this cynic) that one of the consistently top searches in every city is the local school/university portal.
Thanks for the link!
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