Friday, September 15, 2017

Block Party on, 9th Street

Time again (tomorrow!) for the annual block party on Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Here are details via the EVG inbox...

Annual 9th Street A-1 Block Association Block Party

Saturday, Sept. 1​6​, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (no rain date)

Live Music (from noon - 4 p.m.)

Ginga Pura
Sea Kelp (Originals)
Ron and his Personal Demons

Resident artists, crafts people, and photographers will be showing and selling their work, and residents will be selling a la "stoop sale" — antiques, bric-a-brac, clothing, accessories, music, jewelry, etc.

Block businesses include:

• Beetle Bug (florist), Enchantments, Flower Power (herbs), Love Gang (clothing), Mr. Throwback (vintage clothing and accessories), Ollie's Place (cat adoption), Pink Olive (gifts), Polytima (jewelry), Puppy Love Kitty Kat (pet supplies), Reason Outpost (clothing)

• Restaurants/Cafes: Cagen, Good Beer, Superiority Burger, Tacos Morales, Thursday Kitchen, Whitman's, Zucker Bakery

• Hair Salons/Barbers: Crops for Girls, Lovemore & Do, Maria Mok Salon, Neighborhood Barber, Tsumiki Salon

The Mount Sinai Health System wants to hear from you (in this survey anyway)

I heard yesterday from both the offices of Sen. Hoylman and City Council member Rosie Mendez ... Mount Sinai Beth Israel has extended its online survey through Sept 20.

You can find the 10-question survey here. (It's billed as a "Community Health Needs Assessment for Mount Sinai Downtown.") There's also more info on the landing page about Mount Sinai's plans.

As you know, the Mount Sinai Health System is in the midst of its years-long project to rebuild Mount Sinai Beth Israel, transitioning to a network of smaller facilities throughout lower Manhattan.

East Village Vintage Collective celebrates 2 years on 12th Street tonight with some 'terrible' offerings

[Image via Instagram]

Via the East Village Vintage Collective Instagram account:

Join us for our two-year anniversary party 🎉 featuring the fucking terrible art and video show, tarot card reading by @gaylestacher, free drinks, & 20 percent off store wide! Starts at 7 p.m. Thanks to our amazing customers who have helped a small business survive over these last two years!

The shop is at 545 E. 12th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Previously on EV Grieve:
At the East Village Vintage Collective

Amid claims of being a rent-stabilized tenant, Raphael Toledano faces eviction from his home

[Photo outside Toledano's apartment building from May]

The Real Deal has the story:

Hyperkinetic landlord Raphael Toledano, whose alleged methods in evicting tenants from rent-stabilized apartments made him enemy number one of the New York City tenant movement, faces eviction at his $13,800 a month Upper West Side home, where he claims to be a rent-stabilized resident, court records show.

Some local reaction:

“This has got to be a joke, right?” said SaMi Chester, a tenant organizer at the Cooper Square Committee who actively works with tenants in Toledano’s buildings; they frequently claim they are being harassed by the 27-year-old landlord. “Here’s a guy who’s built his career on screwing over rent-stabilized tenants. Now he’s doing that?”

And some background:

Toledano, who recently filed for bankruptcy on a portfolio of multifamily buildings in the East Village amid claims he was overleveraged, essentially operated a real estate business whose model depended on vacancy deregulation to crank up rent rolls.

Read the whole Real Deal story here.

According to public records, Toledano is scheduled to appear in New York County Civil Court, 111 Centre St., Monday morning at 9:30. (The Court part is called F, Room 830.)

Previously on EV Grieve:
Foreclosure notice arrives on Raphael Toledano-owned building on 12th Street

Claim: Landlord of 444 E. 13th St. threatened 'to drop dynamite on the building'

Cleaning up 444 E. 13th St.

Report: State investigating East Village landlord Raphael Toledano

Health Department to inspect Raphael Toledano's East Village properties for toxic levels of lead dust

Foreclosure notice arrives on Raphael Toledano-owned building on 12th Street

Report: Raphael Toledano files for Chapter 11; $145 million deal for EV portfolio is off the table

Raphael Toledano tenants take to Midtown streets to speak out against their landlord and his lenders

East Village tenants pay landlord Raphael Toledano a visit at his Upper West Side home

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday's parting shot

Photo on Seventh Street today via Derek Berg. (Crews were out filming something called "Detective Chinatown 2.")


Noted... aka Citizen app crime report of day. (The app has had its share of controversy.)

P.S. Do not know how this ended.

H/T @Frosty_Bites

Tree down on 12th Street near Avenue A

EVG regular Greg Masters shares this... a 20-year-old tree on the north side of 12th Street just west of Avenue A was upended late this morning. No eyewitnesses but it apparently was uprooted by a truck backing into a parking space. Police were soon on the scene and the tree was later cut into pieces...

Slowing down the jackhammering on Avenue A

At St. Mark's Place this morning ... via Grant Shaffer...

I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant

East Village resident Susan Schiffman has been photographing the apartments of rent-stabilized tenants living in the East Village for her Instagram account, I Am a Rent Stabilized Tenant. She will share some of the photos here for this ongoing EVG feature.

Photos and text by Susan Schiffman

Tenant: Tanya, since 1985

In 1978, Tanya came to NYC from Ann Arbor, Mich., to attend NYU. She lived in the dorms Weinstein and then Brittany. There were only three dorms back then.

After graduation in 1982, Tanya looked for an apartment in the East Village. Tanya and I reminisced about how you could walk around the neighborhood and ask supers if there were any apartments available in their building. This is how she found her apartment on 13th Street.

She met a pop star and moved to London to be with him, giving up her apartment in the process. They came back to New York, where she moved in and out of 10 different places. She found her current apartment through friends in 1985.

Tanya loves that all of the moldings in her apartment are original. She also loves that each room by law had to have a door and a window to be classified as a room.

She and her apartment are very inspired by Heywood-Wakefield Modern Furniture. She is obsessed with Hawaiian textiles. She has recovered her couch about five times. Tanya has made all of the pillows, curtains, duvet covers and reupholstery in her home. She repainted the floor eight times with a tiny brush.

If you're interested in inviting Susan in to photograph your apartment for an upcoming post, then you may contact her via this email.

La Plaza's grand willow tree comes down tomorrow

Back in July, officials at La Plaza Cultural announced that the last two willow trees in the community garden on the southwest corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street would have to be removed.

The trees, nicknamed Cher and Krusty, are rotting, and may be in danger of falling during a storm. La Plaza gardeners have said that the trees are more than 40 years old.

The Parks Department announced that they will have the larger of the two willows — the one near Avenue C nicknamed Cher — removed tomorrow morning. (The second willow, Krusty, located near the gazebo, is also in poor shape and will likely need to come down at some point.)

During the work on Friday, La Plaza will be closed.

Last night, La Plaza gardeners removed any lawn furniture in Cher's path ... and said their final goodbyes.

Rev. Billy presided over a Weeping Willow Wake on July 9.

[Photo on July 9 by Steven]

Updated 5 p.m.

EVG regular Jose Garcia shares some flyers that someone placed at La Plaza...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A wake for the last willow trees at La Plaza Cultural

At the Weeping Willow Wake

A letter for new NYU students: 'think good thoughts about yourself and others'

EVG reader Lori Kohn shared this letter that she spotted taped to a light post on Ninth Street and Third Avenue...

[Click on image for more detail]

The letter of support reads in part:

The struggles among new students at NYU are no doubt taking different forms. You might be struggling with how to meet friends or how to socialize with people who drink when you don't, or how to get involved in something, anything, when time seems so precious, etc. Some of you are wondering if everyone's smarter than you or if you're smart enough to be at NYU. Some of you are stressed with performance anxieties, with being cool. Some of you are just missing a home-cooked meal.

The struggles are real and sometimes hard, but they are normal. They are not a sign of a problem, but just the normal challenges of transitions to a new phase in one's life.

Dismiss any idea that your enrollment at NYU was a fluke. You belong here.

My suggestion: think good thoughts about yourself and others. Relax. And through it all, know that you are where you belong.

The letter is signed by "your neighbor," Mr. Steck.

Report: Threats made in ongoing battle over 97 2nd Ave.

Raphael Toledano continues to build his impressive tapestry of quotable quotes in his tenure as an East Village landlord.

His latest keepsake soundbite came during the ongoing battle over 97 Second Ave. between Toledano and Michael Shah’s Delshah Capital. Both landlords are claiming ownership of the 11-unit building. (It's complicated.)

The Real Deal has all the details about the legal drama here.

In August ... Toledano filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on the property and tried to procure a buyer. According to court documents filed by Shah, Toledano also used that time to threaten and extort him. Toledano threatened to instruct the tenants to withhold rent, according to the documents, and told Shah, “I will bury you, literally. I will bury this building and make sure of it.”

The 6-story building between Sixth Street and Fifth Street was one of the first East Village properties purchased by Toledano. Public records show that Toledano paid $4.95 million for it in April 2014. Toledano said in the bankruptcy protection filing that the property is valued at $15.1 million, per the Commercial Observer.

As for the status of Tolednao and his other neighborhood properties, The Real Deal reported:

The 27-year-old landlord is awaiting approval for the sale of the deeds of 15 distressed East Village properties to lender Madison Realty Capital, which recently replaced him as property manager on the buildings.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Claim: Landlord of 444 E. 13th St. threatened 'to drop dynamite on the building'

NYC's first Nutella Cafe coming to University and 13th Street

The retail space in the base of the in-progress condoplex on 13th Street and University Place will house the city's first Nutella Cafe. (There's a Nutella kiosk in the Eataly food hall.)

According to the Commercial Observer, who first reported on this yesterday, the cafe and coffee bar will occupy 2,200 square feet here at 116 University Place.

The first U.S. Nutella Cafe, in Chicago, "serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including waffles, croissants, crepes, panini, and family-style fondue," per Eater.

As previously reported, the Adjmi Architects-designed seven-story condoplex will feature one unit per floor. The starting prices for the homes are $6 million.

The corner previously housed University Place Gourmet as well as several adjacent storefronts, including Bennie Louie Chinese Laundry.

Developer Ranger Properties paid $22 million for the lot.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Major changes coming to University Place and East 13th Street

Report: Incoming condos for 13th Street and University Place will start at $6 million

[Photo from June 2015]

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday's parting shot

Christo in Tompkins Square Park today. Photo by Bobby Williams.

Goggla said that Christo's been molting and looking pretty raggedy of late, but he should be back to his sleek self soon.

Dreaming of a Bluelight Christmas

It's that time of year again, at least at Kmart on Astor Place... (hopefully the Halloween stuff is still out) ... thanks to @supagirl13 for the photo...

About Bodega, a start-up that aspires to be the new neighborhood market

[At the former Golden Food Market on 7th and 1st]

A story today at Fast Company that may be of interest... From the article, titled Two Ex-Googlers Want To Make Bodegas And Mom-And-Pop Corner Stores Obsolete:"

Paul McDonald, who spent 13 years as a product manager at Google, wants to make this corner store a thing of the past. Today, he is launching a new concept called Bodega with his cofounder Ashwath Rajan, another Google veteran. Bodega sets up five-foot-wide pantry boxes filled with non-perishable items you might pick up at a convenience store. An app will allow you to unlock the box and cameras powered with computer vision will register what you’ve picked up, automatically charging your credit card. The entire process happens without a person actually manning the “store.”

Bodega’s logo is a cat, a nod to the popular bodega cat meme on social media – although if the duo gets their way, real felines won’t have brick-and-mortar shops to saunter around and take naps in much longer. “The vision here is much bigger than the box itself,” McDonald says. “Eventually, centralized shopping locations won’t be necessary, because there will be 100,000 Bodegas spread out, with one always 100 feet away from you.”


I asked McDonald point-blank about whether he’s worried that the name Bodega might come off as culturally insensitive. Not really. “I’m not particularly concerned about it,” he says. “We did surveys in the Latin American community to understand if they felt the name was a misappropriation of that term or had negative connotations, and 97% said ‘no’. It’s a simple name and I think it works.”

But some members of the Hispanic community don’t feel the same way. Take Frank Garcia, the chairman of the New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, who represents thousands of bodega owners. Garcia’s grandfather was the head of the Latin Grocery Association in the 1960s and was part of the original community of immigrants who helped settle on the term “bodega” for the corner store. “To me, it is offensive for people who are not Hispanic to use the name ‘bodega,’ to make a quick buck,'”Garcia says. “It’s disrespecting all the mom-and-pop bodega owners that started these businesses in the ’60s and ’70s.”

Bodega began trending on Twitter this morning...


NcDonald addressed the backlash and offered an apology in a follow-up post on Medium.

Primary victory for Carlina Rivera in District 2 City Council race

In yesterday's Democratic Primary, Carlina Rivera handily won the District 2 race to succeed City Council member Rosie Mendez.

Rivera, a former Mendez staff member who grew up on the Lower East Side, received nearly 61 percent of the vote, according to election information published by NY1.

The seemingly runaway race wasn't without its last-minute drama. In a rare political turn, former New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter reportedly threw his weight behind Ronnie Cho with an endorsement released Monday night.

Turns out that while Jeter may have nice things to say about Cho, he wasn't endorsing him. As the Post followed up: "There was a communications mix-up and a draft release was sent out prematurely."

In addition, supporters of Rivera's opponents on Monday were also peddling since-deleted Facebook photos of her husband, CB3 chair Jamie Rogers, sailing on his father's yacht during races in recent years. Other critics questioned why/how they were living in Section 8 housing. The Villager explores that angle here. Rivera and Rogers both said that "it’s perfectly legal for them to live in the apartment and that their incomes were fully vetted under the requirements of the Section 8 program."

Finally, as The Lo-Down reported, developer Gregg Singer, who owns the former P.S 64 and CHARAS/El Bohio community center on East Ninth Street, began campaigning against the District 2 candidates, including Rivera, who might try to force his hand at returning the property for community use.

In other election news, Mayor de Blasio won big.

The Villager has other local election results here. According to the Daily News, there was "terrible voter turnout" yesterday.

Try a 'Taste of East Village' this Saturday

The second annual "Taste of East Village" is this Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. on Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square.

Here are some details via the EVG inbox...

Twenty local restaurants and bars will participate, including Luke’s Lobster, Porsena, Veselka, Porchetta, Brick Lane Curry House and Le Petit Parisien. The $25 ticket gives attendees a chance to try 4 small plates from participating restaurants – additional tastings are available for purchase at the event.

You can buy tickets here. (They are $30 the day of the event.)

The festival benefits the Cooper Square Committee's affordable housing preservation and organizing work, including the soon-to-open Bea Arthur Residence for homeless LGBT youth on 13th Street.

Mr. Bing will sell traditional Northern Chinese street crepes on St. Mark's Place

[Reader-submitted photo]

Yesterday morning, workers put up the signage for Mr. Bing at 115 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Mr. Bing has been a regular on NYC's food market and festival scene the past two years, selling jianbing, "scallion- and sesame seed-studded crepes stuffed with eggs and other fillings that are artfully composed on a flat-top grill," as Eater describes the popular street food in Northern China.

[Photo by Steven]

Here's more on Mr. Bing's founder, Brian Goldberg via a piece in the Times back in January:

Mr. Goldberg, a Chinese scholar who grew up in Spring Valley, N.Y., in Rockland County, became a professional luge racer and worked in finance before running a couple of places in Hong Kong. He decided a few years ago to do something, he said, “that would be interesting and make people happy.” He’d like to do his part to make jianbing as mainstream as ramen.

Aside from various pop-up locations, Mr. Bing currently has a presence in the UrbanSpace Vanderbilt food hall ... this appears to be the first traditional storefront for the operation.

Mr. Bing is also on this month's CB3-SLA committee docket for a beer-wine license. (This item will not be heard before the committee.)

The previous tenant at 115 St. Mark's Place, Water Witch Mercantile, closed at the end of 2016 after just two months in business.

[Photo by Steven]

Club Cumming debuts tonight on 6th Street

As previously noted, actor-author (and East Village resident) Alan Cumming was teaming up with the Eastern Bloc owners to turn the bar on Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B into Club Cumming.

And tonight marks the opening night... there are a variety of events happening in the space, as you can see from their schedule (find more details via Instagram)... there are jazz nights, book readings, duets with Michael Musto, a Crisco Disco night, and so on...

Cumming described the Club on his Instagram account as "a home for everyone of all ages, all genders, all sexualities, who all enjoy letting go and making some mischief. No judgments, no attitude, no rules, except kindness, acceptance and fun."

Here's a mini preview via the Times the other day.

The East Village storefront, previously home to the popular gay haunt Eastern Bloc, is being transformed into a Weimar-inspired cabaret bar ... The modest space will have illustrated murals of New York night life personalities including Joey Arias, mismatched chandeliers and a small curtained stage with a piano.

Beyond debauchery, events will include book releases, “stitch and bitch” knitting classes and tantric sex workshops. “To have a local bar that is home for artists and those who love them, that’s important to me,” Mr. Cumming said. “I’ve always wanted to make people talk to each other instead of looking at their phones.”

Schmaltz on full display in new-look exterior at Sammy's Roumanian Steakhouse

[Photo from 2010 by James and Karla Murray]

There's a new look outside down at the Chrystie Street mainstay... EVG reader Mike House shared these photos... first, of the usual entrance (which transformed back in the spring)...

A new addition is on the kitchen side of the operation just to the south ... the windows had previously been covered ... now there are giants pitchers of schmaltz, not quite to scale of the ones found on the tables inside...

I'm not sure if the work is complete out front. Perhaps more Sammy's signage will return. (The interior remains the same.)

This northwest corner of Chrystie and Delancey was under cover of a sidewalk bridge and scaffolding for some six years, finally coming down at the start of 2016.

The Urban Vision of Elaine Norman, an exhibit opening tonight on 1st Street

Tonight is the opening reception of a photo exhibit at City Lore on First Street titled "Apple of My Eye: The Urban Vision of Elaine Norman."

Per the City Lore website:

City Lore is pleased to present Elaine Norman’s vision of the city as the first exhibit in our Deep New York series.

“Simply strolling down any New York street can be a visual adventure and an endless opportunity for discovery,” she writes. “The City has an extraordinary capacity to blend past and present, high-brow and low, traditional and modern.”

This vibrant, eclectic and constantly evolving architectural and cultural kaleidoscope has always been Elaine Norman’s passion and source of inspiration.

The reception is 6-9 tonight. The exhibit, which spans 35 years of NYC life, is up through Oct. 15. The gallery, 56 E. First St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue, has hours of 2-6 p.m. on Friday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

'Deception' at Astor Place; dead body takes a break

Crews were out this afternoon filming a scene for the new ABC crime drama "Deception" on Astor Place.

Then everyone took a break...

Photos by Derek Berg

Ramones Ramp mural damaged in Queens

[Ori Carino with Mickey Leigh in June 2016]

On June 5, 2016, East Village-based artist Ori Carino unveiled a new mural at the Thorneycroft Ramp in Forest Hills, Queens. The ceremony was part of a day of events organized by the Queens Museum, which was showing "Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth of Punk" at the time.

Carino painted the image of the four Ramones at the ramp based on a 1975 photograph by photographer Bob Gruen.

Marc H. Miller, the curator of that Ramones show, wrote in to report that the mural has been damaged...

Michael Perlman, a historian who lives in Queens, believes that maintenance workers at the Thorneycroft Ramp at Fanwood Estates painted around artist the mural, possibly before it rained ... sending red, vertical streaks down the mural...

"Everyone loves the mural out there in Forest Hills," Miller told me. "I’m optimistic that the real-estate company that owns the ramp will get it restored. It's just a question of allocating some money for Ori to fix it."

Bali Kitchen will start serving Indonesian cuisine tonight on 4th Street

Bali Kitchen opens this evening at 5 here at 128 E. Fourth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

The small restaurant is owned by Jazz Pasay, a fashion designer in Indonesia who also loves to cook. He has worked at Indonesian and Japanese restaurants in the past. This is his first restaurant in NYC, according to a Bali Kitchen rep, who added "we are delighted to be part of the East Village."

Bali Kitchen is open daily from 5-10:30 p.m. You can find the menu via the Bali website here.


Per Bali Kitchen: "We would like to invite the East Village community to celebrate our opening by giving a 15% discount when your readers mention 'EV Grieve' to our cashiers. This promotion is good until the end of September 2017."

48 Clinton St. for sale as development site

[48 Clinton St.]

Yesterday I noted that 238-240 E. Third St. between Avenue B and Avenue C is available as either a development site or as its most recent use — a theater space.

This is one of two properties that founders of the Blue Man Group sold this past summer for $18.5 million.

The other site is 48 Clinton St. between Stanton and Rivington on the Lower East Side. That rather mysterious building (pictured top) is also for sale.

According to the listing at RKF:

The property can be redeveloped up to 10,000 SF for a mixed-use development as per R7A zoning.

New residential projects include the adjacent 50 Clinton and The Ludlow, which have introduced 280 high-end residential apartments, bringing many young, affluent New Yorkers to the neighborhood.

A PDF of the property — billed as a "redevelopment opportunity" — notes that the four-level space has served as a recording studio.

No. 48 was once home to LoHo Studios, which an array of artists such Joey Ramone, Willie Nelson, Phish, Patti Smith and Joan Jett have used.

There isn't a price listed for No. 48.

Public records show that an LLC affiliated with Blue Man Productions bought the building in 2008 for $5 million.

Ummburger makes it official on 1st Avenue

The coming soon signage arrived over the weekend for Ummburger, a self-described burger bar here at 99 First Avenue and Sixth Street.

Work on the murals began over the Labor Day Weekend...and appear to be finished now...

In materials submitted to CB3 this past spring, the applicants described Ummburger as a "fast casual" concept serving a variety of burgers, including a vegetarian option. There are other sandwiches too, such as a fried chicken sandwich called the Southern Ummfort.

The previous tenant at this address, Mancora, moved across Sixth Street earlier in the summer.

H/T to EVG readers Bruce and Vinny & O for noting the progress!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Ummburger vying for the Mancora space on 1st Avenue