Monday, March 12, 2012

Your chance to run a cafe and kiosk in Union Square

To be honest, we've lost track of exactly what was happening with the restaurant opening at the north side of Union Square Park in the retooled pavilion ... After lawsuits and squabbling and stuff, City Farm Cafe was supposed to open here this spring ... But, per the Times, that group withdrew from the deal last fall...

Yesterday, we noticed the following public notice in the Post...

It's a 15-year lease... with "compensation to the city" starting at $300,000 in Year 1, escalating to $453,777 by Year 15... Given how slow this whole process has been, a restaurant should be in place here in 15 years...

Coming soon to Second Avenue: Gelato

EV Grieve reader abrod passes along word of this incoming gelato shop on Second Avenue near East Fourth Street... previously home to Crembebe, a boutique specializing in kid's fashions...

Oh, and Gelato Ti Amo is part of an international Tuscany-based chain who only use products branded FSC, Forest Stewardship Council, according to the Gelato Ti Amo website.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today in red-tailed hawks eating pigeons in Tompkins Square Park

It was a busy day for hawk watching today in Tompkins Square Park... where onlookers were watching a red-tailed hawk dine on a pigeon...

Eventually, another hawk came along and watched the action as well...

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Meanwhile, for no reason, in Times Square

From a very special correspondent who wanted to keep haunting us with Smurfs.

July 4 — ruined

On Thursday morning, we noted that the lights on the Tompkins Square Park holiday tree were still illuminated... and we said that we hoped they would stay on until July 4. (For no apparent reason.)

Uh, well, Thursday night — the lights were off. (Sorry — horrible picture.) And they remained off all weekend...

We took a closer look at the tree this weekend... and the lights are still attached ... so it's just a matter of plugging in the cord...

However, the NYPD has the tree under 24-hour watch to prevent this from happening.*

[* Not really. But we like to pretend...]

Artichoke expands on East 14th Street

Just two weeks ago, we noted that Curly's Vegetarian Lunch moved on, and the similar-menued 14 Carrot Vegetarian opened in its space on East 14th Street ... and just like that ... @SamStorer is back with this news: 14 Carrot is gone, and neighbor Artichoke has expanded...

Week in Grieview

[76 Third Ave. coming down]

A look at Mary Pupillo's 95 years in the East Village (Wednesday)

The scoop on the Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation closing (Wednesday)

Restoring the Joe Strummer mural (Friday)

More about Bikinis opening on Avenue C (Tuesday)

The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space coming to C-Squat (Monday)

A black-tie wedding reception at Katz's (Sunday)

Retna finishes work on the Houston/Bowery wall (Monday)

Jim Jarmusch is your East Village poets and poetry tour guide (Tuesday)

Why Steve Jobs is now a permanent part of Tompkins Square Park (Friday)

'World's most wanted hacker' lived on Avenue D (Tuesday)

Obscura opens on Avenue A (Sunday)

'Imagine a park' at 51 Astor Place (Tuesday)

The painting Billy Leroy left behind

So the tent is gone now here at Billy's Antiques...

Proprietor Billy Leroy passed along this photo of a painting that he accidentally left behind on the property...

BoweryBoogie has coverage of the funeral possession here.

Today at Bar 82

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Depending on the time, it may be an hour later than you think

Remember the whole "spring forward" thing tonight...

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Bye bye Billy's

Here's the tent at Billy's Antiques last evening on Houston at the Bowery ...

[Photo via Fresh Paint NYC]

And today, the tent came down... a funeral procession ensued...

Look for a two-story brick building some day (and subsequent dozens of posts) ... Billy says that he will return...

Bottom two photos by Bobby Williams.

Fire on East Ninth Street

8E sends along this photo from a fire earlier this evening at 55 E. 9th St. (between Broadway and University) ... don't know the extent of the damage just yet...