Wednesday, November 22, 2017

[Updated] Swiss Institute revamp now in sidewalk bridge phase

[Photo Tuesday by Steven]

As previously reported, the Swiss Institute, a non-profit cultural center, is moving to the Icon Realty-owned 130 Second Ave. at St. Mark's Place.

Workers have been gutting the former Chase branch since August... on Tuesday, the sidewalk bridge went up ...

[Bottom 2 bridge pics from yesterday]

Hopefully this will help preserve the wheatpaste ads that seem to change every few hours on the plywood.

Inside, here's more about what to expect via the Institute's website:

In Spring 2018, Swiss Institute looks forward to relocating to a new long-term home in New York City’s East Village, moving into a building at the corner of St. Marks Place and Second Avenue. Swiss Institute has hired Selldorf Architects to oversee the transformation of the new building. The 7,500 square foot space features four levels – basement, ground floor, second floor and roof.

The design for the building will create spaces for exhibitions, projects and public programs, a library, a bookstore, and a rooftop garden. SI’s new home is located within half a mile of several prominent cultural and educational institutions including Anthology Film Archives, Cooper Union, Danspace Project, ICP, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New Museum, New York University, The Poetry Project, and The Public Theater.

Updated 10:30 a.m.

The scaffolding and construction netting is going up now...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Swiss Institute moving into the former Chase branch on 2nd Avenue and St. Mark's Place

IBar signage arrives at the Coal Yard ahead of tomorrow's merger

[Photo by Scott McBride]

As noted here yesterday, the International Bar is closing after service tonight (early tomorrow morning) at 120 1/2 First Ave. Starting on Thanksgiving, sister bar the Coal Yard a block to the south near Sixth Street will be the home of the International.

Ahead of that, the International Bar lettering was added yesterday to the Coal Yard's front window.

The latest iteration of the iBar opened in June 2008. Word is that No. 120 1/2 landlord Steve Croman wasn't offering a lease renewal.

Former Caffe Bene space under renovation on St. Mark's Place

The former Caffe Bene space is getting the covered-window treatment on St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

Renovations are underway inside the space... the work permits don't reveal who the new tenant is here at No. 24.


If you had to bet based on current neighborhood retail trends, then something involving desserts or noodles would be a safe wager.

The Caffe Bene outpost closed back in April after 17 months in business.

Before Caffe B, the address was a Pinkberry. The space was on the market for nearly six months before Caffe Bene signed a 10-year lease in August 2015, with a reported asking rent in the $240 per-square-foot territory.


This sidewalk addition apparently occurred last evening outside 421 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Just because the photo isn't of your face doesn't mean they can't identify you. At this very moment this picture is on its way to Washington where the FBI has experts in this type of identification. If you turn yourselves in now, you may escape a Federal charge.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday's parting shot

The view downtown this evening via Bobby Williams...

Joe to the world

Holiday decorations are up on the Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on Seventh Street at Avenue A...

Cool places

Outside the former Golden Food Market on Seventh Street at First Avenue ... previously.

Headline H/T

The International Bar closing, merging with the Coal Yard on 1st Avenue

The latest iteration of the International Bar closes after service tomorrow night at 120 1/2 First Avenue. The bar will be merging with its sister saloon, the Coal Yard, one block to the south between Seventh Street and Sixth Street. The Coal Yard space will be rebranded as the International... and will be open on Thanksgiving. (This information comes from two bartenders and a handful of regulars.)

This move had been anticipated for some time as ownership knew that the landlord for No. 120 1/2, Steve Croman, wasn't going to renew the lease.

The International has had several lives since it first opened at 119 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue in the 1970s... owner Mary Petruno and her son Michael later moved the bar to No. 120 1/2 when she bought the building.

[International Bar & Grill, 119 St. Marks Place, 1986 © Ted Barron]

I'm a little hazy on details of when everything happened at No. 120 1/2, such as the bar moving from the north side of the space to the south side and back to the north side. (This post at Vanishing New York has some of the background.) The International closed in 2005 ... and the space sat empty until Shawn Dahl and Molly Fitch reopened the International in its current low-key neighborhood format in June 2008.

[The International the other morning]

Molly and Shawn opened the equally low-key Coal Yard in 2010.

Updated 11/22

From today's post.

[Photo by Scott McBride]

Updated 11:30 a.m.

Thanks to EVG reader John M. for this screengrab... when Keith Richards walks by the International when it was on St. Mark's Place during the "Waiting on a Friend" video...

... and once again...

Tompkins Square Library hosting the East Village Arts Festival on Dec. 13

The Tompkins Square Library branch on 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B is hosting an all-day Arts Festival on Dec. 13.

The day includes a variety of performances, workshops and displays by local artists from 11 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. You can find the full rundown here.

Here's one highlight:

5-5:45pm: 16mm Film Screening. We'll be screening two short 16mm films from the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts reserve film and video collection, both filmed on the Lower East Side, in our basement community room. The Heart of Loisaida (1979; 30 min.) Producers, directors: Bienvenida Matias and Marci Reaven. Shows efforts on New York's Lower East Side to revive abandoned buildings through the work and persistence of the local, predominantly Latino residents.

A la Guerra (1979; 10 min.) Producer, director: Thomas Sigel. Actor/poet Bimbo Rivas presents an ode to the struggle against assimilation being waged by the Puerto Rican community of New York's Lower East Side.

The 26th annual Unsilent Night returns on Dec. 17

[Photo in Tompkins Square Park via Instagram]

Via the official website:

Composer Phil Kline will lead a massive chorus of boomboxes from the West Village to the East Village in the 26th annual holiday presentation of Unsilent Night. People gather at the arch in Washington Square Park, and less than an hour and mile later, end up in Tompkins Square Park.

Phil Kline will hand out a limited number of vintage boomboxes from his collection — and cassettes and CDs for those who bring their own. The public is strongly encouraged to bring their own boomboxes or sound-blasters, and to pre-download the track. Find out more about how to participate and download the tracks.

Participants will meet at 5:45 p.m. in Washington Square Park ... the approximate end time is 6:45 p.m. in Tompkins Square Park.

Turntable 5060 returning after months-long hiatus

Turntable 5060 has been closed on Avenue B at Fourth Street since late July. A sign on the door pointed to a closure for renovations. (It never looked as if much renovating had been going on inside.)

In any event, now there's a new sign, one stating that they'll reopen on Dec. 1...

The restaurant serving Korean-style fried chicken and craft beers opened in July 2015. Turntable opened a new location on 33rd Street this past summer.

Monday, November 20, 2017


The Robb Report checks in today with an update on Ben Shaoul's 11-story, 94-unit condoplex on East Houston at Orchard Street.

Adam Rolston, creative and managing director at INC. Architecture & Design, discusses the handmade glazed bricks that they imported from a small fishing village in Spain for this development.

Rolston wanted a handmade, metallic-glazed brick that would evoke the old-world character of glazed terra-cotta while also bringing a touch of luxury. He found it in Cadaqués, a small community in Spain formerly visited by artists such as Picasso and Miró. “We went to Europe to find a handmade, metallic-glazed brick — and specifically the Costa Brava of Spain where this particular handmade brick-making tradition survives,” Rolston says.


The hand-laid, gilded-bronze brick — which reaches the second floor of the building — is infused with gold dust that becomes more golden over time as it oxidizes in the air. Imported directly from Cadaqués, the brick cannot be replicated in the United States, meaning that the building has a truly distinct and one-of-a-kind look.

The building will also benefit from a truly distinct and one-of-a-kind aroma from Katz's next door.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Making way for Ben Shaoul's new retail-residential complex on East Houston

Katz's is now the last business on East Houston between Ludlow and Orchard

Send a salami to your boy next door in the condo