As Curbed noted, the Cooper Square Hotel is throwing a bash tonight to unveil its new graffiti mural...
Here's what the mural looked like as of Saturday...
And we did a little research to learn more about the origins of the
Homer Simpson tribute.
Also, for the record, I want to be clear that I really like the work of the four graffiti artists --
Joyce Pensato, Nick 1,
Vizie and
Shinique Smith -- who were hired to create this mural. And I'm happy that they have such a high-profile canvas to show their work.
My problem is with the Cooper Square Hotel's lame attempt to suddenly try to fit into the neighborhood. As the
Post reported:
Klus Ortleib, the hotel's managing partner, wants the place to fit in with the edgy local art scene. "When I came up with the idea, people said I was crazy," he said.
Anyway! We assume that the mural is finished. The bushes that were removed to make way for the crane...
...have been replanted.
Sort of. I'm not much of a gardener, but I always thought plant life did better in the ground if you first took off the burlap around its roots...