Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Report: State turns off the gin taps at Gin Palace

Gin Palace got some buzzy press when it recently opened on the corner of Avenue A and East Sixth Street, particularly for its gin on taps, as featured above in the Post.

Last evening, Robert Simonson at Diner's Journal reported that the New York State Liquor Authority turned off those taps on Monday, citing them as illegal. An SLA spokesperson said that charges were not brought against Gin Palace.

Meanwhile, bar owner Ravi DeRossi believes what Gin Palace is doing is legal, and plans to fight the ruling at a July 20 hearing, according to Diner's Journal.

DeRossi thinks the SLA's action stems from a Prohibition-era law "that forbids a bar from taking alcohol from a bottle, pouring it into another and serving it." Apparently the SLA amended that law to allow for the use of frozen margaritas machines.

Anyway, Gin Palace is still open serving drinks not coming from a gin-and-tonic tap.


This is what happens when a mannequin plays with fireworks

We're not big on "scared straight" messages, but... just lookee — maybe never to model Patricia Field again.

Careful out there today, people. You may know what you're doing with your illegal fireworks, but the mannequin next to you might not...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Aiko is next artist to take on the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall

A tipster tells us that a new mural will be going up soon at the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall ... dunno yet who the featured artist will be... In any event, we did spot the above this afternoon outside the wall... Retna, the current artist, wrapped up work back in March...

The Houston/Bowery Mural Wall is currently enjoying, perhaps, Worldwide Acclaim via the new music video by 11-year-old Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada.

Updated 3:53 p.m.

Another tipster tells us that Aiko, the Japanese artist who now resides in Brooklyn, will be starting work on the wall this weekend.

Here's an example of her work from the Wynwood Walls in Miami ...


DOH temporarily closes Tuck Shop on East First Street

A Tuck Shop regular regretfully informs us that the DOH has temporarily closed the East First Street location after a visit yesterday yielded 46 violation points, including for "evidence" of various live things ... You can hit the locations on St. Mark's Place and the Chelsea Market in the meantime...

The Houston/Bowery Mural Wall plays starring role in new Willow Smith video

And now, here's the new video (uploaded July 1) from 11-year-old Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada, starring parts of Houston and the Bowery.

We can talk about it all later, maybe.

[H/t @shawnshahani]

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

[MTA testing new seat cushions for the L]

Recreating CBGB in Georgia (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York ... Gothamist)

When “I Wanna Be Sedated” becomes Muzak for the consuming masses (The Durango Herald)

25-story hotel in the works for Chrystie Street (BoweryBoogie)

Avoiding chains on the LES (The Lo-Down)

More about Schmidty's return (DNAinfo)

Movie Star News closing in Chelsea (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Looking at the Terminal Stores building (The Gog Log)

NYC skyline shots that may make you dizzy (Curbed)

Bloomberg presides over the ceremonial weigh-in for Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest (Runnin' Scared)

Sunday Evening on the Coney Island boardwalk (Tripping With Marty)

And as we noted via Twitter Saturday, the Stage is on vacation until July 10...

... and EVG reader Sammy noted some minor work going on at the diner this morning ...

...and we're not sure if this wrong-bike-locked issue has been resolved at Third Street and Avenue A... photos via Dave on 7th...

Advocate for East Third Street buildings moving to Washington Heights

[April 2012]

As we were first to report this past March 15, Abart Holdings LLC was ready to sell three buildings at 50, 54 and 58 East Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Tenants with market-rate apartments weren't having their leases renewed. Per one resident in March:

"There are definitely much older families who live in the building, and suddenly they've been unceremoniously thrown out. The building is terrible as it is — several break-ins, terrible staircase, the entrance is poorly maintained — and now they are kicking everyone out."

Ben Kim at the Voice discovered that the landlord behind Abart Holdings LLC is Abe Haruvi. (The Voice wrote in October 2000 about how Haruvi allegedly tried to evict long-term tenants elsewhere in the city.)

The residents banded together and formed a tenants group; local politicians came out to offer support during a rally on May 7.

In the end, though, the Big Real Estate Machine was too great to overcome.

On Sunday, resident Sue Palchak-Essenpreis, who helped rally her fellow tenants, told us that she and her husband are moving out after 15 years. They tried to fight the non-renewal of their lease, which was up in May. On Friday, she and her husband appeared in housing court to see if they would have to pay the legal fees of Abart Holdings. She shared an email that she sent to other residents. In part, it read:

It is with heavy hearts and an empty bank account that Greg and I share the news that we are officially leaving.

We gave it the best that we had, but Abart's Goliath proved too huge for our humble David. The terms of the lawsuit were brutal and frightening, but in the end we settled. We ended up forfeiting our security deposit, which would cover one of the 2 months we were here past our lease end, and they accepted our last rent check. They did not hold us to the $3,500 per month they wanted us to pay, nor their legal fees, which was also in the suit. Their lawyer wrote into the settlement that they cannot come after us for any further damages to the apartment once we vacate. They will put a black mark on our credit that will be listed as "Settled to Satisfaction" once they prove we have truly vacated by July 14.

We are moving to Washington Heights.

I encourage any and all stabilized tenants to utilize 311 to it's fullest extent! Keep up the fight for acceptable living conditions! Hold Abe Haruvi accountable for the buildings that he is willing to destroy lives over!

We didn't go quietly. We fought the best fight that we could. And at the very least, we shed light on the fact that there is a real need for rent regulation and tenant protection...

Palchak-Essenpreis said that she received a few responses to her email, and that others in the buildings have either moved out or are in the process of doing so ... And a few of her former neighbors "paid outrageous brokers' fees, only to move into less space with giant rent increases."

"Abart wins, totally unaware of the devastation he's left in his wake," she said later in an email. "I cannot speak for the others, but we are completely destroyed... All because someone wants a couple extra hundred bucks a month off of our home."

Yesterday, residents received notices that the buildings were sold to Safeguard Realty Management Inc. is the new property manager.

And the couple, who are moving to Washington Heights tomorrow, received notice that they owe next month's rent.

"It just doesn't stop," Palchak-Essenpreis said.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Three apartment buildings sold on East Third Street

Know your rights: Help with understanding NYC rent laws

More about the lease renewals at 50, 54 and 58 E. Third St.

Tenants at 50, 54 and 58 E. Third St. banding to together in face of building sale

Is Duane Park in the Bowery Poetry Club's future?

As noted previously ... We've heard a lot of speculation in recent weeks about the future of the Bowery Poetry Club. All sorts of rumors have been flying around, from an imminent closure to a months-long renovation. On June 21, founder Bob Holman assured us the Club was not closing permanently.

A commenter left this on our Jugger-nut post last night... and it falls in line with what we've heard of late about the Club's future:

Around the BPC, it is pretty well known at this point that BPC is 1st closing for months of renovation. (i.e. transformed into an upscale supper club and stripped of it's salt-of-the-earth art aesthetic and events.) After, it is being leased by said fancy supper/cabaret club Duane Park. Many Bowery performers do indeed perform there, but their dinner/show night is $75 and their show content is mostly cabaret jazz and upscale burlesque. Apparently Bob will be booking the club on Sundays on Mondays only? So perhaps a few poetry events of choosing will remain at the BPC.... I will miss the BPC terribly.

Side note: Lady Gaga made a surprise appearance at Duane Park's After Dark party back in 2010. You can look at more of the Tribeca club's jazz and burlesque offerings here.

Mourning continues at Mystery Lot



Looking at new lodging options in Tompkins Square Park



Photos by Bobby Williams.

Back to work on the Seventh Street sinkhole

On June 22, a moving truck got stuck in a pothole-turned-sinkhole on East Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... Crews worked to cover up the hole on June 22 and 23...

However, workers returned for the first time yesterday to finish the job...

EVG reader Chris Kilmer notes that some residents along have been without gas service since Jun 22 ... Via Chris, some aerial views of the extensive sinkhole-sewer repair...

Forcella aiming for a sidewalk cafe on the Bowery

Over on the Bowery, Forcella — La Pizza di Napoli, which opened last fall, is seeking a sidewalk cafe... per the notice on the pizzeria's front window, the hearing on the matter is this Thursday afternoon...

...and here's the view outside the restaurant looking south...

...and north...


Spotted on the plywood outside the David Schwimmer construction site at 331 E. Sixth St.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Kiss alive II

Back with an update at 10 p.m. (Kidding! Probably.)

Here's Jugger-nut at the Bowery Poetry Club

On Saturday night (well, actually early Sunday morning), Jugger-nut performed for the last time at the Bowery Poetry Club. (The band is still going strong; it's the Club's future that is rather uncertain at the moment. Read more about all that here.)

Anyway, band photographer Walter Wlodarczyk shared some photos from the set... a little something to prep you for the Fourth of July...

Find more info about Jugger-nut on the band's Facebook page.

Just added! Video by Maks Suski from the show...


Outside JoeDough on First Avenue this afternoon. Photo by Andrew Adam Newman on Avenue C.

Report: St. Mark's Bookshop looking for a new, smaller home

In an article Crain's posted this afternoon about Hue-Man Bookstore & Café closing its doors in Harlem, reporter Matthew Flamm also notes:

St. Mark's Bookshop, a literary fixture in the East Village for 35 years, is hoping to move out of its current home when its rent goes up toward the end of this year.

According to the article, the $250,000 small business grant that St. Mark's (and many others) applied for from Chase Bank would go to finance a move to a smaller location.

Said Bookshop co-owner Bob Contant: "We'd like to stay in the East Village. We understand the print book business has declined, but we're still doing enough business to keep going, if we had a smaller space with less rent."

No word on plans if they don't get the grant...

In a much-publicized story last fall, landlord Cooper Union agreed to reduce the store's rent to about $17,500 a month from $20,000 for one year, and to forgive $7,000 in debt. But that one year is quickly coming to an end...

Kiss alive

This morning.


Bowery Boogie
Flaming Pablum

Reader looking for more information about an accident on Bowery and East Fourth Street

In a post on June 18, a resident noted what he considered dangerous pedestrian crossing signals on the Bowery at East Third Street and East Fourth Street... meanwhile, a reader writes in about a recent accident at the intersection... and he could use your help...

On June 22 — just a few days after the article was written on EV Grieve about the dangerous intersections on the Bowery — I was hit by a truck while I was crossing Bowery at E. 4th; and I was in the crosswalk with a walk signal.

I work as a bartender at Standings on E. 7th and was hit after work late Friday around 3 a.m. There were plenty of people around, but because I was taken away to Bellevue due to the seriousness of my injuries, I didn't get to talk to anybody about what happened.

The police report says that driver's statement is that I "walked into his vehicle," even though I had the walk signal and he was turning left from 4th onto Bowery. If anybody happened to see this accident, could you email me? It'd be such a great help.

Aaron F.

Aaron spent the night at Bellevue with various cuts and bruises. The staples came out of the back of his head on Friday. He says that it was a box truck — a white delivery truck with a flat face. He doesn't recall any writing on the truck. Regardless of the injuries, he's grateful that it wasn't any worse...

Did it seem like a lot of people were moving this past weekend?

[East 11th Street Saturday night. Photo by Shawn Chittle]

Of course it's commonplace to see people moving (in or out) at the end of a month... But this month seemed like more than usual... on Saturday morning, during a short walk, I counted 11 moving trucks/vans/station wagons in just a few blocks... anyone else notice more people coming and going...?