Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Vella Market is now open in former Kate's Joint space

On Saturday morning, we spotted workers removing the plywood around the new market opening on East Fourth Street and Avenue B...

Anyway, meant to note that Vella Market is now open... we first got word of the new market last July.

Our friends at MoRUS also sent along a few photos from last evening...

The previous tenant, Kate's Joint, the 16-year-old vegetarian eatery, closed about this time last year.

Anyone try Vella yet? A former manager of Gracefully on Avenue A is running the place, a neighbor noted...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: Organic market taking over former Kate's Joint space

For rent signs going up at Kate's Joint; and here come the Starbucks rumors

Marshal seizes Kate's Joint

Monday, April 15, 2013

Report: Boukiés owner sues State Liquor Authority

Christos Valtzoglou, the owner of Boukiés (try the Spanakotyropitakia!) on Second Avenue and East Second Street, is suing the State Liquor Authority over an "illegal agreement" with Community Board 3, DNAinfo reported today.

Per the article:

[T]he SLA's decision not to grant a full liquor license to Christos Valtzoglou’s East Village restaurant Boukiés was based on an agreement between Community Board 3 and Valtzoglou that the board did not have the authority to make.

It's a little complicated, and dates back to when Valtzoglou could only get approval for beer-wine for his well-received but short-lived Heartbreak Cafe at the same address.

Also from the article.

Susan Stetzer, District Manager of CB3, appeared at the meeting to voice opposition to Valtzoglou’s application, according to legal documents alleging the board was interested more in asserting its power than in acting in the community interest.

“CB3 was motivated more by its interest in keeping its authority intact rather than representing the interests of its community members,” according to the lawsuit.

Boukiés opened almost one year ago to this date. Stetzer said that she was unaware of the lawsuit and declined to comment to DNAinfo.

Read the whole article here.

Report: Former PS 64 one step closer to becoming a 500-bed dorm for multiple NYC colleges

[Last October on East Ninth Street]

The former P.S. 64 and CHARAS/El Bohio community center on East Ninth Street will house students from several New York colleges, The Wall Street Journal reported today.

University House will be home to 500 co-eds, with Cooper Union already signing a 15-year agreement for 200 of the beds.

Developer Gregg Singer said that he "expects rents to be about $1,550
per month per bed," according to the Journal.

Singer said that the renovations will cost nearly $40 million. Amenities of the University House will include a health center, private study rooms and a fitness center.

The brief appears on page A22 today. We did not spot the article online. Find the article here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Will old PS 64 get a theater for nonprofit groups?

Rebranded P.S. 64 up for grabs: Please welcome University House at Tompkins Square Park to the neighborhood

Deed for 'community facility use only' at the former P.S. 64 now on the market

Reader report: East Village tenants taking Kushner Companies to housing court

[March 27]

Several residents of one of the walkups that the Kushner Companies purchased earlier this year submitted the following post...

The Kushner Companies officially took over control of the 17 buildings on the LES that Ben Shaoul owned for 3-plus years. For the 2 months that followed the change of ownership, Jared Kushner's company failed to provide basic services like heat, hot water and a locked front door. The tenants filed an HP Action against Kushner and are taking him to Housing Court this week.

In the past 2-3 months under new ownership, the daily lives of the tenants in the building have been a living hell. Clearly, their focus is on getting the $35,000/month 7-11 in on the ground floor without a care for the well-being of the tenants.

The issues in the HP Action include:

1. No Heat/Hot Water: No heat & hot water on a regular basis, even during the coldest weeks of winter when the outside temp was 16F. The culmination of which was a month ago when it was 25F outside and the tenants in the building repeatedly called the building manager and the super, who ignored the requests from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Temps inside fell below 45F and the tenants who stayed were sleeping fully clothed with jackets on. In addition to the heat being off completely, the boiler is now on a timer so the heat came on only twice per day leaving the building cold (below the legally mandated inside temperature) and the hot water being lukewarm at best.

2. Malfunctioning Heating System: terrible clanking of the pipes when the heat goes on, which makes sleeping through the night impossible. There were tenants who stayed with friends and relatives b/c even with ear plugs, they couldn’t fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

3. Cracked Walls/Structural Damage: cracks in the walls of apartments on ever floor due to shoddy contractor work in the soon-to-be 7-11 space in the first floor. The company has since fired the contractors and the work has no resumed because of the HP Action.

4. Unlocked Main Entrance: front door electric key system failing randomly with no apparent reason from 1 day to 7 days locking tenants outside or inside of the building and leaving the building unsafe with the front door unlocked at all times. Tenants had to call 911 and have the NYPD come on Tuesday night several weeks back as the front door was wide open and a man was trying to get into apartments at 3:30 AM.

5. Smoke Detector Removal: the contractors disconnected and removed smoke detectors in the hallways as the dust was setting them off saying they had it approved by the FDNY so it’s perfectly legal.

6. Low Water Pressure: extremely low water pressure in faucets and showers throughout the building.

7. Illegal After Hours Work: Contractors working after hours (8 AM on Saturday), blocking hallways, blocking doorways and doing work that created so much dust and debris that DOB ordered that they cover apartment doors to protect residents.

8. Unavailable Super: super has rarely been available to solve maintenance problems (they only hired 1 super for 17 buildings and he doesn’t live in Manhattan), and never available after 4 PM or on the weekends. Emergency contact provided did not work.

9. Filthy Hallways/Entrance: hallways and entrance have not been cleaned on a regular basis in months. The stairwells of the building are disgusting.

The residents said that there were discussions of a rent abatement, but that never materialized.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Jared Kushner paid $49 million for 7 more Ben Shaoul-owned properties in the East Village

More about Jared Kushner's East Village buying spree

Something Sweet still looking for help to revive its beloved business

Last month, we posted information about the owners of Something Sweet looking for help to revive the longtime bakery on First Avenue and East 11th Street. The owners contacted us this past weekend, saying that they were still looking for help with a revival. There was some interest after the last posting.

"Yes, we got lots of emails. However, none really worked out," they said. "Some were just curious, some wanted to partner or so without funds."

You can read more about the bakery and its history at at DNAinfo. From that article:

"To me it was old Europe," said Anna, a customer of 40 years ... "I always said when that [Something Sweet] closes, it's over for the East Village."

Joey Ramone died 12 years ago today

Born: May 19, 1951
Died: April 15, 2001

Previously on EV Grieve:
Mickey Leigh on his brother Joey Ramone's 'New York City' video

Looking for Joey Ramone Place

East Second Street gets a bike lane

EVG regular Spike passes along this photo with news that East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue now has a new bike lane...

... and apparently no one told this guy, spotted walking in the bike lane...

Also, no word just yet how this will impact the double parking on this block.

[Updated] What is that atop the Jefferson?

We were walking east on East 13th Street Friday afternoon (oh, how was your weekend?) and we spotted this atop The Jefferson, the incoming condo ...


What the hell is that?

Don't recall seeing that in the renderings.

Shared building amenities include a rooftop terrace with party facilities and a BBQ. Maybe it's a party facility? DJ Booth? Portal to the 18th century?

Guesses as to what this is... are welcome in the comments.

Updated 10:20

Curbed quickly cleared up the mystery, looking at some zoning diagrams and noting that this is an "allowable rooftop obstruction" for an elevator machine room. That's boring!

Previously on EV Grieve:
City approves new building for Mystery Lot

The last days of the Mystery Lot

Before it was the Mystery Lot

The Mystery Lot developers using famous dead comedians to sell condos at The Jefferson

Jefferson retail façade — revealed

Speaking of The Jefferson... workers removed the plywood and netting and stuff on the first of the two new retail spaces along East 14th Street...

There are two spaces available, as we've pointed out previously here.

Here's the official retail listing...

Branding Alder

An EV Grieve Alder Watcher Reader was curious why there wasn't s sign up at noted LES chef Wylie Dufresne's new restaurant on Second Avenue near East 10th Street.

Don't when this happened, but there is a sign of sorts, according to the Alder Watcher Reader...

Branded into the woodwork...

No word if this is available in peel-and-stick tattoos as well.

The Bowery just got a little more bland

Nearly two years ago, CB3's Transportation & Public Safety/Environment Committee OK'd an application for a new newsstand for the Bowery at East Second Street...

Anyway, the characterless little box arrived last week, as BoweryBoogie noted.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Newsstand in the works for the Bowery and Second Street

Sunday, April 14, 2013

At today's 'No 7-Eleven' rally in the East Village

Today's "No 7-Eleven" community event started in Tompkins Square Park and moved over to Avenue A and East 11th Street where the shop will some day call home...

First, a few photos courtesy of Steven Hirsch...


And via Bobby Williams...

You will likely find more of a recap soon via the newish No 7-Eleven blog right here.

Zoltar, among the hats

Zoltar late this afternoon, waiting for team Zoltar to repair his broken glass (and heart).

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Week in Grieview

[Avenue C this morning]

Deal off to bring Crif Dogs to the former Billy's Antiques space (Friday)

Your East Village bike share locations (Tuesday)

Cops arrest the Money Boyz (Friday)

Remembering Walter (Friday)

Don't pee on your building (Monday)

Here is the official CBGB Movie poster (Monday)

Amazing storm photos (Wednesday)

Katie Holmes films on Avenue A (Thursday)

Discussing the "ultra loud sex noises" on East 10th Street (Friday)

Yes to Golden Cadillac, no to The Asphalt Jungle (Tuesday)

Watch this guy go berserk inside Lebrini's Pizzeria (Thursday)

More about the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office closing/relocation (Monday)

It was pretty warm (Tuesday)

Piccola Positano closes on East 4th Street (Monday)

Father Pat lost his car during that East Ninth Street fire (Tuesday)

Papaya King sign arrives (Friday)

Woooooo! New bank branch! (Tuesday)

Early-morning motorcycle fire (Monday)

Live above Nevada Smiths in a luxurious penthouse with a small kitchen (Friday)

David Cross says the East Village on weekend nights is the 'worst fucking place in the world'

Our friend David Cross, former East Village resident, is in a new movie called "It's a Disaster" ... and he gets the "My New York" treatment in the Post today.

And he does not have fond memories of the neighborhood, at least on weekend nights... as he discusses his former apartment on Avenue A and East Third Street.

“Two things made me want to leave the East Village. It was awful, party-central loud and obnoxious. On Friday and Saturday nights, it’s the worst f - - king place in the world. It’s like the French Quarter. There’s broken glass and trash everywhere, puking, yelling and fighting. That combined with how many great little places were turning into Duane Reade and Subway sandwich and Chase banks. And 7-Eleven? That’s not why I moved to Manhattan.”

Cross now lives in Brooklyn.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Commenter comedy gold

The EV Evil Triumvirate (IHOP, 7-Eleven and Subway) sends David Cross packing to Brooklyn

[Image via Wikimedia Commons]

More details about yesterday afternoon's shooting on Avenue C and East Third Street

Many readers shared news of a large police presence yesterday afternoon around 2 on Avenue C and East Third Street. According to witnesses, a man was shot in the stomach "in a drug deal gone bad."

According to the Post today, a gunman shot a 52-year-old man before fleeing. The victim is at Bellevue. His injuries were not life-threatening, per the Post.

The shooting occurred near Lebrini's Pizzeria on the corner of East Third Street and Avenue C. Owner Bobby Lebrini passed along the photos here. He believed that there were two men who met the victim, who was standing in front of the cab in the photos. One man stood on the corner while the other two talked for about 1 minute. That's when the one man allegedly produced a gun and shot the victim in the stomach.

"It must have been a small caliber — like a .22 — because there were like 10 people in the pizzeria and no one heard it or reacted to it on [the video surveillance]," Lebrini said.

Both men, who were described as Hispanic, took off south toward Houston.

Meeting tonight to discuss the future of 173 E. Second St.

As noted several times, The Living Room is hoping to move its live-music venue from Ludlow Street to East Second Street... they withdrew from this month's CB3/SLA meeting, though ... Regardless, it's still a big topic of conversation for residents... and the focus of tonight's 2nd Street Block Association Meeting... According to the flyers posted on the block, The Living Room will likely be on the May CB3/SLA docket...

During a recent community meeting, some residents here said that they were "vehemently opposed to the possibility of The Living Room" on this block between Avenue A and Avenue B. (Read that post here.)

The space currently housing Klean & Kleaner, the laundromat at 173 E. Second St., remains on the market.

Another day of special deliveries for David Schwimmer

On Thursday, workers were making a big special delivery to David Schwimmer's new home on East Sixth Street... a big crane was dropping various accessories off for a rooftop garden...

And yesterday, EVG reader Eva points out that there were even more deliveries...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Is David Schwimmer the 'Friends' star who now owns the demolished 331 E. Sixth St. townhouse?

Outrage over total demolition of historic East Sixth Street townhouse

Here is David Schwimmer's East Village home

Here comes David Schwimmer's rooftop garden

Party girls pooped in Tompkins Square Park

Looks like we possibly found at least two of the occupants of that stretch pink limo... Jose Garcia spotted these two prima donnas crashed in Tompkins Square Park this morning...

Sadly, the nearby Magic Sippy Cup smelled of vodka...

Zoltar still sees a glassless future in the East Village

As we reported yesterday, a group of youths apparently and/or allegedly smashed Zoltar's glass outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. East Village Hawkeye heard that Zoltar would be repaired last night.

However. When we stopped by this morning to ask Zoltar who the Giants would take in the first round of the NFL draft (D.J. Fluker? Chance Warmack?), the machine was still out of commission. Someone did clean up the broken glass from inside his perch.

In the meantime, we do like the street-sign shadow on the back of Zoltar's box.