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A follow-up on Friday's item about the the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office closing/relocating... An EVG reader sent us this letter by the front doors at the branch on East 14th Street near Avenue A ... the letter has more details about what's happening here...
From Joseph J. Mulvery, facilities implementation, U.S. Postal Service:
"The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is proposing the relocation of the Peter Stuyvesant Station Post Office...to a yet to-be-determined location with the same zip code area.
The reason behind this proposal is the upcoming expiration of the lease on the present location. The lease will expire in February 2014, and we have been unable to reach agreement with the landlord on a new lease."
Jeez, the USPS can't even afford it here...
The letter was apparently posted on Wednesday.
And as a reminder:
There's a Town Hall scheduled on the matter between Community Board 3 and Community Board 6 on April 22. Location: — Campos Plaza Community Center (gym) at 611 East 13th Street (btwn Aves B & C)
Previously on EV Grieve:
UPDATED: Did you hear the rumor about the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office branch closing?
The many times I saw Allen Ginsberg over the years, 60s, 70s and 80s, he was always entering or exiting the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office. Even when I didn't see him there his memory was there forever. I always will associate that PO with him.
And I've seen Richard Hell there many a time. It's a Poet's Post Office!
Easily the worst-run post office in the city, if not the state and the country. Woe is the person who attempts to collect a package with one of those pink slips they leave at your door. These employees give all civil servants a bad name; you could not find a collection of people more inclined to do nothing and help no customer anywhere, even in the great clusterf*ck that is the US Postal Service.
It's nice that Ginsberg and Richard Hell (are forced to) use the same place as us non-poets, but I'd love to see this place close and a real, functioning post office take its place. Heck, I'd walk to the PO on 4th Ave just to be served by people who don't act like they're being put upon to, you know, do their jobs.
I HATE this post office! Good riddance!
wow... WTF is going on in 14th St.?
It goes to show that almost any area is desirable for raping and pillaging by real estate Ben Shaoul types or Planet NYU [borg cubes] dorms...
And yeah that post office suked, but moving it won't solve the problem same employees will be at the new place glad I moved out of that zip code about two years ago...
The only thing worse than being stuck on a long line at the Stuyvesant Post Office is being forced to listen to the moaning, kvetching customers! It's similar to the airport, when a stressed out customer loses his or her composure. You can tell from their high-and-mighty tone they think they're 100% righteous and that everyone must agree with them, meanwhile those who are more experienced in the situation, or who don't customarily overreact to being inconvenienced, are actually embarassed, just rolling their eyes, thinking, "why didn't I bring along headphones or a book."
I was in Associated this morning and a Postal Worker was in front of me in line. She said that they are moving to 23rd Street near 3rd Avenue in February 2014. It's probably that big P.O. between 3rd and 4th. She didn't know what would happen with the P.O. boxes. Bummer. I hope they open a mini branch nearby like the one on 3rd between B and C.
um...isn't the city the landlord ? can we blame the greed of bloomburg for this too ??
I'm the first person to say that the customer isn't always right but I can say first hand that most of the time customers "moan" because they know what to expect from the couple of rude people working there. Not all the employees, but 2 or 3 is all it takes to piss a line full of customers off.
I hope the move includes removing the 2 women I'm talking about because they clearly hate having a job.
I've personally been verbally abused by one of the women there so many times ( as well as witnessed her verbally abusing elderly people ) that I refuse to use the window service (when the automated service won't suffice). In fact, I go to 4th and 11th for window service unless I have to pick up a package.
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