Crif Dogs will not be selling its wares from the former Billy's Antiques space on East Houston at Elizabeth Street, we learned this morning. Crif Dogs partner Brian Shebairo confirmed that the deal is dead. And he is mighty pissed about it. More on that in a moment.
Shehairo planned to park the Crifmobile at this lot and open a more-permanent space with outdoor tables and chairs, as Grub Street first reported on April 1. The space has sat empty since Billy Leroy put away the giant tent in March 2012. Plans for a new two-story building on the lot have never materialized.
Shebairo, who opened the flagship shop on St. Mark's Place in 2001, was working on a deal with landlord Goldman Properties. However, that deal died yesterday when Goldman reps said that they'd like Shebairo to turn the space back over to them in September and October for a Kenneth Cole-sponsored arts event where the homeless could receive free needles and condoms.
This revelation from Goldman came after Shebairo spent two months working on the proposal, incurring costly lawyer fees in the process.
"I'm so annoyed," Shebairo said on the phone this morning. "I jumped through hoops to make this happen with them leading me along the whole time. I think they wanted me to come in to clean the space for them then give it back in the prime season so they could work with Kenneth Cole."
The proposal inadvertently ended up on this month's Community Board 2 agenda — before Shebairo had time to do any neighborhood outreach. After the item appeared on the docket, he learned that NoHo power-broker Zella Jones was dead against the idea of someone peddling hot dogs with a full-liquor license on that corner.
Shebairo said that he sat down with Jones during a recent four-hour meeting at Saxon + Parole. By the end of the meal, he had agreed to a host of stipulations, including only serving beer and closing by 10 p.m. He said that he had her blessing, which goes a really long way in that neighborhood.
Apparently Shebairo could of had a much smaller presence during the two-month Cole event. As one Goldman rep apparently told him, "Brian, we're going to make you famous."
Said Shebairo: "It was a kick in the fucking face. I don't know how Kenneth Cole is going to make me famous."
He has all the proper permits for the year ready for the Crifmobile, and he could legally just park it by the empty lot if he wanted to.
"I thought it was kind of a cool idea," he said with a sigh, "a creative use of the space."
This concept falling through is probably for the best. There's just no way a mobile unit on a vacant lot was going to get a full liquor license. Even a B&W license would be hard to pull off. I mean, who would actually get the license - the mobile truck that could up and take the license anywhere anytime or a vacant lot that could be turned over to another user at any moment??? I can't think of another example ever that is similar to this. I'd be extremely suprised if this was approved, not just by CB3, but the state SLA. What was this guy thinking? He probably deserves the smack in the face, if for no other reason than the learning experience.
Can anyone talk about the ultra loud sex noises on east 10th btw 1st/A last night? it was super strange. did anyone else hear/witness?
@ anon 1:38
Why, yes we can! Will make a separate post.
@ anon 1:38
Why, yes we can! Will make a separate post.
I liked this idea. Have a beer and a hotdog on an excellent people-watching corner. The NIMBYs will love the free needle-condom giveaway.
I was really hoping for something useful like a 7-Eleven / 16 Handles / Subway / Starbucks / Dunkin Donuts / Chase Bank / Citi Bank / HSBC Bank automat!
That corner is perfect for ultra loud sex noises!
But that spot will never be rented or built on because it has a curse on it!!
is the street closed due to the sequestration cuts?
mosaicmannyc...here when i starved making 2.....15.....40.... $ a day maybe.. for 25 years bowery boy is right ? you looser,go back to the porn....Brian spent way over $10,000-$15,000 on helping me survive....and protected the entire block safe from beatings to murder and the junkies from pissing in the door and more(i havent paid for one of his great hamburgers since he opened,there the best) so good funkin luck bowery boy... ....# 1 public artist in new york and the world.....NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ...WALKING NEW YORK........MY MOSAIC TRAIL IS #1 MUST SEE IN NYC NOW5..........OVER THE HIGH LINE.UNION SQ, MERCHANT HOUSE AND MORE.....................WHAT HAVE YOU DONATED TO MY NON PRIFIT... I AM CRIPPLED FROM ACCIDENT RIGHT NOW SO I STILL WORK WALKING A 1/2 STEP IN GREAT PAIN......HAY FUCKIN BOWERY RAISE SOME NEEDED MONEY FOE ME AND MY DOG.......CITY LORE...501 (C) (3) MOSWAICMANNYC..........YOU TOO ZELLA JONES....YOU GOT IT SUPPORTING A REALLY STARVING ARTIST...INDIGOGO FUNDRAISER UP IN A FEW DAYS....Watch the news..............everyone wake up my trail after 25 yrs needs RESTORATION DONATE>>>>>>>>>>PLEASE
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