From 11 to 4. Entrance on East 10th Street at Avenue A...

... and please return the L and T ...

But when the teller, instead of cooperating, showed the note to a co-worker, Gomillion abruptly turned around and fled, perhaps forgetting about the bank’s video cameras.
Come join us for the launch of our Monthly Mod/Soul Dance Party. Let's bring some Soul back to the East Village! So tailor your mohair, and get your 2 stroke smokin', we'll be spinning all the grooves that will make you move!
Spinning nothing but the best of 60s Soul/Motown/Mod/Beat/Grooves/FrenchPop/Yé-Yé
The drunk and drugged-up driver who slammed into several pedestrians and a Citi biker this week had PCP in his sock and was so out of it repeatedly asked cops "Am I dead," prosecutors said.
The upcoming perigee occurs within minutes of the official full moon (but after the moon will have set for the day and not visible in that particular time window). Make some toast and pour your coffee, since on Sunday, June 23 perigee is at 7:11 a.m. eastern, when the Earth and moon will be about 356,991 kilometers, or 221,894 miles apart, according to the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. A mere 22 minutes later – at 7:33 a.m. – the moon becomes full, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory.
Submerge yourself in the lush, euphoric sound of brass!
Produced by Sara Valentine for Make Music New York.
Musical Direction and Consultation by Frank London.
This free, four-hour event celebrates and elevates the brass tradition in one of New York's most notable parks.
Shinbone Alley Stilt Band
Human Jukebox Brass Band
Lucky Chops Brass Band
Brooklyn Wind Symphony Double Brass Quintet
A Directed Improvisation by Tom Zlabinger
A Sonic Massage presented by Wollesonic Labs
PitchBlak Brass Band
Extra Action Marching Band
Help raise money to help pay the medical and other costs of flower shop operator Akkas Ali, who was mowed down by a speeding driver on 6/19.
On June 19, 2013, a speeding, intoxicated driver racing down Second Avenue slammed into the flower stand outside East Village Farms & Grocery on 2nd Avenue and 4th Street. The driver struck and greviously injured Akkas Ali, the 62-year-old flower shop operator who had been working at that location for 22 years. Mr. Ali has a wife and three sons, and they all need our support in this time of terrible tragedy.
Whatever money we can raise will help defray Mr. Ali's medical cost and lost income while he attempts to recover from his injuries. Raising money for Mr. Ali will also help give him piece of mind that his family is being taken care of. Please, let our caring East Village community, the City of New York and all others with generous hearts show our love and support for Mr. Ali and his family by rallying around them during this incredibly diffcult time.
Ali’s son stopped in earlier with an update on his father:
He had two broken bones in his leg, femur and shin. He also had internal bleeding inside his skull. He underwent surgery yesterday. He’s still on a respirator and isn’t communicating.