The NYPD Daily Blotter in the Post today notes a botched robbery attempt at the Chase branch on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. A man named Jerry Gomillion, 63, passed a "demand note" to a teller on May 23.
To the Post.
But when the teller, instead of cooperating, showed the note to a co-worker, Gomillion abruptly turned around and fled, perhaps forgetting about the bank’s video cameras.
He was later arrested.
I love when names match the person's profession or fate.
I.e., Storm Fields (weather man), Dr. Russell Brain (neurologist), Guy Fieri (Douche bag).
And let's not forget Anthony Wiener.
1:34 -- No comment.
"Bank robbery" can be better defined as the actions of the bankster cartels vs the communities they inhabit and society at large.
Did Gomillion really attempt to "rob" a bank or was he simply attempting to redistribute the bank's ill-gotten funds????
Bank robbers are heros
9:16 and 10:16, I assume you keep all your cash in tucked-away spots in your apartments?
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