Thursday, April 9, 2020

Spring break

A scene along 10th Street near Avenue B before the rain this afternoon...

Grant Shaffer's NY See

Here's the latest NY See panel, East Village-based illustrator Grant Shaffer's observational sketch diary of things that he sees and hears around the neighborhood.

14th Street residents enduring construction hell while under stay-at-home orders

For the past two and a half years, residents along 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B have endured the ongoing L-train reconstruction. (Read about that here and here.)

Now more construction arrived at the end of March as the NYC Department of Environmental Protection decided to start a (non-emergency) old sewer line repair in the middle of 14th Street between A and B.

Residents of 542 E. 14th St. described the scenario:

The project involves jackhammers, chainsaws, a pipe cutter, several generators/pumps, as well as cranes. The sound is unbearably loud, at times shakes the building, goes on all day, including weekends, and is expected to continue for several weeks.

The result is that, while we are stuck inside our homes upon the order of the governor because of the pandemic, we are being forced to endure incredibly loud and disruptive non-emergency work on the part of the DEP. This is cruel and is completely outside the spirit of solidarity we need right now. Everyone is trying to do their part in staying sane and calm during this ongoing crisis, and yet we are being tortured by unnecessary repair work.

According to the residents, the "worst" of the work takes place between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., though it commences at 7 a.m. and lasts until 3 p.m.

Below is a three-second sampling of what goes on for hours...

Back to the residents: "This is a real 'screw you' to the community, especially after we've endured two and a half years of the ongoing MTA construction."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Nightmare scenario for residents who learn that 14th Street and Avenue A will be the main staging area for the L-train reconstruction

The frequency of the M14A

An EVG reader, working from home like many other residents, noted just how often the M14A is running in recent days — especially in the morning. The reader's desk is against a window overlooking Avenue A, where she has a prime view of the buses on its northbound and southbound routes.

Yesterday morning between 10 and 11, she noted the bus going in each direction 14 to 16 times — so, doing the math, roughly less than four minutes apart. In several instances, the buses were 1 minute from each other during the hour.

With the aerial view, however, the reader could not ascertain how many passengers might be on each bus. (As Curbed reported Monday, bus ridership is down more than 70 percent compared to the same time last year.)

According to the MTA, "buses are operating on a reduced schedule because of decreased crew availability [and are] strategically supplementing some bus service to help prevent overcrowding."

Given the frequency along Avenue A, overcrowding won't be an issue.

The MTA previously initiated a new rear-door boarding policy to keep riders and operators at a safe distance during the COVID-19 crisis.

Reader appreciation: Post

A reader shares this via the EVG inbox...

The owners of Post — brothers Myki (left in the above photo) and Bobby Stackleather — are remaining open for takeout, including serving the best biscuits, to feed the neighborhood.

In addition, in a time when they themselves are under every challenge, they’re also turning over their kitchen to help feed health-care workers. They’re generous people and really jumping into action right now.

Post is at 42 Avenue B between Third Street and Fourth Street. They are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can read more about their fundraiser to feed hospital workers here.

Want to share an appreciation of an East Village business that remains open? Send us an email here. (We'll see how this goes!)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Handball courts now locked up in Tompkins Square Park

Following the closure of the playgrounds and dog runs as well as the removal of the hoops on the basketball courts ... officials have now locked up the handball courts in Tompkins Square Park in an effort to curb possible overcrowding.

Several residents have wondered if (or when) the entire Park will be locked up for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

Thanks to Eden for the photo!

Whistling in Tompkins Square Park with Michael Lydon

You may have seen — or at least heard — longtime East Village resident Michael Lydon in the ballfields in Tompkins Square Park. He's the guy whistling.

He has recently been practicing his whistling — from a safe and social distance from others.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy caught up him on Monday in the Park...

For a sampling...

Lydon and his wife, composer Ellen Mandel, are active in the local community, performing at Middle Collegiate Church, St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, Third Street Music School Settlement as well as the Tompkins Square Park Christmas tree lighting, among other venues.

Here's more about New York Theatre Workshop's virtual programming

Yesterday we mentioned that La Mama was streaming select productions and events.

New York Theatre Workshop (NYTW), their Fourth Street neighbors, also has a slate of virtual programming, from Master Classes to live-streamed readings to Fireside Chats.

The next Fireside Chat is late this afternoon (April 8!) at 5 ... featuring NYTW Artistic Director James C. Nicola in conversation with performance artist Penny Arcade. (RSVP here.)

Visit this link to see more of their upcoming programming. Their programming is free and open to the public — you just need to register in advance. (They are also accepting donations.)

They are also launching a Virtually Neighbors program:

We recognize that this can be a lonely and isolating time for people (or just a moment where we all have some extra time on our hands) and we would like to bring our community together and make some new introductions! Since we may not be able to see our actual neighbors, we would like to create a community of new, virtual neighbors.

Are you looking for an email pal, phone call or video call once or twice a week? If so, please fill out this short Google form or email us at and we will be in touch to get you started with a virtual neighbor from the NYTW community!

Reader appreciation: Abraço

Trevor J. shares this via the EVG inbox...

The last quality coffee shop standing in the East Village? As if their signature espresso and olive oil cake slices weren't enough to maintain a little of the good life at this time, they're bottling cocktails to go and have added breakfast and lunch kits — and an occasional surprise (keep an eye on Instagram).

All available for pickup on East Seventh Street, with an option to order on their website in advance. They went takeout-only before PAUSE, have six-foot markers on the ground, and now accept credit cards.

Abraço is at 81 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue. They are open Wednesday-Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a 9 a.m. start on Sunday.

Want to share an appreciation of an East Village business that remains open? Send us an email here. (We'll see how this goes!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday's parting Instagram clip

A serene East Village rooftop scene late this afternoon featuring a boy, his bike and a dog... thanks to Steven Fabian for this!


Someone spraypainted this message overnight on the Con Ed substation along Avenue A.

There were reactions to it on Twitter...

Livestreams from La Mama

During the COVID-19 shutdown, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club on Fourth Street has teamed up with CultureHub to provide online streaming of select productions and events in recent weeks.

Here's what's happening tonight (April 7) at 7:

Café La MaMa Live: Take 1

Weekly live performances that experiment with form. Responding to calls for social isolation, Café La MaMa Live brings La MaMa's 1960s café aesthetic to a virtual platform that links performers and audiences in real time across distance. Guest curators each week give artists a digital platform to share their work with the world.

This Week:
Curator Theo Cote creates an evening of music, dance, poetry and short stories!

Artists include Amy Lawless, Rebecca Layton, Evan Gill Smith, Office Culture, Annie Rigney, Jeremy Wiles-Young and Ariel Yelen.

You can find details on upcoming online events at LaMama at this link. The events are free, though there is an option to donate.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Tompkins Square Library launches online programming this week

The Tompkins Square Park dog run is now closed

In an effort to combat against potentially overcrowded spaces, the Parks Department yesterday shut down dog runs citywide, including in Tompkins Square Park.

The dog runs will be closed until further notice. Per the Parks Department: "Our parks remain open to dogs and pet owners to get fresh air and exercise; however, dogs must be kept on a leash according to park rules, and dog owners must keep social distance."

EVG contributor Stacie Joy took these photos at 1 p.m., a few hours after the order was put into effect...

The closure of the dog runs comes on the heels last week of playgrounds shutting down.

Reader appreciation: Le Fournil Bakery

Via the EVG inbox:

The wonderful French bakery, Le Fournil, is open for takeout! They are selling delicious French pastries, some savory items and bread. I bought some indulgent items from them Saturday. Le Fournil's pastry lifted my spirits as only pastry can.

Le Fournil is at 115 Second Ave. between Sixth Street and Seventh Street (in the former Moishe's space). Their posted hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Closed Mondays.)

Want to share an appreciation of an East Village business that remains open? Send us an email here. (We'll see how this goes!)

A new St. Mark's Place-like business opens on St. Mark's Place

New business alert from 18 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue... a smoke shop is now open in the space ... where you can pick up, say, a new ​downstem and bowl​, ash catcher, carb cap or other ​water pipe accessories​...

At the time of these photos on Sunday (thanks Steven!) there wasn't a business sign up... the previous tenant here, Addiction NYC, the tattoo parlor and smoke shop, closed at the beginning of the year.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday's parting shot

Stacie Joy spotted Ramon, a longtime employee at the flower stand outside Key Food, back on Avenue A... he had been away the past few years...

Mystery of the Anti-COVID-19 volunteer drone task force

There's some mystery surrounding the drone that was spotted flying over East River Park yesterday telling people to maintain social distance.

CBS News posted a video of the drone, which played the following message over loudspeakers: "This is the Anti-COVID-19 volunteer drone task force. Please maintain a social distance of at least six feet. Again, please maintain social distancing."

Some people thought the voice sounded familiar...

An NYPD official said that it was not behind the drone. The FAA is reportedly investigating, per The Hill.

H/T Edmund John Dunn!

Edge of Tomorrow

Bayou shares this photo from the front window at Whiskers Holistic Pet Care, 235 E. Ninth St. at Second Avenue... featuring the words to "Tomorrow" from "Annie."

NY PAUSE extended through April 29

In case you missed the announcement today — Gov. Cuomo has extended the NY PAUSE order through April 29, meaning that all non-essential businesses will be closed for another month. The restrictions went into effect on March 22.

[Updated] Report of a missing East Village teen last seen on Avenue A and 2nd Street

Updated 12:30: A neighbor reports that Angelie has been found and back home safe with her family.

An East Village family is frantically searching for their 15-year-old daughter, Angelie Robles.

She was last seen last evening (April 5) around 6:30 on Avenue A and Second Street.

Here are details via the EVG inbox...

Name: Angelie Robles
Age: 15
Height: 4’9
Weight: 90 pounds
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: Grey jeans, red & white shirt, black jacket
Hair was in a ponytail

Last Seen: April 5 at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Avenue A & 2nd Street

Anyone who spots her is asked to call the 9th Precinct (212-477-7812) or 911.