Following the closure of the playgrounds and dog runs as well as the removal of the hoops on the basketball courts ... officials have now locked up the handball courts in Tompkins Square Park in an effort to curb possible overcrowding.
Several residents have wondered if (or when) the entire Park will be locked up for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.
Thanks to Eden for the photo!
I really hope they don't close the park because it's the only place for many of us to get a few minutes of fresh air and see some trees, which is necessary for mental well-being. During my visits, I've seen the majority of people being respectful and staying away from each other, BUT there are always a few bad apples who will ruin it for all of us. Seems to be the same people who just don't care and have a "I'm going to do what I want!" attitude. I think the city is doing everything it can to NOT close the parks, but it only takes a few people who refuse to follow social distancing to force the city's hand.
I overlook those courts, and I've never seen more than 2 people at a time in them. And as I was leaving East River Park this evening, all 3 fields, including the one w/the running track, were empty, possibly locked. These decisions, while well-intentioned, only succeed in forcing the same number of people into smaller and smaller areas. The East River Promenade is now a steady stream of people from dawn to dark. Instead of blanket decisions, Parks Dept should look at each area. (fat chance of that) I don't know the answer, but I'm sure there are social psychologists who do.
Every evening around 7:30 (when I walk my dog) there are skateboarders sitting together on the benches in the asphalt softball /field hockey /skateboard area . I do wonder where the police are who should be doing some enforcement, In my opinion, I think the gates there should be locked at dusk since this area is being abused. This small group of skateboarders really do not have any regard for the rules. Where's the guy who spearheaded the petition to not astoturf the area? He should now post on social media to that same group who rallied to save that area to respect social distancing!
Regardless, the air feels so fresh and clean everywhere you walk around nowadays. First time I get it, when they say "sweet air". Nature is healing itself.
And the birds singing is heard loud and clear all around the neighborhood. Plus those awesome daytime owls every couple of blocks.
Wow they are really serious about the closure. I thought something was off about the picture, only to realize there is no padlock. They locked up the chain with another link.
Set up maximum capacity limits on enclosed spaces, and enforce with high profile fine blitzes over a few days. First come, first served. If a percentage of people are assholes and hog the space, that's still more space for everyone than if the enclosed area was off limits. Perfect example, the TSP lawn. It's not hurting anyone to have a limited number inside the fence, and it actually helps everyone outside the fence distance themselves better. If they start closing parks, might as well say No running or walking outside for exercise, period. As they have in some countries already. On the other hand, people should also realize parks are popular on sunny days. Mix it up, walk during unpopular times to less interesting spots.
Smart Move!
This is stupid. There was never more than 2-3 people on the court. Some annoying neighbor probably called 311 because of the uptick in activity on the court. The FUD is real.
People have been threatening to spit on the police if they try to issue a fine. Maybe these are isolated incidents but I can't really blame the police for not wanting to confront park goers. They should have closed the parks for this week and next while we go through the worst of it. Now that we're seeing via the news that the curve is flattening, it will only embolden people to go outside more and socialize, just when we're turning a corner. De Blasio is an idiot.
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