A roundup of face masks — homemade (from a bra, as seen in the last photo) or store-bought — spotted on East Village streets by Derek Berg in recent days...

On April 2, Mayor de Blasio urged New Yorkers to wear face coverings, such as cloth masks or bandanas, when going out in public to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
Where does everyone get these masks? I have been looking for a month for these things.
Now we just need to explain again that a mask is not a substitute for staying the hell 6 feet away from me!
You can get the N100 masks at Saifee Hardware on 7th Street. Gracefully in StuyTown is also selling surgical masks. Halperin Pharmacy on 23rd St. near 1st Ave has masks and gloves. D’Agostino on 20th St has gloves and wipes. Or you can wear a scarf.
Shoutout to #4 for keeping it stylish!
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