Sunny & Annie's, one of the last 24/7 delis remaining open, is now asking that customers wear a mask to enter their corner space on Sixth Street and Avenue B...

Danny & Louise, who shared these photos, did see staff turn away someone for not having a mask on when entering the deli.
On April 2, Mayor de Blasio urged New Yorkers to wear face coverings, such as cloth masks or bandanas, when going out in public to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
Today, Gov. Cuomo announced that he will issue an executive order requiring all New Yorkers to wear masks or mouth and nose coverings when they are in public.
It's nuts how many people will stroll into your place like nothing has changed and get right up in your space.
Good. Anyone not wearing a mask at this point is a selfish jerk.
You can make a mask out of almost anything. It's not about keeping the virus out (unavoidable), but not coughing/sneezing/spitting/breathing on others. Apparently, there's still a huge swath of the population who STILL DON'T GET IT.
Excellent. This should be mandated everywhere, especially here in the city. Even if you can't have access to a mask, wear a scarf around your mouth and nose if you have too. It might not be 100 %, but it is better than nothing. People need to take this seriously until there is a vaccination. Our new normal!
Where can I buy a bandana?
I've had it and have recovered but will need it for social signaling.
Good for them! Clueless and selfish have to suck it up/sweat it out with the rest of us--soon will be required everywhere in NY.
Cuomo has done the exec. order for outside masks.
Agree, everyone should be wearing a mask or covering their mouth/nose when they are outside. This is just common sense at this point, for your own health AND for the health of others as well.
ALSO it'll probably save us all a few common colds along the way, too.
I’d like to see them try and enforce this. If a store owner wants to require customers to wear a mask inside their store, I’ll go along with that.
But no effin way I’m wearing one outside.
They will enforce it. That makes me happy as so many other bodegas are on minimal hours and staff. I walked in about a month ago and they had masks on. we had a conversation about how masks were just a no brainer in Korea and Americans didnt get it. I've worn a mask ever since and I credit them for convincing me to long before NYC or CDC.
You need to grow up and wear a mask like everyone else when you are in public. You are not immune to this virus and other people should not have to suffer because of your poor decisions.
For do-it-yourselfers, you can make a no-sew mask using the "origami face mask pattern." Instructions are at
You will need a vacuum cleaner bag, elastic material, scissors, and a stapler. You could also use certain garment bags.
It was a little tricky to make, but the mask fits me well and it sturdier than a thin paper mask. For the elastic strap, I took the straps off a worn-out paper mask. Rubber bands might work too.
You can use almost anything for a mask. Take an old t-shirt and tie the sleeves behind your head. Use a scarf. Tired of hearing excuses. People are dying FFS.
The anonymous bomb dropper. No effin way you'd say the same thing and put a name to it.
@6:57. No effen way am I going near anyone who is not wearing a mask, including you, because that is s sure sign you do not care about anyone but yourself, plus it makes it more likely you are spreading the virus if you have it.
An employee at Zabar’s just died from Coronavirus. At least a dozen Trader Joe’s employees have tested positive, and one has died, forcing the closure of their stores for cleaning. Now they are all wearing masks.
The government should have recommended people wear masks from the very beginning. Instead, we got the same message from the government that we got after 9/11: don't worry, the air is safe. Only now, months into the pandemic, are we getting the truth, that makes help stop the spread of the virus.
Every single doctor and scientist from Asia that I have seen Interviewed says this is the biggest mistake we have made. They know from past outbreaks that masks work by making social distancing work even better. So get a clue and just wear a mask.
Etsy is doing a huge mask business. I recommend taking a look there for something unique and affordable. Thousands of different colors/patterns and many shops are donating profits to those in need. These are *not* medical masks, just cotton, but they can be washed and reused and are just fine for wearing outside.
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