Friday, March 27, 2009

Tough Love

I stood outside one of the windows on the East Seventh Street side of the former Love Saves the Day store. I wish I could describe the noise coming from the inside.

It was like hundreds of tiles were being almost sounded frenzied, as if someone handed rowdy teens a few cases of Sparks and some sledgehammers and said, "you won't get into trouble."

Anyway, as Jeremiah reported, the space will become the neighborhood's 300th ramen joint. Not much left inside.

Still not used to seeing this space so, well, empty.

[Photo via Newsday by Damion Reid]

Where is Karen?

Speaking of Loves Saves the Day...what happened to Karen? Despite LSD closing, she told me on Jan. 24 that she would continue with her flea market in front of this location — or on the other side of the street, whatever they're calling the former location of the Kiev.

However, I don't recall having seen her lately...Has anyone spotted her around the neighborhood...or know what happened to her?

For further reading and viewing:
Love Saves the Day is Closing, Karen wants to remain here in the East Village (YouTube)
Karen Saves the Day (Jeremiahs's Vanishing NY)
Last Trip to LSD (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
End Comes for Outpost of East Village Counterculture (New York Times)

One more thing: No more pay phones at the old LSD spot

Back on Jan. 13, I wondered how long the pay phones outside the former Love Saves the Day store would last...

I have my answer: They were removed this week.

Does Duff have junk in the trunk?

We continue to follow what will likely be the most important story coming out of the East Village this year. Runnin' Scared had the following tidbit about Hilary Duff's junkie turn on "Law & Order: Special Guest-Star Unit" from Monday:

In the scenes, we are elsewhere informed, Duff is looking to "score" some "stuff," and acts all mouthy to Ice-T, who says something "street."


Meanwhile! My Hilary Duff/SVU connection sent along the Duff photos that adorn this page. We thank you for that, Hilary-Duff-photo-e-mailing stranger.

Anyway, I can't wait for the Vanessa Hudgens-Zac Efron remake of "The Wire." (Oops, not yet April 1...)


There's an ugly Police Blotter item in this week's issue of The Villager about a man who lives on St. Mark's Place. He was arrested for menacing his girlfriend with knives. As the report stated:

The suspect told the victim, “You don’t know who you are messing with. I’m from Detroit,” according to the assault charge filed by the Manhattan district attorney.

From the EV Grieve Holmby Hills, Calif. Bureau

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The widow of producer Aaron Spelling is placing "The Manor" in the exclusive Holmby Hills neighborhood on the market for a jaw-dropping $150 million, making it by far the most expensive home for sale in the U.S.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let's do it again: Ruby's likey to return

Grub Street has the scoop on the Coney Island boardwalk scene.

[Photo via New York by Melissa Hom]

Reminder: The Vanishing City Part II on Sunday

Kirby has all the details at Colonnade Row.

Happy holidays!

As of yesterday, March 25, the holiday lights were still up in Chinatown.


"MORRISSEY didn't break from his ardent vegetarianism at Webster Hall last night. The singer, whose second album with the Smiths was titled 'Meat Is Murder,' requested no meat products of any kind be in the building before, during, or after his performance. 'There were no deli sandwiches, sushi, pepperoni pizza or anything else that used to have a face,' laughs our source. 'Even the cleaning staff were happy to do their part by bringing in veggie sandwiches for lunch.'" (Page Six)

Should anyone really be eating sushi during a (rock) concert?

Preservation inaction: Historic building now a parking lot

We've been keeping our eyes on Pearl Street down in the Financial District, particularly the space adjacent to the Rockrose condo that's zipping right along (or up)... So, with the hotel plans for the now-empty lot on hold ... what does one do then with an empty, um, lot?

Ta-da! Make it a parking lot!

For further reading:
Lot still vacant where Pearl St. artists lost homes (Downtown Express)

From Tribe to tapas at First Avenue and St. Mark's Place

A tapas joint will open at the former space of Tribe on First Avenue at St. Mark's, Patrick Hedlund reports in his Mixed Use column in this week's issue of The Villager. According to Hedlund, Danny Rivera, owner of the Crooked Tree around the corner on St. Mark's, will launch the tapas bar in June.

"I'm a guy from the neighborhood; I've lived here for over 10 years," Rivera told Mixed Use. "My plan is to make the place for the community."

As you may recall, Dr. Tara Allmen owns the five-story building that housed Tribe, which closed in late January. As the Real Deal reported in early February:

Allmen, a physician, inherited the building from her mother, Renée Allmen, along with several other East Village properties, and recently completed renovating the four residential spaces in the building. She called Tribe "an eyesore."

"I want a classier place," she said, adding that Tribe "was not going to enhance the aesthetic of the building."

Here's what Allmen told Mixed Use:

"I'm replacing a dive bar with an elegant wine bar and tapas place. Do I think it's a plus to have a higher-class place in the East Village? I would say it's a bonus to have wonderful, quality places in the East Village."

Said Rivera, "It's a neighborhood guy that's going to open up in the neighborhood. It's in the hands of people in the neighborhood. It's not going to be a sushi spot or a bank."


As you know, in this recession, people are buying and, we assume, eating more candy. In turn, companies are spending big money on marketing such delights.

Stuart Elliott wrote about this in the Times on March 3:

It was only a year or so ago that the concept of affordable luxury meant a Coach bag, Tiffany bauble or Starbucks latte. Since then, the recession has defined splurging downward to the price level of a can of soda, pack of gum or candy bar.

That is why many marketers of those prosaic products are still spending like it’s 2007 when it comes to advertising. For instance, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola recently came out with new campaigns, as did several gum brands, among them Ice Breakers.

Another case in point is the confectionery behemoth Mars, which is introducing a major campaign for its best-selling candy brand, Snickers, that is centered on a make-believe language called Snacklish.

Snacklish is a humorous way of speaking that revises everyday words and phrases for a Snickers-centric world. To underscore their origin, they are printed in the typeface and colors of the Snickers brand logo.

The campaign is also purposely infused with a slapstick, yuk-yuk approach... That tack is meant to appeal to the target consumer for Snickers, defined ... as men ages 18 to 49 with “a bull’s-eye of 18 to 34.”

OK. I haven't eaten a Snickers since I was 14. But! I have been oddly curious/repelled by the Snickers snads around the neigh-bar-hood. (Sorry.)

Meanwhile, the Feast Village ad keeps eluding me...

Keystrokes in flight

Dunno how long this has been on Second Street...Years and I just noticed it? Regardless, I like it.

Third cafe-bakery-small-plates-type place opens on Avenue B between Second Street and Seventh Street

La Bonne Bouffe, a new cafe-bakery-small-plates-type place, is now open on the corner of Avenue B and Second Street.

This is the third cafe-bakery-small-plates place to open since January on Avenue B between Second Street and Seventh Street... LBB joins Coyi Cafe and Paradiso.

Oh, and with this opening...we are down to 21 empty storefronts on Avenue B.




Hadn't planned on doing anything about the "Law & Order: SVU" shoot that took place in and around Tompkins Square Park Monday...

Until! A tipster sent a link to the Just Jared celebrity Web site which had the following:

Hilary Duff shoots scenes for her guest appearance on Law and Order: SVU in New York City’s East Village on Monday afternoon (March 23).

The Duffster plays Ashlee Walker, a “rebellious, trashy, slutty, irresponsible young mother” who is suspected of murdering her baby Sierra. The script even reveals that she will be wearing a wet T-shirt and shown “drunk and partying in Cabo!”

The SVU ep is named “Selfish.”

OMG! Hilary Duff!?

Uh, who is she again? Is she an Olsen twin? Is she dating a drummer from a band? Oh, right. She's "Lizzie McGuire."

And there's this:

Duff has also been announced to play Bonnie in "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde," alongside fellow former kid star Kevin Zegers. The announcement got Duff into some hot water when the original Bonnie from the classic 1967 movie "Bonnie and Clyde," Faye Dunaway, reportedly questioned, "Couldn't they at least cast a real actress?"

[Duff photos via Just Jared via Bauergriffinonline]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire

Today marks the 98th anniversary of the Triangle Factory fire...

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911, was the largest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York, causing the death of 146 garment workers who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths.

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company, owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, occupied the top three floors of the ten-story Asch Building in New York City at the intersection of Greene Street and Washington Place, just east of Washington Square.

Someone took the time to go around the neighborhood and honor the factory workers, most of whom were young immigrant women.

I don't know who takes the time to arrange all this (I saw five of these chalk tributes today...) but I'm glad that they do it...

Here comes the fun?

From Negev Rock City:

Too bad when I get to New York the city will be a bankrupt Gerald Ford-era dystopia.


Actually, this means the Lower East Side and the E Village might even be fun again.

[Photo: © 2008 - Don Ventura]

What I've missed on Life On Mars

Oh, right. Life On Mars is still on...Tonight at 10, in fact. A reader dropped me a note on the topic...I had stopped watching the show after the third episode:

i'm not all that crazy about the show but i like that they're finishing the series this season. anyway, i know you complained that [the lead character] never did anything fun while he was back in time, so i thought you'd like to know that on the most recent episode he had sex with his old baby-sitter, who he'd always fantasized about. i thought that was kind of cool.

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Photo taken on Orchard Street by the Intern of EV Grieve.]

New ailment for the recession: saver's remorse (The New York Times)

Bigshot Condé Nast editors now take the subway (New York Post)

Stewart, Colbert, seen as alternatives to the mainstream media by young adults (Rasmussen Reports, via Media Bistro)

NYU to hold spring graduation at Yankee Stadium (Washington Square Park)

Staten Island's South Beach (Ephemeral New York)

Ethereal will be dealing out of DUMBO (Stupefaction)

UK journalist takes the East Village walking tour (The Telegraph)

Images from 2008 (NYC Taxi Photo)

A look at Bushwick's industrial zone (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Earliest known photo of NYC for sale (AP)

China 1 keeping neighbors up at night, commenter/neighbor says (Down by the Hipster)

Right — temporary construction (BoweryBoogie)

AIG issues new vehicles for executives

At the AIG HQ yesterday on Water Street in the Financial District. Not sure if the truck was making a pick up or drop off...

What do we want for Avenue B? Yogurt? Ice cream? Yoga? Pilates?

The space at 41 Avenue B has been vacant for some time...

There's now a new ad in the window giving a better description of the property, which can be split into two storefronts.

And what are some of the suggested uses? (No bars, thank you!)

Hmm...Yoga center...Pilates...Yogurt...Ice Cream...Zzzzzzzzzz...Pastry and Desserts....Spa...ZZzzzzzzz....

Poco opens on Avenue B

A place called Poco opened last night on Avenue B at Third of those locations that has seemingly been many things in recent years...

And I'm not sure exactly what a cycle of 20 drinks means....

Cemusa wastes no time in putting up the ads

The new Cemusa bus shelter on Avenue C at East Seventh Street was christened Monday...and yesterday, the ads arrived... did the trash bags.

No lights yet, though, to illuminate the ads...

Signs from the recession

At Diamond Jim Brady's on Maiden Lane in the Financial District.

Wally's at Marfa

I'm just curious how long the old Waikiki Wally's banner will stay up on the rooftop at Marfa... Marfa took over the WW space last month. On East Second Street near First Avenue.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

The Circus has left town: A dive bar death (NY Barfly)

Hello again!: Esquared is back (Esquared)

TV the size of Rhode Island discarded on East Ninth Street (plus, demonic squirrels in TSP!) (Slum Goddess)

Jill visits Forest Hills while Jeremiah walks Myrtle Avenue.

Looking back at The Minetta Tavern (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

At the Fulton Fish Market in 2002 (Scouting NY)

Graffiti truck art (City Rag)

Sales at the Ludlow Residence (BoweryBoogie)

Ex-Gawker editor Choire Sicha to write a nonfiction book on some 20-somethings trying to live and work in NYC. "If you’re fascinated by something you can get close to it — that’s always been true about New York," he told the Observer. "But I also feel like the $1.99 breakfast sort of went away, and the room for rent in the East Village went away too. The cost of entry became prohibitive with the last little boomlet we had, in a kind of extreme way." He went on: "I had a million jobs when I moved here and what I see happening among my younger friends, and among people I’m interviewing who are kind enough to give me their time, is there’s nowhere to go."

Reminder: East of Bowery at the Gershwin Hotel tonight

All the details are at East of Bowery.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the greatest article about transhumanism that you'll read today

From today's Wall Street Journal:

Arakawa and Madeline Gins's quest to make human beings immortal is at risk of dying.

That's because the couple lost their life savings with Bernard Madoff, the mastermind of a multibillion-dollar fraud.

Of all the dreams that were crushed by Mr. Madoff's crime, perhaps none was more unusual than this duo's of achieving everlasting life through architecture. Mr. Arakawa (he uses only his last name) and Ms. Gins design structures they say can enable inhabitants to "counteract the usual human destiny of having to die."

The income from their investments with Mr. Madoff helped fund their research and experimental work. Now, Mr. Arakawa, 72 years old, and Ms. Gins, 67, are strapped for cash. They closed their Manhattan office and laid off five employees.

The pair's work, based loosely on a movement known as "transhumanism," is premised on the idea that people degenerate and die in part because they live in spaces that are too comfortable. The artists' solution: construct abodes that leave people disoriented, challenged and feeling anything but comfortable.

Hmm...disoriented, challenged and feeling anything but comfortable? Sounds like my first studio apartment.

And be sure to check out the reader comments to this article on this one:

You would think someone aiming for immortality would have learned to take better care of their cash. Immortals need a sound, conservative investment strategy. Let's face it: we don't want the world filled with destitute 200 year-olds living in the streets.