Sunday, June 14, 2009

A red-tailed hawk on Seventh Street

On Seventh Street yesterday afternoon...between First Avenue and Second Avenue... There were, oh, 15 to 20 people standing on the north side of the street, looking up toward the roof of the building at No. 80 across the street...As you can sort of see from these photos, a red-tailed hawk was on the top-floor fire escape...

There was plenty of speculation about the hawk's presence, such as the baby pigeons who were nesting in the rain gutter. Efforts to reach the residents in the top-floor apartments were unsuccessful to this point. (And it wasn't made clear what the residents on the top floor were to do with this information.)

Unfortunately, we had to keep walking. We're not sure how this turned out...Before we left, someone joked that, perhaps, the cigar smoke from the ground floor would chase away the hawk...

For further reading on red-tailed hawks:
Today in Tompkins Square Park : Red Tail Drops Lunch in the Snow (Neither More Nor Less)
The Hawks of New York are dying... (Plain in the City)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

James Franco vs. Robert Pattinson

Important casting news from ABC News:

James Franco and Robert Pattinson are neck-and-neck for the honor of playing musician Jeff Buckley in a biopic.

Buckley, who lived in the East Village, died in a drowning accident in Memphis on May 29, 1997.

And ABC's pick?

"My vote's on James Franco. Pattinson may be the hot young thang, but Franco can handle the tough roles and has Hollywood staying power. Plus, there's that eerily similar facial structure."

Anyway, according to another report: Jeff Buckley's mom, Mary Guibert, will help oversee the project and says the actor playing her son must sing and play the guitar himself. She claims, "Whoever gets the part will need a lot of self-discipline because they won't be able to fake it. It's going to take a phenomenal set of skills."

True love

About "Loud Fast Jews"

The Times on the "Loud, Fast Jews" event last Thursday night featuring Tommy Ramone, Chris Stein, Lenny Kaye and Handsome Dick Manitoba:

Punk’s New York origins as a do-it-yourself, three-chorded return to music basics — and a fashion style and attitude — were no accident, said Richard Bienstock, a senior editor at Guitar World magazine who curated the forum. “It’s New York,” he said, “and anything that starts here, there’s a good chance Jews are involved.”

Friday, June 12, 2009

Blood simple

Bloods at the Peppermint Lounge circa 1980.

Life with those Yelpers: 'This is one store I wouldn't mind if it ever closed and was replaced with a Starbucks'

I recently looked up the number to David's Shoe Repair on Seventh Street. His hours can be a little irregular, so...

Anyway, I get the Yelp listing... and I spotted the two reviews...

The one-star review!

Renee C.
New York, NY
seriously, what the hell is wrong with this old guy? since this is the closest shoe repair place to my apartment, i head over eagerly with my favorite pair of black boots in tow. i arrive in the store and innocently show him the boots and ask him if they are repairable. the old guy takes one look at my boots (which are admittedly on their last leg, no pun intended) and begins wagging his finger and shouting at me "NO! I SELL BOOTS HERE. $175 DOLLARS. YOU BRING ME JUNK. NOTHING BUT JUNK! GOODBYE!! GET OUT OF HERE!!" completely shocked at this outburst, i reply back "these are expensive boots! i like them," to which he responds "GOODBYE!! GET OUT!! DON'T WASTE MY TIME!" i walked out of the store defeated and teary eyed. really there is no need to yell!

oh and against my advice, my roommate went to this place to see if she could get her shoes repaired and the old guy yelled at her too!!

seriously, i really REALLY hate new yorkers sometimes.

And a two-star review...

margs k.
New York, NY
I don't like patronizing businesses that treat me poorly or do sloppy work and in this case, both reasons apply for why I won't be returning here with my shoes and bags. I dropped off a purse here with a broken zipper on a Saturday. The guy sort of grunts at me gutterally and tells me to come pick it up on Tuesday. Also, they make you leave a deposit, which isn't typical for this kind of work. I show up on Tuesday and the guy looks confused when I ask him for my bag. He finds it under a pair of boots, obviously not worked on, and tells me to come back the next day. NOT COOL. I don't appreciate having my time wasted. I come back the next day to pick up my bag and not only did I pay $25 for a cheap gold zipper (when the metalwork in my bag was SILVER) but I had to listen to him complain how long it took to do.

This is one store I wouldn't mind if it ever closed and was replaced with a Starbucks.

[Photo via Jeremiah's Vanishing NY]

An FYI (FroYo Information)

In case you missed this yesterday afternoon: A new FroYo place opened on St. Mark's.

(P.S. Apologies for that headline up there.)

From the EV Grieve Reader Mailbox

Hope you are doing well, am from Africa. i read your story about the ATM SKIMMER. am here looking for it with a wireless camera. i want to buy it. do you have it or can you link me to those people who can sell those gadgets to me?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Automated Thief Machine

From The Villager's Police Blotter this week:

An automated teller machine with an undetermined sum of money was discovered missing on Friday morning June 6 from in front of 602 E. 14th St. near Avenue B, police said. Police said they were investigating the theft but were unable to say how the A.T.M. was spirited away. On April 21, Valentine Garcia, of Queens was arrested in connection with the theft of several A.T.M.’s on the Lower East Side and elsewhere by knocking them down with a white van and driving off with them. Garcia was being held pending a July 28 court appearance.

Vanity Fee

Speaking of ATMs, have you checked out the vanity money dispenser in front of B&T hookah hotspot Layaly at 98 Avenue B near Sixth Street...?


"FLicKeR" looks interesting...playing this weekend at the Anthology Film Archives.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Get it by the ounce: New FroYo joint now open for business on St. Mark's

In lieu of sarcastic comment, please scream. At the location of the former Spots Cafe. I now miss the dog.

(Oops...didn't see that Grub Street posted the news a little bit earlier today...)

Former Five Rose's space gutted

Our friend Hunter-Gatherer just snapped these photos of the former Five Rose's space on First Avenue between 10th Street and 11th Street....(He would have posted them himself, but he was a little pissed/depressed about all this...)

Ouch. Last rumor we heard: another pizza place was moving in... And has anyone heard from Krystyna?

For further reading:
Five Rose's Pizza (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
Five Rose's Krystyna Says “I’ll Be Back” (Hunter-Gatherer)
The former Five Rose's is for rent; memories remain (EV Grieve)

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

"And frankly, when I lived in a high-rise apartment in the Financial District, more of my shit got swiped by my rich young businessmen neighbors than ever got taken from me when I lived in the East Village in a basement. Yeah, I KNEW you were taking my stuff, Mr. Apartment 14C. YOU DIDN'T FOOL ME. YOU AREN'T SO SLICK. So yeah, rich people can suck it." (Fear and Loathing NY)

One day with John Lennon changed his life (BoingBoing)

We'll take Manhattan: NYU's plans for 2031 (Esquared)

Jeremiah sees digital Snickers bars (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

It's likely that you have swine flu (The New York Times)

Tagging Kleen-Stik (BoweryBoogie)

Another HBO show with a cupcakes storyline (Hunter-Gatherer)

Skipper needs a home (Washington Square Park)

Kurt Strahm at Restless regarding Cooper Union and the Cooper Square Hotel:

And though I see the hotel as a bookend to the New Museum further down Bowery — anchoring the conversion of yet another distinctive swath of NYC into something (Bloomberg and) the yacht club set can enjoy — I admire its fetishistic finish and space-age look, and the honesty of its arrogances. Where Donald Trump's erections hide amid the skyscraper grass of Midtown, the Cooper Square lords over the puny East Village like a mammoth alien sexual appliance shot from space — Battlestar Dildactica? — a monument to the penile enhancing power of unapologetic greed, and decadence that is an end in itself.

The Post keeps 'em coming

Previously. I just hope details don't emerge that call for a "Kung Poo" headline.

Tompkins Square Park playground completion now set for summer

Late last summer, the city began a $1.5 million upgrade on the main playground in Tompkins Square Park. The playground has been closed since late August.

As the sign just off Avenue A at Ninth Street notes (as of yesterday), the project is set for completion this spring.

However, according to the Parks Department Web site, the anticipated completion date is now this summer.

Uh-oh. Several annoyed parents and residents have already complained about a spring completion. As The Villager reported last October, the construction has "disrupted the rhythm of their lives."

“This was the main gathering area, not just for the kids, but also for the parents,” said Susan. “When you live in spaces as small as we do in the East Village, then these community gathering areas are really important. And, especially, like single parents — where do you go? You go to the playground and you can talk to other single parents. It’s an important resource.”

“They closed it and we lost like 20 friends maybe?” said Luis Castro, who was with his partner, Isabel Bigelow, and friend Jan Kuba Gontarczyk, all taking turns pushing their 2-year-old daughters on a tire swing in a smaller playground in the southeast corner of Tompkins Square Park. Parents they used to see every day now “go to different parks,” said Castro.

Meanwhile, a few random shots of the playground from recent months...

The stickers do not come off very easily


Tempo's cheeky new ad

Here's the latest ad (seen on Third Avenue near 14th Street) for Tempo, the coming-soon condos at 23rd Street and Second Avenue. I'm curious if the Tempo spa will be co-ed. So, if I decided to buy a place here, then I can expect topless models in the spa? Topless models who'll stand there looking as if they'll drop that towel at the first sign of, say, a sweaty municipal bond trader?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Measuring Tempo

An afterschool special

On the side of the Tompkins Square Middle School on Avenue B near Fifth Street. I took this photo Tuesday night. By last night, the wall was graffiti free again.

In case you can't WAIT until tomorrow to watch "Step Up 3D" in action

Well, you're in luck — the Step Uppers are filming today around Baruch...

Woah is me?

On 11th Street near Avenue A.

All the Fulton Street Duane Reade news that's fit to post

The Big new Duane Reade opens at the former Staples site on Water Street and Fulton on Saturday...

...which means the old Duane Reade a few hundred feet away on Fulton is closing...

Meanwhile, someone artfully arranged these bricks on Water Street outside the new Duane Reade.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Butter Lane owner: "We are not turning into a bar!"

Maria Baugh, one of the owners of Butter Lane Cupcakes, sent me an e-mail late yesterday afternoon about my post titled, "Is Butter Lane turning into a bar?"

Here's what she had to say:

Hi E.V. Grieve,

My name is Maria Baugh and I’m one of the owners of Butter Lane. I wanted to introduce myself and try to address your questions/concerns about Butter Lane’s application for a liquor license.

We’re applying for a liquor license because we would like to occasionally offer champagne mostly for events or special promotions. We are also exploring the idea of offering wine pairings with cupcakes. We are not turning into a bar!

Also, just so there’s no confusion, we’ve been open until 11 pm on weeknights and midnight on Friday and Saturday (10 pm on Sunday) since we opened in November. Our hours have not changed.

Our main objective is to offer great-tasting, high-quality cupcakes to residents of the East Village and beyond. We love the neighborhood and our many customers who are also our Butter Lane neighbors.

St. Brigid's and Matt Dillon, together again?

Late yesterday afternoon, I took a stroll by St. Brigid's on Avenue B at Eighth Street... Just to check in on her...see what was what with the scaffolding. Nothing going on with the church. Across the street, though, Matt Dillon was standing there, borderline incognito in aviator sunglasses. He was talking on a cell phone.

I wouldn't usually note a sighting like this... but, as you know, Dillon supports the church... Maybe he was there to see St. Brigid's? Couldn't tell you. I didn't linger. I ran home as fast as I could to write this post! (Kidding! I didn't run.)

Dillon attended some Save St. Brigid's rallies in the past. The Villager had a story on it back in June 2007:

"After the rally, Dillon lingered for nearly an hour as he waxed on about St. Brigid’s uniqueness and 'minimalist' beauty, at one point throwing his arm around a Channel 2 news cameraman to show him the best angle to capture the cathedral.

'There’s a kind of spiritual energy that’s attached with this church. Something that’s very soulful,' offered Dillon. 'It’s more than any church that I’ve been around. Every time I come here, I’m more impressed by just how beautiful it is,' explained the actor, who also filmed 'The Saint of Fort Washington' in a squat around the corner from St. Brigid’s.

'There’s nothing ostentatious about this church. But there’s something very elegant,' Dillon continued. 'It was designed by a famous architect. It reflects the poor immigrants who came here. They built it the best they could. It should be preserved to tell that history, just like Ellis Island.'"

[Photo by William Alatriste, New York City Council]

Your chance to nab a piece of junk from Le Souk

As Down by the Hipster noted May 22, Le Souk had its liquor license reinstated ... before that, though, there was talk the longtime bane of lower Avenue B (as Eater aptly described it) was relocating to Bleecker and LaGuardia...

Meanwhile, Le Souk must be doing a little late spring cleaning. Which may explain why someone at Le Souk left a bunch of crap on the sidewalk last night... I call dibs on the empty keg!

Steve Cuozzo digs DBGB, the Bowery

From his review in the Post today... which had more to do with the neighborhood than the restaurant:

Most people still perceive the boulevard in discrete sections: the gentrified blocks north of Houston Street; kitchen supply and electrical fixture-heaven below Houston; and Chinatown, south of Delancey.

But there's a cheerful, disheveled continuity here, an exotic ramble not yet homogenized by Duane Reades and bank branches.

Much of the Bowery still looks as it must have 100 years ago: a procession of low-rise, utilitarian structures, keepers of secrets known only to the weathered bricks and mortar. Thanks to the street's unusual width and mostly low-rise scale, it opens up like a time capsule, especially on sunny days.

[Image via Curbed]

Dumpster of the day

On Suffolk near Delancey. Hmmm, residual waste!

The dumpster was there alongside the space for lease signs at 128 Delancey that BoweryBoogie discussed yesterday....

Speaking of the Lower East Side: A random photo from the EV Grieve archives

On Delancey. I think this sums up the current state of affairs quite nicely.


On the plywood at the former Love Saves the Day spot, Second Avenue and Seventh Street.