Thursday, September 8, 2022

It's milling time

Here's a look at Seventh Street at Avenue A after the late-night milling this week

We can confirm that First Avenue between 12th Street and 15th Street has been milled (and it makes that stretch even nicer!

The length of Seventh Street between Avenue D and Cooper Square was supposed to be fully milled by now. (If anyone can confirm, aside from Seventh between A and First. The EVG Milling & Paving Team is at a softball tournament upstate.) 

Third Street from Avenue D to the Bowery is/was set to be milled last night and tonight. 

Anyway, a few people asked. Yes, the Citi Bike docking stations will return to Seventh and A, Seventh and B, Seventh and C, etc. And: No, the city does NOT remove curbside-dining structures for the milling and paving. 

And no word yet when the paving will commence.


Anonymous said...

And First Ave has been milled above 14th Street including the Stuy Town service road.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely ridiculous that the city can't just make some fucking moves already with these sheds. There is no reason they shouldn't have them dismantled if they're milling the street. The time is way past overdue.

Anonymous said...

They should move the long ass 7th and B bike/ad station to the side sidewalk and do the slant bike thing. Not sure why they even put them there when the rack takes up all of Tompkins right on the other side.