Showing posts with label Urban Etiquette Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban Etiquette Signs. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

'Friendly neighbors' have concerns about that 'nasty' kiddie pool on the roof

Few things in blog life please us more than Urban Etiquette Signs... like this one that EVG regular Spike shared from along East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

First, the note!

Passive aggressive perfection!

And the aftermath... Ah! Turns out that the note wasn't in reference to a kiddie pool gainfully used by toddlers to keep cool during this recent Fall Heatwave of 2013™ ... it appears that the kiddie pool in question may have been keeping the brews cool during a recent rooftop rager...

Regardless. Someone sort of half-dumped the pool in question. No word on where the mosquitos are.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Meanwhile in the Northwest East Village ...

You know, over on East 13th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...

Anyway! A photo of an Urban Etiquette Sign via EVG reader Kelly Virginia Vinson ...

"Dear Friends,

Don't let your douchebag NYU friends sit on the stoop all day long..."

Bonus points for making the NYU look really angry.

Previously on EV Grieve:
About the 'Northwest East Village'

Monday, August 12, 2013


EVG reader MA spotted this Urban Etiquette Sign in the Ageloff Towers lobby... apparently some "subleasers" are displaying their "primative [sic] behavior" on the roof deck here on Avenue A between East Third Street and East Fourth Street.

Monday, July 29, 2013

A detailed note about a dog on the window ledge

A reader shared this Urban Dog Etiquette Sign spotted on East 11th Street...

Excellent detail. And, friendly!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tree pleads: 'I am alive'

Urban Tree Etiquette Sign on East 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

Not to mention Doritos.

Monday, July 15, 2013


An Urban Etiquette Sign on Avenue A... "Listen up, this roof is under 24/7 video surveillance and we have many 'eyes and ears' in the building looking at for you guys."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Please don't steal tree pit plants

Bobby Williams spotted this Urban Etiquette Sign on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Noise isn't funny?

Some rather hastily written signs appeared recently outside the Upright Citizens Brigade on Avenue A at East Third Street...

Are there some noise issues here? It has been some time since we noted any noise signs here...



Monday, June 10, 2013

Helpful flyer reminds residents what they can flush down the toilets in this East Village building

[Click on image to enlarge]

A reader shared this letter that the super dropped off over the weekend... seems as if residents in this building or using the toilets to flush stuff other than [censored] or, as some people crudely call it, [censored].

Other items mentioned in the flyer that should not be flushed: "Stolen government files, drug stashes, pet alligators or last night's leftover meatloaf."

The super/landlord then goes on to list exactly what can be flushed. "If what you're thinking of flushing does not meet the requirements of the above list, then do not flush it."

Kidding aside, probably a good reminder for some folks, like the ones I heard who discard their kitty litter via the toilet. Or the remains of the baby deep fryer.

As we wrote last year: Letters addressing what you can and can't flush down your toilet are always so... awkward.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A classic Urban Etiquette Sign for the 'Birthday Girl on the Second Floor'

A tipster points us to the front door at 500 E. 11th Street at Avenue A.

Per the tipster: "As if the residents of this building weren't suffering enough from Kushner and 7-11 construction..."

[Click image to enlarge]

The sign reads in part:

"We understand that you may be on a different schedule than many of us, but we're not playing our music out of our windows when you're sleeping. No, we have an understanding of what it means to be a neighbor. This is not a dormitory (although, the changing nature of the East Village may, at times, look and sound otherwise)."

Pretty good! But will it actually do a bit of good? According to the tipster: "This is the second time a letter was posted pleading with said tenant to play nice."

Monday, May 6, 2013

'Stop with the graffiti on this building!'

EVG reader John spotted this Urban Etiquette Sign over at 134 E. 13th St., home of the Classic Stage Company and Everyman Espresso...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Residents don't care much for neighbor peeing on the front of their building before going upstairs

Well then. A resident along East Fifth Street shares this... Apparently residents witnessed a man peeing in front of the building this past weekend ... then he went inside and upstairs to his apartment.

Which, based on the signs that someone attached to the front door and the tenant's door, didn't go over so well...

Said the resident: "Is this what the neighborhood is coming to? That the stupid woos and bros who have moved into the neighborhood feel the need to relieve themselves wherever and whenever they feel like it — even in front of THEIR OWN APARTMENT BUILDINGS, rather than walking up the stairs to use the facilities like a normal human being? WHAT is wrong with people?"

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

To the person stealing this newspaper

Spotted along East 10th Street ... via Bobby Williams.

And who said newspapers are dead?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

No dice on East Second Street

New Urban Etiquette Sign spotted outside an apartment building on East Second Street between Avenue C and Avenue D...

Includes awesome clip art.

Actually, those look like playing cards. But the point is taken.

Today in Urban Etiquette dog poop signs

On the topic of Urban Etiquette Signs, a reader sent us the shot below from East 12th Street near Avenue B where "there is always dog shit smeared on the sidewalk."

Here's one way to perhaps curb this kind of non-practice ...

This sign led to a conversation about the worst blocks for uncurbed dogs. Aside from this stretch, one candidate suggested was the north side of East Second Street between Avenue A and First Avenue ... on the sidewalk, dubbed by someone as "poop alley," along the Village View parking lot.

That aside, remember — You don't fuck with East 12th Street.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Season's Greetings, etc.

[Seasonal Urban Etiquette Signage on East Third Street]

[Leftover trees on Dec. 25 on East 14th Street and First Avenue]

[East Seventh Street]

[Popeye Doyle as Santa in "The French Connection"]


[Christmas spirit at the 7-Eleven on the Bowery]

[East 11th Street parking garage]

[The Mystery Lot]

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Urban Etiquette Sign leftover from last Sunday's Tompkins Square Greenmarket ...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hope fades for a tidy tree house living room

Time to check in again on the tree house living room over here on First Avenue near East 14th Street ... An Urban Etiquette Sign recently appeared asking people to be respectful of the space and not leave trash around.


But the sign hasn't been effective.

And now? It's just getting uglier.

And someone even brought Bushwick into it!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Despite Urban Etiquette Sign, trash still piles up in tree house living room

Friday, November 30, 2012