Friday, April 3, 2009

"Bored 2 Death"? Hardly!

Some of us got to stalk Max Fischer ... or watch the trucks rumble along East Seventh Street after filming for HBO's "Bored 2 Death" wrapped last evening at the Odessa.

Friday Photo Follies

And you thought there was a mob scene at TopShop yesterday....Down on Park Row.

"All of the Mets, Yankees and NYC resources could not duplicate what the Romans did 20 centuries ago"

A few excerpts from EV Grieve favorite Phil Mushnick's column in today's Post. The topic: The new stadiums for the Mets and Yankees:

The Mets' new billion-dollar, state-of-the-art, restaurant- and luxury-box-lined park has loads of obstructed-view seats -- same as the Yanks' new park. The Mets are pretending that theirs don't exist, while the Yanks are pretending that theirs were part of the plan, all along.

Who was the architect, George Costanza?

Not that anyone expected anyone to actually consider the sightlines from these seats. Those unwilling or unable to surrender their good senses to continue to attend Yankees and Mets games were deemed persona-get-outta from the start. The plans, after all, always called for fewer "cheaper" seats.

Who knew, three years ago, that such seats would be in demand among the freshly impoverished? Or that corporations, having supplanted real fans as sports' best customers, would be less solvent than both bleacher bums and bleach?


Most remarkable, though, is that in the 21st century, all of the Mets, Yankees and NYC resources could not duplicate what the Romans did 20 centuries ago. The Roman Coliseum, now 2,000 years old, never had a bad seat.


No worries, though. If Mayor Bloomberg and Yankee Vice Emperor Randy Levine are correct in their claim that new ballparks are good for the economy, we can build new ones every two years. Excelsior!

Spinning into DVD

"Spinning into Butter," a racial drama starring Sarah Jessica Parker, was released last Friday, showing locally at the Sunshine on Houston. The film had reportedly been sitting on the shelf for nearly four years and was unceremoniously dumped on the market. The marketing campaign consisted of putting up the Worst Movie Posters Ever on Houston and Avenue B and East Fifth Street near Cooper Union. And probably a few other places.

According to Variety, the film grossed $5,534 during the March 27-29 weekend. It played at four theaters in the country. That's good for a $1,384 per screen average. So let's see if my arithmetic is any good. It played six times a day at the Sunshine; 18 times then for the weekend, we assume. So divide the $1,384 by 18. That's roughly 77. So 77 people saw the movie over the weekend at the Sunshine. Tickets are $12.50 each. So, 77 divided by 12.50.... so that means, on average, six people saw each screening.

By the way, "Spinning into Butter" is no longer playing at the Sunshine.

The new scourge of our neighborhoods: Church chimes

These were spotted on St. Mark's between First Avenue and Avenue A.

The weather of late is causing problems for local businesses

For example!

On East Third Street near Avenue B...

And on St. Mark's Place...

Marilyn Monroe Stumps for the Sock Man

Have you seen these ads around for the Sock Man?

I thought for sure that the Sock Man would use Chloe Sevigny for the ad.

Beer and wine for May

The dismantling of the old Love Saves the Day location on Second Avenue and Seventh Street continues. Meanwhile, as Jeremiah reported, the space is becoming something called May Chan Ramen. On April 20, they'll be going before the CB3's SLA & DCA Licensing Committee for a beer and wine permit.


At Julius Klein/Art & Design on East First Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.


"Sitting in new Yankee Stadium on the first day fans came to the $1.5 billion ballpark, managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner admitted some tickets might be overpriced given the recession but insisted the team read the market correctly for most of them." (ESPN)

(And that's Hal on the left of everyone's favorite all-star!)

I LOVE NEW YORK -- the real stuff, not that fake shit

We get press releases!


OpSec Security and CMG Worldwide Selected to Launch Authentication Program

New York, NY- I LOVE NEW YORK, one of the world's most iconic brands, has launched a new authentication program to protect its brand and legitimate brand licensees from the onslaught of unlicensed and counterfeit I LOVE NEW YORK products in the marketplace. The protection program consists of accompanying officially licensed products with new hologram hang tags and labels, which serve as marks of integrity and control counterfeiting. OpSec Security, Inc., a global leader in anti-counterfeiting and brand protection solutions, and CMG Worldwide, a premier licensing company representing celebrity legends and prized brands, is partnering with I LOVE NEW YORK in the authentication program.

The I LOVE NEW YORK campaign and brand, managed by Empire State Development (ESD), were launched in 1977 to promote tourism and travel for New York State. In May 2008, ESD relaunched the I LOVE NEW YORK campaign to reinvigorate the premier travel brand, nationally and internationally, and further promote tourism in New York State. Today's announcement is the latest component of the brand relaunch.

ESD President and CEO Marisa Lago said, "The primacy of the I LOVE NEW YORK brand is in no small part due to the millions of visitors who purchase officially licensed merchandise that bears the campaign's iconic logo. As part of the relaunch, I LOVE NEW YORK began positioning the brand with contemporary products that go well beyond basic souvenirs. As a result of improving the quality and quantity of official I LOVE NEW YORK merchandise, licensing revenues increased by 70% in 2008-2009."

At its heart, the authentication program serves to further increase revenues and protect the brand as a valuable asset for New York State. Additional steps have been taken by I LOVE NEW YORK to protect the brand, such as the development of "brand guidelines" that aid partners in using the brand's logo in a consistent manner, thereby increasing awareness of and helping to cement an emotional connection with audiences.

"Over the years, I LOVE NEW YORK has become one of the most recognized tourism brands in the world and is widely popular with visitors to New York State. Like many respected brands, counterfeiters have exploited consumers looking for I LOVE NEW YORK souvenirs. We are proud to provide an anti-counterfeiting solution that enables consumers to easily identify genuine I LOVE NEW YORK merchandise from low quality fakes," said Jeffrey Unger, President, Brand Protection, OpSec Security.

Did you make it this far? And, Huh?

More signs from the recession

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Man, I loved him in "Getting Even with Dad!"

Filming for the new HBO series "Bored 2 Death" is happening around the neighborhood...

Right now they're holed up in Odessa on Avenue A.

The show stars Jason Schwartzman and Ted Danson. When I took the photo of the flier the other day, two guys in their mid-20s were looking at it. One said something about Ted Danson. His friend replied, seriously, "Yeah, he was in 'Becker.'"

For further reading:
My Stalk-a-thon (Slum Goddess)

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

"It wasn’t long ago that one way the wealthy flashed their fortunes was by decking their dogs in Burberry collars and sending them for spa services. Now even the city’s wealthiest dog owners have cut their budgets and sometimes abandoned their dogs entirely." (City Room)

Two EV icons are on the mend, Biker Bill... and the Mosaic Man (Neither More Nor Less)

Coney Island Freak Show is on! (Gothamist)

Historic mailboxes disappear from Hotel Chelsea (Living with Legends)

Karate Boogaloo has details on the excellent-sounding "What I've Been Hoarding; An Accumulation of Rock and Literary Decadence: 1965 - 85" (Stupefaction)

Jeremiah walks on the East River and revisits 1992 East Village (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Shocker! Orchard Street Hell building shows signs of life (BoweryBoogie)

The link to the video people keep sending me (BrinkJunk)

Lady GaGa knocks out her backup dancer's front teeth (BuzzFeed)

Ridiculous help wanted ad (Gawker)

EV Grieve reader and EV resident Claudia Castillo (a currently unemployed TV producer) shot a nice segment on the Unemployment Olympics the other day. Watch it here. It was also posted to CNN's iReport page.