Monday, August 12, 2013

Parmys Persian Fusion coming soon to First Avenue

[EVG file photo]

There's finally a tenant for the long-vacant space at 125 First Ave. between St. Mark's and Seventh Street. The plywood is up!

Matt Rosen passes along word that the storefront will be home to, as the sign shows, Parmys Persian Fusion... with kebabs and the like...

The restaurant has applied for a liquor license ... they appear on this month's CB3/SLA agenda. You can read more about the plans on the application (PDF) filed ahead of next Monday's meeting.

Most recently (in 2009), the address was home to Revitali Hookah Lounge‎ (and before that, Prana). In early 2012, there were plans here for a fish and meat market, but the financing fell through. Oh, and there were those Starbucks rumors for this space in 2010.

Are you missing your adorable cat?

A reader found this cat last night on East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue. Per the reader: "She's a sweetie. Definitely domestic."

Let us know if we can help make a reunion...

Laundromat saga comes full cycle on East Second Street

So, some closure on the Klean & Kleaner saga on East Second Street. The laundromat here between Avenue A and Avenue B had been on the market for use as a bar-restaurant. The Living Room unsuccessfully tried to relocate here. The place then closed in the middle of July... then reopened as a laundromat a few days later under new ownership.

As the signs point out, new efficient washers and dryers are coming soon.

And that's not all. You can dry for free after 6 p.m., though only "with wash machine use." So no cheating.

Ippin is closed for renovations

Several readers noted that Ippin, the sushi and noodle bar that opened at 141 First Ave. back in February, is closed for the time being ... with a sign on the gate pointing to a "renovation."

The space has been home to a series of noodle bars of late since its day as a fish market...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Today in photos of people enjoying Tompkins Square Park even though that fence is still up

Photo by Bobby Williams. Previously.

Updated Monday:
Workers have removed the fence.

Week in Grieview

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

Q-and-A with Amy Nicholson, director of "Zipper: Coney Island's Last Wild Ride." (Tuesday)

The demolition of Mary Help of Christians (Friday)

RIP John Blanco (Tuesday)

Out and About with Hannah Rad of East Village Radio (Wednesday)

A photo of syringes in Tompkins Square Park (Monday, 42 comments)

Sisters take to the street to find a restaurant investor (Friday)

The Odessa Cafe and Bar to remain open through Sept. 6 (Friday)

Update on the condo conversion at Sixth Street synagogue (Tuesday)

Documenting the Mosaic Trail (Thursday)

A 13 Portals update (Monday)

East 11th Street construction hell (Thursday)

The Deep End Club, a new pop-up shop on First Avenue (Tuesday)

Here is the CBGB movie trailer (Wednesday)

The Winslow Public House opening next month on East 14th Street (Monday)

Tacos Morelos opens on East Ninth Street (Friday)

If it's a Thursday night, then it rains (Thursday)

Rite Aid's Grand reopening (Thursday)


Also on Friday, a tree fell on East 13th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue... clipped a car, though there weren't any injuries...

[Via Everyman Espresso]

[Later, via Bobby Williams]


East Fourth Street between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

Nestor still hasn't come home

Previously. And here.

[Updated] After the limb came crashing down in Tompkins Square Park

Saturday morning!

Sunday morning!

Workers yesterday removed the split section of the elm that fell in Tompkins Square Park on Friday afternoon ... up toward the entrance at Avenue A and St. Mark's Place...

Hopefully the tree can remain... Looks healthy enough. But.

A man sitting nearby this morning said that he saw the limb come crashing down. "Dude, it was fucked up. I was sitting right there and it was like, fuck dude."

He believes, fairly seriously, that squirrels caused the limb to fall.

Updated 12:26 p.m.
GammaBlog has more about the tree here. The arborists said that it was unlikely the could survive such a wound.

Instant request

A reader writes in:

Could you do a post to tell whoever to take down the fucking fence in the middle of the Park?

Uh, sure! Studio lines are open.

The fence went up Thursday for a dog event hosted by Nate Berkus.

Previously on EV Grieve:
That temporary fence in the middle of Tompkins Square Park

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The daily disappearance

Photo this evening by Bobby Williams

There is a 'No 7-Eleven' rally tomorrow

Avenue A and East 11th Street at 1 p.m. ... site of the pending convenience store.

For more details and updates:

The No 7-Eleven blog ... Facebook ... Twitter...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] More from the anti-7-Eleven front on Avenue A and East 11th Street

Avenue A's anti-7-Eleven campaign now includes arsenal of 20,000 stickers

'No 7-Eleven' movement goes global with BBC report

7-Eleven alert: Are 2 chain stores replacing Bar on A and Angels & Kings?

First sign of the incoming 7-Eleven on Avenue A

The New York City Marble Cemetery is open until 5 today on East 2nd Street

The New York City Marble Cemetery is hosting another Neighborhood Open Day today... from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Go here for more info.

*Upcoming Dates*
Sunday, Sept. 15

Today in photos (and video) of yarn-covered rickshaws on Avenue A

From late yesterday afternoon via EVG reader Andrew...

That temporary fence in the middle of Tompkins Square Park

Several people have asked about the fencing set up in the middle of Tompkins Square Park. (Despite rumors, it is not a cattle chute.)

It is leftover from an event Thursday evening, which we never mentioned for some reason.

Here was the pitch via email:

I know you write about all of the exciting things happening in the East Village, so I thought you might be interested in this upcoming event! Celebrity designer and dog lover Nate Berkus will be in New York on Thursday, August 8 to host an unforgettable evening (5-7pm) of play for New Yorkers and their four-legged friends. Together with Beneful, Nate is kicking off a Play Date Tour that will subsequently travel the country, inspiring dogs and owners to play more.

Please consider joining us for this free and open-to-the-public event, which will take place in the East Village’s Tompkins Square Park (between Ave A&B, East 7th&10th) – a popular destination for city pups seeking open space to run free. A section of the park will be transformed into the ultimate play destination, with everything from spoon races to a squeaky toy pit to water misters set up for local dog/ owner duos looking to change up their summer routine. The visuals will be memorable, to say the least, and are sure to excite the rest of NYC’s furry population for National Dog Day, which will be celebrated later this summer.

And a photo at the start of the event via Bobby Williams...


Summer Streets Saturday (SSS!) is underway now... through 1 p.m. So grab a discarded Citi Bike and hit Fourth Avenue! (And don't accept any Hennessey from strangers along this route!)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Pump up the volume

The Patti Smith Group with "Pumping (My Heart)" live in 1979...

Tree down in Tompkins Square Park

Uh-oh. Goggla writes in to let us know that this tree just split a few minutes ago in Tompkins Square Park... thankfully, no one was injured...

Tacos Morelos now open on East Ninth Street

As we first reported back on June 24, food-cart favorite Tacos Moreles is opening a restaurant at the former Empanadas Bar on East Ninth Street ... One of our Facebook friends just let us know that they are now open as of today...

[Updated] 'Landlord Blues' tonight

Tonight at the MoRUS Film Fest...

"Landlord Blues" (1986) Directed by Jacob Burckhardt

This is a rare chance to see Landlord Blues on 16mm, as well as to see Jacob Burckhardt introduce the film in person.

The plot:

Sometimes in a modern city it's easier to beat a murder rap than it is to get a new lease. George (Mark Boone Junior) is trying to hold on to his modest bike shop despite the efforts of his slum landlord, Albert Streck (Richard Litt), to terminate his lease on a technicality and evict him. When Streck turns nasty, hiring first a lawyer and then even an arsonist, George turns to his friends, a street-wise crew of Lower East Side loyalists, for help in beating Streck at his own game.

The movie runs 90 minutes. Doors open at 7:30 pm at Orchard Alley, on the south side of 4th Street close to Avenue D. $5 (suggested) at the door. Show up early for a good seat (or feel free to bring your own seat or blanket). Refreshments will be served.

Find more details on the Film Fest here. Check the site for a change in venue in case of rain.


The film will be shown at MoRUS, 155 Avenue C between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street...

Today in photos of unlocked, possibly abandoned Citi Bikes

A reader says that this unlocked Citi Bike has been parked here along East Eighth Street all morning... Maybe it's a trap?

The 'senseless shocking self-destruction' of Mary Help of Christians

The photos and illustration are courtesy of Anton van Dalen

Dear neighborhood friends,

Made this drawing today and yesterday, also took the photos.

It's about a church that since 1917 has been an important integral part of our immediate neighborhood and community.

I, as so many of my neighbors, looked on in disbelief through a crack in the forbidding veil covered sidewalk fence.

We tried to comprehend, as the wrecking appeared done surreptitiously, this senseless shocking self-destruction.

And the complete betrayal of a family oriented community and a history that has endeared me since 1971.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Permits filed to demolish Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory

Preservationists call for archeological review of former cemetery at Mary Help of Christians site

Scaffolding arrives for demolition of Mary Help of Christians

Reader report: Odessa Cafe and Bar will remain open through Sept. 6

[Michael Sean Edwards]

Reliable sources pass along word that the Odessa Cafe and Bar at 117 Avenue A will now remain open through Sept. 6. The Odessa was originally set to close after service this coming Tuesday night ... and eventually become a "a full-service American brasserie restaurant," according to CB3 records.

The closure of Odessa Cafe and Bar will not impact the newer Odessa next door at 119 Avenue A, though we hear that the restaurant will have more of a bar scene later at night.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Building that houses Odessa Cafe and Bar for sale on Avenue A

Is the end nearing for Odessa Cafe and Bar on Avenue A?

Former GM from Tribeca's Tiny's & the Bar Upstairs part of team to buy the Odessa Cafe

Reader report: Odessa Cafe closes for good after Aug. 15

Owners of I Cipressi take to the streets to find investors

The above sign has been hanging in the window at I Cipressi. The Italian restaurant, in the works since last fall at 189 Avenue A, is from the folks who ran I Coppi on East Ninth Street.

The sign mentions problems with opening and points people to Facebook to learn more.

This letter via Facebook is dated July 24. It's slightly edited for length.

Dear Everybody,

This is the story of two sisters from Tuscany, two restaurants and Hurricane Sandy.

My name is Lorella. I owned a restaurant on east 9th st. named I Coppi for fourteen years ... I had to close I Coppi in September 2012 after a series of unfortunate episodes, mostly a very ugly divorce.

My sister, Maristella, owns a restaurant called Matilda on east 11th st. — open since 2007. Together we decided to open a new restaurant. We got a great space on a great location, Avenue A between east 11th and east 12th. We were doing fine working at it slowly but effectively. Friends and family helped us as well investing some money. But then Sandy came. …..

Matilda restaurant is situated between Ave B and Ave C, one block from the con ed station that exploded ... The restaurant got flooded. She lost almost everything. We had no electricity or hot water like the rest of the families living across from us and around us. It was a war zone. It was wonderful as well because the people in the neighborhood got together and we all worked to help each other with food, carrying all the destroyed furniture outside on the sidewalk and mostly trying emptying the basements from water.

To make a long story short we were closed for more than a month but the bills kept on coming. Not the landlord nor Con Edison gave us a break. We filled up all kind of relief papers but did not get a penny, not from FEMA, not from anybody.

My sister had to get a job to keep her restaurant open while I take care of it, her daughter and my son. The moral of this very long story is that we are about to lose our new location, which is crucial to the future of our kids...

Sincerely, Lorella and Maristella Innocenti Da Vinci

Meanwhile, these signs are up now around the neighborhood ...

[Photo by William Klayman]

They are looking for investors to help them get the restaurant on Avenue A open...

[Via Facebook]

From a follow-up email to us:

The space needs an exhaust system and I found a company that gave me a great deal. I own most of the equipment (hood , dishwashing machine, dough mixer, pasta machine, lowboys refrigerators, steel tables, steel slicers). I have all the custom made wooden tables and wooden Napoleon chairs, lots of beautiful ceramic and terracotta decorations from Tuscany, which I brought myself from Florence where my family lives.


I do not need an impossible amount of money and it will be an investment. I do not want anything for free. I know I have to work very hard and I always did.

By the way, I have the same chef that I had at I Coppi, in addition a French pastry-bread chef, Daniel, who is amazing. We are going to have breakfast with all type of goodies, fresh baguettes sandwiches, cappuccinos, lattes, espressos, fresh squeezed juices. I cannot wait to start ... This is going to be an investment and a lot of fun.

And now, gas station kitty

Oh, yes. Happy August Friday! Spotted over at the BP Station on Second Avenue and East First Street...

This cat's a real gas, you know.

Now, equal time, featuring Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

To ward off any "claims" of kitty bias this morning.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Breaking: Free cake, sandwiches at Rite Aid's grand reopening

The Rite Aid grand re-opening party is in FULL swing now on First Avenue and East Fifth Street.

Per a reader lured in by the Balloon Arc (trellis?):

Grand opening cake and sandwiches at rite aid! Lots of "new associate" nametags and as reported by earlier commenters, smiles and thank-yous.


EVG contributor Derek Berg spotted this sign on Fourth Avenue near East Ninth Street this afternoon ... not sure if this is legit ... or some kind of wacky viral marketing campaign or what not... In any event, did you catch the part about the "roach poison in Hennessey"?

[Updated] Today in lines for restaurants that may or may not be opening tonight

A reader notes that the line for Blue Ribbon Chicken Fried Chicken on East First Street and Second Avenue is currently wrapped around the corner... the restaurant isn't officially ready for business yet, but it is rumored to be opening tonight maybe for service.

Per another reader who stopped by at lunchtime:

We pressed our faces against the window and watched the staff eat lunch, and talked to a staffer outside eating a delicious looking sandwich. He told us it may open for dinner tonight, but he's not sure. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW?!

Updated 9:03

Still a line around 8:20... several readers say that everything is free on the menu tonight...

[Photo by Carmen, aka, Tommy Sharkskin, aka aka Tompkins Square Shark]

Updated 11:26 am
Robert Sietsema offers his take on the food here at Eater.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Outside the new-look 205 Avenue A this morning via Greg Masters]

What's taking over the University Diner space (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A rundown of LES-themed books and recommendations on where to read them (DNAinfo)

Landbrot Bakery & Bar evicted on Orchard Street (BoweryBoogie)

More about the East River Blueway Plan (The Villager)

At the National Night Out Against Crime, with "Macarena" video (Slum Goddess)

Brooklyn rents are now nearly high as Manhattan rents (Gothamist)

A now and then on West 13th Street (Gog in NYC)

And tonight as part of the ongoing MoRUS Film Festival: "7th Street" directed by Josh Pais. Read more about the documentary here. (The film is preceded by the Paper Tiger TV show "Play for Keeps," about the demolition of Esperanza Garden.)

Doors open at 7:30 pm at 6B Garden (Avenue B and 6th Street), and films begin at dusk. Per MoRUS: Arrive early for beer/wine, and to save a seat (or feel free to bring blankets or chairs of your own). $5 (suggested) at the door.

Here's a snippet of "7th Street" ...

Life is grand now at Rite Aid, maybe

The transformation of the Rite Aid on First Avenue at East Fifth Street is apparently complete. Goggla, who has admirably served as our EVG Senior First Avenue Rite Aid Correspondent these recent whirlwindy weeks, points out the Balloon Arch (Trellis?) this morning... signage notes a "grand opening (and re-opening!) celebration."

A new-look inside .... a new-look outside... new-look hours (24!) ... an EVG regular even said that the employees were smiling and not making you feel as if you were at, say, the DMV or Peter Stuyvesant Post Office. Will it last?

Meanwhile! Bake A Bone™'s for everyone!


Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] As the Rite Aid turns (colors)

Rite Aid's enchanted forest

How green is Rite Aid's valley?