EVG contributor Derek Berg spotted this sign on Fourth Avenue near East Ninth Street this afternoon ... not sure if this is legit ... or some kind of wacky viral marketing campaign or what not... In any event, did you catch the part about the "roach poison in Hennessey"?
This is really weird. I don't think it is even legal. Can you write these things on a poster with a non-celebrity or popular figure...I think there are serious slander issues here..
Ohhh. I was thinking Sherman Hemsley.
Wasn't a "Poisoned Hennesey" one of those "special" holiday drinks at the Mars Bar?
The design makes me think it's part of a guerrilla marketing campaign for something. However, the misspelling -- attempted "poising" -- makes me think it's either not that, or a low-budget campaign.
Sherman Williams is a brand of paint, btw.
Ashmnyc - that's SHerWIN WIlliams paint. Not Sherman.
"Poisoned Hennesey" - bringing back McGurk's Suicide Hall!
You are correct. Thank you.
Maybe I was thinking of Shermyn's March.
@shmnyc: "Poising" is similar to poisoning but it's done with a plum.
And it wasn't "Shermyn's March" it was "Sherman's March", which, contrary to any reasonable person's expectations, occurred during November-December.
Why people continue to employ babysitters off Craigslist amazes me.
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