Here's how the wall that was home to the Joe Strummer mural for 10 years is looking now on East Seventh Street at Avenue A...
As you probably heard, workers wiped out the mural honoring the Clash frontman outside Niagara last Monday ... the underlying brick here at 132 E. Seventh St. is crumbling, so workers are replacing that wall, as DNAinfo noted.
After the brick restoration, artists Zephyr and Dr. Revolt will recreate the tribute in the coming weeks ...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Joe Strummer gets a splash of Niagara
Joe Strummer gets a new look, skyline
Headline h/t
I think a Lady Gaga mural should go up there. Something more contemporary.
Better yet, paint an iPhone, fro-yo, and Ray Bans on the wall. All the cliches the current generation can't get enough of.
Oh, and please make sure that the new mural includes some young person with phone in hand cutting directly in front of an older person and saying, "Watch where you're going!"
@Anon 8:24 - And don't forget to add a cheezy fedora.
Can the cargo shorts be a faded salmon color and be accompanied by boat shoes?
Second thought, remove the eyes completely and place iPhones in each socket.
And make the mural REALLY loud so it appears more interesting than it really is!
Can the mural wear a size 6 sundress even though its really a size 12?
Can the mural drink too much at the 13th Step and vomit all over the sidewalk?
These are all wonderful ideas to make the mural more contemporary but I don't think one mural is enough! We need thousands of murals to decent upon the neighborhood on the weekends.
Can the mural begin every sentence with "dude?"
Can the new mural treat the locals like second class citizens on their own turf?
Can the mural fly back home for the holidays?
Can the mural possess a breathtaking level of narcissism and self-involvement?
Can the mural think its OK to have an impromptu picnic on your stoop and leave all of its garbage behind?
Can the new mural think pub crawls are cool?
Can the new mural say HOLLISTER and have scantily clad gay porn star looking models spraying cologne at the people passing by?
Myley Cyrus!
Can the new mural twerk?
Irony: Requesting that young people bow down to the establishment in the name of a Joe Strummer memorial.
Can the new mural justify its alcoholism by hanging out with other alcoholics?
The transients do nothing more than dull down the city and drive the price of everything up. Why don't they all move to Boston or something.
No one is asking them to bow down, just to stop acting like self entitled, cliched assholes.
Dull. Dull. Dull.
Can the new mural serve fro-yo in a hoof?
Yes. Lets all feel bad for the poor, poor transients. They have it so rough. Drinking and eating out every night of the week on Mommy and Daddys dime. Sleeping in line for Cronuts. So so sad. Cry me a river.
Can the new mural be blue and includes Citi Bike(s)?
Can the new mural include an image of the young blond bimbo with a yoga mat waiting to get on the bus at 14th and A Saturday, and when the bus came even tho there was a guy in a wheelchair waiting to get on she tried to get on before him, and when I yelled at her that the wheelchairs always go first and didn't she know how the city worked, she sniffed that "he hadn't said anything about getting on the bus", so I had to snap back that, what, he was just sitting there at the bus stop hanging out? Pretty please?
Can the new mural bore us by talking about its new job in finance like the 3,000 murals that came before it?
Anon 4:22, you meant to say sleeping "ON" line for cronuts? Use of correct local syntax is appreciated when dissing the transient hordes.
I'm through tolerating these people. They need to be reminded, as often as possible, how awful are.
This generation hasn't produced anyone mural-worthy.
Can the new mural be replicated for installation in @51Deathstar? Might seem more East Village than Midtown South.
The Death Star has really taken off. So far the only thing occupied is the ground with trees.
This generation hasn't produced anyone mural-worthy because they're too busy worshiping themselves.
Can the mural be replaced by a two-way mirror so that they can keep adorning themselves while simultaneously seen by others?
Welcome to Panopticon Metropolis.
Can the mural include the newbie stooges that moved in across the hall and started screaming at 11 pm (and 3 am) "I'm sooooo excited!" and when I asked them to please put a sock in it, they got all huffy, so I huffed back, "This isn't a f***ing dorm!" (That seemed to work, btw.)
Happy to snap some photos of same.
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