Friday, October 1, 2010

Don't get any on you

Live Skull at CBGB circa 1986.


Anonymous said...

Perfect example today of how it's not just bikers creating nightmarish traffic problems in the e.v. Today , while waiting on my bike for a traffic light to change on the corner of Ave A and 10th, I watched a girl from the set scurry across Ave A without any regard for the fact that Ave A is two way traffic and the light was AGAINST HER. She then had the nerve to scream at the car that almost mowed her down to 'slow the hell down.' When I pointed out to her that she didn't have the light, her middle American sub-urban brain seemed to freeze up. She couldn't comprehend how all traffic could not come to a complete stop when a pedestrian enters the road the way it does in Maine and Ohio.

Anonymous said...

you're wrong about maine - no one walks there so drivers aren't even thinking about looking for pedestrians. you'd get mowed down in seconds. you'll know when you see someone from maine here because they won't cross until the light changes...

what amazed me was Santa Monica - if you go anywhere near a curb all the cars stop to let you cross. sometimes i was just looking at something on the other side of the street and the cars would stop - i crossed just because i felt bad!