Visit the Board of Elections website to find your location and the hours, which vary by day.
Meanwhile, you may request an absentee ballot until Oct. 27 via this link. Your absentee ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 3 (2020!), and received no later than Nov. 10 (2020!).
Photo in Tompkins Square Park yesterday by Steven
Updated 5 p.m. Some readers reported two- to-three-hour waits at Campos on 13th Street... lines stretched around Campos and back to Avenue B... and down to 12th Street... down 12th Street to C ...Line photo via Steven#TopStory #LBS : @michalp_: 'Long, orderly voting line in the East Village on the first day of #EarlyVote!
— Always looking (@PekkaPuhakka) October 24, 2020
Cc @evgrieve #VoteEarlyDay ' pic.twitter.com/9kbak1xIHs, see more https://t.co/xddeRCloAz
The most amazing sight I’ve ever seen. A line of voters stretching an entire NY block. From mid block 13th St around B to 12th St down to C, up C to 14th and down 14th to A. And we’re only 52 minutes out in!
I meant to say towards B. But you get my point.
I approached this line around 11. One of the pollers said it was like a five hour wait. I was like no thanks. I am going to show up on Monday around 7 am. I am hoping it won't be as bad. I have lived here for 20 years and have never witnessed anything like this before ever. Crazy! People want and need change. We're tired of the BS. Stay safe kiddos. Vote!!! It is really the only power we have as citizens.
I walked by the line on the way to the stoop sale. Amazing, moving.
Supposedly there are only 88 early voting sites but 1,200 on Election Day.
Wow, I'm glad I voted absentee!
I had requested an absentee ballot, I filled it out, waited until yesterday for fear of USPS, went to the polling site and asked the lady at the door if I needed to wait on line to drop it off. She said no and escorted me in, right to the drop off box. Could not have been more pleasant!. Seeing the line sent joyous chills through me!
@Anonymous 5:44 AM:
But the important thing is seeing how many people are taking their civic duties seriously for a change!
Scuba, that is EXACTLY what I meant
I went today at 3pm. Line was halfway down 12th St, but it moved fast and I was completely done within 45 minutes. There were a lot of volunteers on hand who kept things moving.
If you received the card with the barcode in the mail, use it as it does make things go faster (no flipping through the giant book to find your name).
And elderly and disabled can just go right in - no need wait in the line.
You get a sticker AND a pen, so there's that.
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