Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tree limb down in Tompkins Square Park

For the third time in the past month, a tree branch has fallen in Tompkins Square Park.

Goggla shares this photo from this morning... showing the broken branch on the tree east of the main lawn and along the Eighth Street and Ninth Street entrances on Avenue B. 

From the silver lining department, unlike the last two fallen limbs (here and here), this did not occur in an area where people would be walking, sitting, etc.


Anonymous said...

There is a tree in the central sitting area with a dead branch that is more than likely the next to fall. It is in the south western corner of the main central grass area where everyone sits. The brand is large and low, on the eastern side of the tree with zero live leaves or buds. I saw a pigeon lane on it and it swayed a scary amount (and I’m not one of those people who panic).

mvd said...

I have had my eye on that one for at least ten years.