Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Hitchcocktober is back

It's Hitchcocktober again at the City Cinemas Village East on Second Avenue at 12th Street.

On Thursday evenings throughout October, the theater is showing an Alfred Hitchcock classic, culminating with a Halloween-night screening of "Psycho."

Here's the schedule until then...

• "Dial M for Murder" in 3D — Oct. 3

• "North by Northwest" — Oct. 10

• "The Birds" — Oct. 17

"The Lady Vanishes" — Oct. 24

• "Psycho" — Oct. 31

Find advance ticket info at this link. The films start at 7:30 p.m.

Elsewhere nearby: the flagship Dean & Deluca is closed for now on Broadway and Prince

From outside the usual EVG coverage zone over at Broadway and Prince... EVG reader Robert Miner shared this photo from yesterday. The flagship location (circa 1988) of Dean & Deluca is now temporarily closed.

There have been reports of empty shelves here in recent months (see Gothamist and Eater).

Per Eater on Aug. 20:

Despite its dreary appearance, floor manager Mohammed Rahman says the store isn’t closing but rather undergoing renovations. Several signs that read “Please pardon our appearance as we prepare for renovations” are now strung about the store, located at 560 Broadway at Prince Street. Rahman says he hasn’t been told much about the renovations or when they’re supposed to start.

There isn't any mention of a renovation on the above-sign for patrons — just some "deep regret" about the temporary closing.

As you've been reading in recent months, Dean & Deluca, the iconic gourmet grocer, is on the brink of financial collapse. Complete collapse may be imminent. As of now, only two locations — both in Honolulu — are listed on the Dean & Deluca website.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday's parting shots

Late-night/early-morning views of 10th Street and Avenue B via Shawn Chittle...

Just desserts

There's probably a good reason why there's a discarded figure made from cupcakes, cookies, brownies and doughnuts on 10th Street near Second Avenue this afternoon.

Photo by Lola Saénz ...

Re-covering Cover Magazine at the Tompkins Square Library

Starting today, the Tompkins Square Library branch will have an exhibit featuring Cover Magazine, the East Village-based national publication that covered the arts from 1987 to 2000.

Per the Library's website:

The magazine’s slogan was "We Cover All the Arts" and the monthly featured art, music, literature, dance, fashion, performance, and theater in every issue. Later issues also contained stories about the community garden struggles.

Most of the staff and production team was recruited by publisher and editor Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, from his literary and artistic contacts in the East Village. The 64-page monthly journal circulated nationally until 2000, and the complete set of Cover issues are archived at NYU Fales Library and at MoMA.

Local heroes were touted, often before receiving mainstream attention. Penny Arcade, Colette, Eileen Myles, and Afrika Bambaataa were all part of featured cover stories. The magazine often broke new talent: for instance, the iconoclastic fine artist Andres Serrano received his first cover story in Cover.

The opening reception is tonight (Oct. 1) from 6-8 p.m. There are several other related programs in the weeks ahead.

The exhibit will be up at the Library, 331 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B, until Nov. 30.

After a late-summer hiatus, Tuesday Soup Night is back on at Ciao for Now

The soup is back on at Ciao for Now on Tuesday evenings at 523 E. 12th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B following a late summer hiatus.

Here's what to expect tonight (Oct. 1) ...

The family-owned cafe shut down its dining room after 17 years at the end of January 2018. However, ownership was continuing on with the catering business ... and in March 2018, they announced a Tuesday evening dinner service with a variety of soups and salads.

Ciao for Now is open Tuesdays from 5 to 9 p.m.

The 29th annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade is scheduled for Oct. 20 in East River Park

[Photo yesterday by Edmund John Dunn]

This year's Halloween dog parade is once again scheduled for the East River Park Amphitheater. The year's date: Sunday, Oct. 20 from noon to 3 p.m.

Meanwhile, Parade organizers are hopeful that the Parks Department might waive their sponsorship fees. At this point, the Parade does not have a sponsor. Update: The Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group has agreed to sponsor the event. (The Parks Department apparently rejected an Amazon sponsorship because the company wanted to distribute Halloween-related items in the Park. Parks officials were said to cite a lack of resources to make this happen.)

Parade organizers are currently holding a fundraiser via Facebook to cover the additional $6,500-$11,000 in fees from the city as well as to to raise money for ongoing upkeep of the dog run. You can find the fundraiser info on Facebook.

The 28th annual dog parade almost didn't happen last year. You can read about what happened at this link.

Given the city's plans for stormproofing East River Park starting in March 2020, this will likely be the last time the amphitheater can host the parade in the years ahead.

Here then, the cantilevering condoplex on 4th Avenue and 10th Street

ICYMI, 80 E. 10th St., the deluxe cantilevering condoplex at the southeast corner of 10th Street and Fourth Avenue, recently came into full view as workers cleared away the remaining plywood and sidewalk bridge.

Here's a look along 10th Street...

The next photo, taken a few days after the two above, shows that the 10th Street sidewalk is back open (and the street is finally clear of construction equipment after 28 months) ...

The 10-floor condoplex — called Eighty East Tenth — features 12 units, ranging from one to five bedrooms. The three remaining residences on the Eighty East Tenth website fall in the $7.5 million range.

Some details on the building from the website:

“Eighty East Tenth Street sits at the heart of a historically significant stretch of Fourth Avenue formerly known as Book Row, once the center of the rare and antique book trade in America. Inspired by this unique history, NAVA began an intensive creative process of transforming and expressing the written word into a physical pattern on the building’s façade. The resulting metal surface features a circular grid pattern of discreet concave and convex impressions which make each panel a distinct manifestation of the neighborhood's rich heritage.”

There's also 2,900 square feet of retail space on the market.

As noted before, a one-level row of businesses were on this corner, including the Green East deli and St. Marx Music, until 2007.

The storefronts sat empty for years, waiting for development. Here's the corner in 2013...

Maybe these shops will move back into the new retail space?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Demo permits filed to raze southeast corner of 4th Avenue and 10th Street

The 'tremendous retail potential' of East 10th Street and 4th Avenue

10 stories of condos in the works for the long-vacant corner of 4th Avenue and East 10th Street

With new building OK'd, corner of 4th Avenue and 10th Street finally ready for razing

Selling Eighty East Tenth

Gem Spa expanding its product line

Given the success of its branded T-shirts, Gem Spa proprietor Parul Patel now plans to add to the shop's streetwear merchandising with the upcoming arrival of sweatpants, hoodies and long sleeve tees.

Yesterday she showed EVG contributor Stacie Joy the Gem Spa hat.

As previously reported, the corner store on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place as been struggling in recent months, in part due to its six-month ban (set to end soon) on selling cigarettes and lottery tickets.

With the cash mob on Sept. 14 and the interest in the Gem Spa T-shirts, Parul told Stacie that she is feeling optimistic at the prospects of getting through this rough patch.

Parul’s father, Ray, bought Gem Spa in 1986.

Monday, September 30, 2019

6 posts from September

[Tompkins Square Park via Vinny & O]

A mini month in review...

• Night fever: The East Village Vintage Collective celebrates 4 years on 12th Street (Sept. 20)

• A visit to ANNA on 5th Street (Sept. 19)

• At the Gem Spa Cash Mob (Sept. 16)

• Breaking: Parks officials say they will NOT be putting down a synthetic turf in Tompkins Square Park; skateboarders rejoice (Sept. 6)

• On Avenue A, Coney Island Baby transforms into Lola; live music to share stage with club nights (Sept. 5)

• The return of "yuppie scum" at the former home of the Sunshine Cinema (Sept. 5)

Reader report: 'Vomit situation' on Avenue B (aka noted)

From the EVG inbox... location: West side of Avenue B between 10th Street and 11th Street...

"The smell came Friday. There was a large industrial black trash bag that was leaking vomit. It was terrible and stunk up the whole block all weekend."

Mmmm. And this morning?

"Now it appears the trash bag has disappeared and all that is left is an industrial amount of vomit."

The reader signed the email: ?????????

St. Mark's Market is closing for good

Over the weekend we heard from multiple tipsters that St. Mark's Market at 21 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue had started its going-out-of-business sale.

An employee confirmed the closure to EVG correspondent Steven yesterday. He did not know the final day.

For now, store items are on sale...

And there's still a pretty good inventory...

[Photos by Steven]

There were signs of trouble back in July, when the one-time 24/7 market went dark for several days before reopening. At the time, a store manager cited multiple problems, starting when a resident on the building's third floor complained about a gas leak. The fire department came shut the store down. The FDNY said they were leaking freon gas. The store’s technician disputed that finding, claiming that their refrigerator tanks were full.

And it can't help that this building has been draped with a sidewalk bridge for the past two-plus years.

This address has a storied history (you can read about it here)... the building was demolished in a mall-style upgrade in 2003, which marked the arrival of the market.

The Chipotle upstairs in the complex closed in August 2018. A Chinese restaurant is going into that space.