Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"A continuum of decay and rebirth" on the Lower East Side

In 1980, Brian Rose, in collaboration with fellow Cooper Union graduate Ed Fausty, photographed the Lower East Side during what he called "its darkest, but most creative moment. While buildings crumbled and burned, artists and musicians came to explore and express the edgy quality of the place."

After the project was completed and exhibited in 1981, it remained unseen in Rose's archive. And Rose moved on, working on various projects while living in Amsterdam for 15 years.

Rose revisited the streets of the Lower East Side with his camera some three decades later. Rose has put together "Time and Space on the Lower East Side," a self-published book contrasting the LES in 1980 with today. However, as he notes in the book's description:

"From the outset it was clear that this would not be a simple before/after take on the neighborhood. While keeping an eye on the earlier photographs done in 1980, I wanted to rediscover the place with fresh eyes, with the perspective of time, change, and history. The result, still being added to, is a set of photographs that looks backward and forward, that posits the idea that places are not simply “then and now,” but exist in a continuum of decay and rebirth."

He told me that the project is still looking for a publisher and exhibition venue. In the meantime, the book is available for purchase on Blurb.

Rose shared a few of the 1980 images with me....

East Second Street where it merges with Houston between Avenue C and Avenue D

On East Fifth Street between C and D. Rose was standing near Fourth Street

On the Bowery looking north toward East Fifth Street — now JASA/Cooper Square Senior Housing and the Cooper Square Hotel

The Jefferson Theatre on 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue (now the Mystery Lot)


Brian Rose Photography

Preview and buy the book via Blurb.

[Updated] Proposed Bowery eateries make their pitch to CB2 (retractable patio roof alert!)

Two new Bowery hopefuls went before the CB2/SLA Board last night in the NYU Silver Building on Waverly Place. Final verdicts will be (I think!) released later this week... Here are two proposed restaurants of particular interest:

[Photo via BoweryBoogie]

1) 264 Bowery.

Before sitting empty for a few years, 264 Bowery was home to the Lenny Kravitz-Denzel Washington-backed bold-faced-named club Kos. As New York magazine noted, Kos had a plush room dubbed the "Kitty Box," where the likes of Bruce Willis, P. Diddy and Steven Tyler could hobnob. So it was loud and exclusive.

Anyway! The six principals aiming to open an eatery here are well-aware of the noisy past at this address. Which is why the group said they'd be a "neighborhood-friendly restaurant" and "we want to be open to our neighbors." And no velvet ropes! The concept: "Seasonal tapas." And they'd be open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday-Thursday; 5 p.m.-3:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday. The place would seat 48, with another 13 at the bar. The group hasn't decided on a name yet. The current working name is Bowery Row.

Three of the principals were on hand for the presentation. They were asked about the hours. They said they wouldn't want to open earlier because there isn't any foot traffic and no one around who'd want to eat. Someone near me suggested the crowds at the New Museum may have another opinion about that. Another person said the people working at the nearby restaurant supply companies may like to have another lunch option. And they'd need to be open late because something about their kind of "seasonal tapas" was the food that groups of four to six would be ordering.

Later, one of the principals mentioned being a destination. But wait, don't you want to be "neighborhood friendly?" He corrected himself, sort of: A neighborhood-friendly destination place.

Several nearby residents spoke out against more noise and bargoers on the Bowery. One resident singled out Keith McNally, saying that he got a free pass from CB2 with Pulino's. McNally promised a neighborhood friendly restaurant. And he put Bar first in the name: Pulino's Bar & Pizzeria.

So, the bottom line (paraphrasing), don't be hoodwinked by slicksters who promise to be neighborhood friendly.

(BoweryBoogie has more on 264 Bowery here.)

2) 348 Bowery

I wrote about this yesterday... I was wrong on a few details, though the proposal is for the first New York branch of Segafredo Zanetti Espresso Café, the Italian-style coffee bar.

I was wrong about the Alexander Duff involved with the proposed cafe. This Alexander Duff, it turns out, was the co-owner of Pacific East in Amagansett and later in Chelsea. (You can read how all that turned out here.) He has partnered with Holly Roberts, who also spoke before CB2. She is involved with High Bar andAspen Social Club, among others.


This is proposed for the current home of Downtown Auto and Tire, which is now on a month-to-month lease.

This would be a Segafredo franchise open starting at 7 a.m., closing at midnight on weekdays; 2 a.m. on weekends. The cafe would hold 74, with another 16 in a patio roughly where the tires are kept now, as it was rather sadly/comically pointed out.

And the best part: The patio will have a retractable roof with soundproofing ... and sound-resistant sliding doors for the later evening hours. Roberts said that have state-of-the-art soundproofing, installed not by the best soundproof engineer in New York City, but in the entire country.

Said Roberts, "We are not a bar. We are not a nightclub. We are a cafe." She also described it as "a walk-up space. We don't anticipate people coming up in cabs." It will be like a cafe that you see in an Italian piazza, she said.

In any event, Roberts said that they were there with open arms, very willing to be flexible in their operating plans. They want to be good neighbors.

There was plenty of opposition. CB2 regular Zella Jones, a Bleecker Street resident who founded the NoHo/Bowery Partnership, presented a petition against the cafe signed by 148 residents representing 88 addresses in the immediate area. Jones noted that there will be 27 full liquor licenses (including four for the Great Jones Hotel) within 500 feet of this space. She also pointed out the six coffee shops in close proximity.

A gifted speaker, Jones talked about the changing composition of the neighborhood, how it has become a "party atmosphere." She made reference to a previous speaker who called the Bowery "a strip." "It's not a strip, it's a neighborhood." And as for the suggestion that the Downtown Auto and Tire Club was "junky" (that comment was made by someone from the New York Nightlife Association), "We like that garage. We use that garage. The garage reminds us of what was." And later, "We are losing our businesses that don't serve alcohol."

Like 264 Bowery, residents can't help but wonder if the proposed cafe will turn out, in the end, to just be another bar.

Wondered Jones: Why would a cafe need a retractable roof and soundproofing?


Grub Street also has coverage of last night's CB2 meeting.

The board rejected plans for both proposed Bowery eateries. Also, as GS notes, the two dudes who spoke last night for 264 Bowery are managers at the MercBar.

This is what happens when you fall asleep in the back of the room.

Looking for support of the proposed landmarking of the Historic Russian Orthodox Cathedral

From the inbox...

Please come speak in support of the proposed landmarking of the Historic Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Martyr on East Second Street.

Thursday, July 15 at 6 pm at the Community Board 3 Landmarks Subcommittee meeting at BRC, 30 Delancey St. (between Chrystie and Forsyth Streets).

In 2008 GVSHP and the East Village Community Coalition urged the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to consider landmark designation of the Cathedral, where an 8-story condo-tower was being considered to be added to the building. Earlier this year, the LPC held a hearing on potential landmark designation of the historic building, but has not yet voted on the proposal. Now Community Board 3, which has not yet taken a position on the landmarking proposal, is considering it. While the leadership of the Cathedral is opposing landmark designation, some congregants have spoken out in favor of landmarking and many in the neighborhood also support designation.

For more information, go to the GVSHP site.

To sign an online petition, go here.

By the way, per the EVCC, the Cathedral was built in 1867, designed by the renowned architect Josiah Cleveland Cady, who later designed the Metropolitan Opera House and the auditorium of the American Museum of Natural History

[Cathedral image courtesy of Barry Munger]

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breaking! 16 Handles closed until 10 pm!

Uh-oh! Trouble in FroYoLand!

From a reader:

It is a sad scene right now outside 16 Handles, which posted this sign that it's closed til 10 pm. Sources outside the store say there is a fly infestation inside. Gross! We headed to copycat store Yogurt Station on St. Marks. It's packed here now.

Shepard Fairey plywood penis getting painted over

This evening!


And a reader asked if this was peckerwood. Boo!

Previously on EV Grieve:
At the Shepard Fairey mural: Talk about plywood!

[Bottom photo credit: DNAinfo]

Village Fabrics to close next month

As I've been reporting, Village Fabrics is going out of business on First Avenue at 11th Street... ThreadNY had more details today ....

Come August, one of the last of the East Village's family-owned fabric stores, Village Fabrics, will close its doors for good.

With little more than a month before it shutters, the store is hosting a liquidation sale to clear out the rest of its inventory. Owner Stephen Katz expressed sadness and frustration over the futility of working to save the business his parents started 20 years ago. He anticipates the store will last until August, despite his persistent attempts to petition the city council and negotiate with landlords.

At this point, Katz is unsure of what the future will bring for his family's business, and for the industry as a whole. After a long time bailing out a sinking ship, he's understandably exhausted and can only take it day by day. However, with a small business like Village Fabric, they became what they did based on a sense of resourcefulness and creativity this city is famous for. That said, we can only be optimistic for the next generation of garment industry scions to help foster and cultivate fledgling design talent (and service the sewing needs of the rest of us).

Meanwhile, EV Grieve reader Dave Whitaker sent along this shot from the VF window around Halloween 2008....

Previously on EV Grieve:
Closing sale at Village Fabrics

The Bowery to get a South Beach diet

These flyers are up on the Bowery regarding tonight's Community Board 2/SLA meeting... as you can see, there's a new liquor license application for 348 Bowery...

I saw this, and wondered what storefront was 348... I got to Great Jones...

Ugh. Of course. As I reported in May, the whole parcel of 348-352 Bowery is for sale -- "restaurants welcome."

And Segafredo? Well if it's the same Segafredo... it's an international chain. Per the website: "Segafredo Zanetti Espresso Café, the only global café with Italian credibility offers a multi-sensorial experience reflecting the lifestyle of the quintessential Italian café. The constant drive for excellence exhibited by the Segafredo family is evident in product quality, efficient service and a friendly atmosphere all of which makes a positive difference in the quality of life of the customers."

I browsed through some news releases of other Segafredo Zanetti Espresso CafĂ© openings, such as one in the downtown Miami/Brickell area in 2008: "Segafredo Brickell exudes a posh and luxurious atmosphere ... Inside the venue, exhibiting the same level of chic-meets-comfort as the exterior, guests will experience a true Italian-style cafĂ© with a coffee bar with barstools, plush red leather couches and free Internet services. ... Located within the restaurant, Spazio Nero is a lavish boutique night club that will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Embodying the nightclub’s name, the dĂ©cor is outfitted in all things black, from the stylish black leather couches with silver buttons, to the black-tinted mirrors throughout, to the fleur-de-lis textured black-on-black wallpaper. The club features an elevated DJ booth, a one-of-a-kind advanced multi-zoned distribution audio system and a computer controlled lighting program by Infinite Audio Systems."

Segafredo, though, is operated by the VE Restaurant Group in Miami Beach. They have a slew of different types of eateries... so there are other possibilities for 348 Bowery.

As for the name (Alexander Duff) on the flyer, here's one guess...from the Metro 1 Hospitality Group in Miami Beach:

Alex Duff
Sr. Associate – Restaurant/Hotel/Bars Division
Alexander Duff, a native New Yorker, in 2002 began his real estate career specializing buying and selling restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Some of Alex’s most notable deal include: Mokai Lounge/ Mama Vieja; Halo/ Hemisphere; Indomania/ Siembra; Tunelli/ Oasis; Hakan/ Dab Haus; Amendment 21/ Gigi Bistro; Fiore Pizza/ Pizza Power; Scrapbar/ Gil’s CafĂ©; Rabbit’s foot/ Loading Zone; and the restaurant at the Tudor Hotel. Alex also works as a restaurant consultant, focusing on improving existing business practices and fabricating new concepts.

Meanwhile, start saying your goodbyes to Downtown Auto and Tire...

Indeed, as a Curbed headline read last summer, Bowery's South Beach Transformation Nearly Complete.

Previously on EV Grieve
The last days of the Downtown Auto and Tire?

International Bar owners taking over Lilly Coogan's

As I noted back in late June, a transfer for the former Lilly Coogan's space is on the docket for this month's CB3/SLA meeting on Thursday night ... And an eagle-eyed tipster notes that the telephone number on the notice hanging outside Lilly's is the same as the International Bar.

If this is the case, then this is very good news... after sitting empty for a few years, new owners Molly and Shawn reopened the dear old International on First Avenue near Seventh Street in 2008 ...the new International is one of the best bars in the East Village... a place for neighbors that's blissfully free of jackasses.

Jeremiah had a feature on the new International back in June 2008...

A quick update on the 240 E. Houston fire

Just a quick update on the fire from last Thursday at 240 E. Houston... As I mentioned, Discovery Wines reopened last Friday... Kelly's is also open, though the Double Down next door is still "closed for renovations" (it was closed even before the fire...)...and the nail salon around the corner on Houston remains closed...

As for Discovery, here are a few shots from the fire's aftermath...

[Top two photos courtesy of Bill Farrington]

The Discovery folks are babysitting the fish for some displaced neighbors from the fifth floor...

The illegal Chipotle banner is gone

Yesterday, I got word that the Chipotle banner hanging from First Avenue and St. Mark's Place was coming down... Sure enough... as a walk by last evening revealed...


Per a reader yesterday:

So I was living in that building when they put up the banner. Actually, I was lying in my underwear in bed when the guys putting it up drilled it into the wall directly outside my window (the one next to the bottom left hand corner of the banner).

I took it as one more sign that the East Village has become one big Starbucks -- a pantheon of ads and corporate chains. Solution?: I moved to Brooklyn.

Previously on EV Grieve:
That really big Chipotle ad on First Avenue is illegal, probably

Monday, July 12, 2010

RIP Tuli Kupferberg

Tuli Kupferberg, a co-founder of the Fugs, has died. He was 86.

Robert Christgau called the Fugs "the Lower East Side’s first true underground band."

As the Times noted, the The Fugs formed in 1964 in the Peace Eye Bookstore on East 10th Street ... (Ephemeral New York has more on the bookstore here.)

Here's a photo of the shop when it was on 147 Avenue A...

Read more about Tuli's work here. Read more about the band's history here.

At the Shepard Fairey mural: Talk about plywood!

Oh boy. Is the Penistrator now using a new canvas?

[Photo credit: DNAinfo]

Chipotle banner coming down on First Avenue?

Our friends at East Village Wines report that it looks as if the (ILLEGAL) Chipotle sign on First Avenue and St. Marks might be coming down. There's a big crane with some guy wobbling up top fidgeting with the sign. And there's nothing on the truck to indicate a replacement ad. (Photos anyone?)

Previously on EV Grieve:
That really big Chipotle ad on First Avenue is illegal, probably

Free screening tonight: 'Local Faith Communities of the East Village'

Tonight is the premiere of the documentary "Local Faith Communities of the East Village," a film by East Village resident Anthony Donovan, who, as the Lower East Side History Project put it, "has been selflessly bridging the neighborhood's various religious and spiritual institutions for a long time."

Monday, July 12th, 7:30 p.m.
@ Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Ave. at E. Second Street
Free (donations appreciated)

Another fire in the East Village?

An EV Grieve reader noted some smoke coming from what looks like west of First Avenue. There was also a helicopter hovering...I'm stuck at work, so if anyone has any information...

UPDATE (12:03 p.m.)

Several readers have said the fire is on Broadway near Houston... possibly Best Buy? In any event, the fire is apparently out.

UPDATE (12:06 p.m.)
NotifyNYC Emergency personnel are on the scene of a 2 alarm fire at 628 Broadway between East Houston St and Bleecker St.

[Top photo via Twitpic]

[Photo via]

Fear of Dutch Elm Disease in Tompkins Square Park

There's a big operation under way this morning in Tompkins Square Park... workers are removing one of the Park's beautiful elm trees ... A Park supervisor said that this tree and several others have been stricken with Dutch Elm Disease. Unfortunately, several of the trees can't be spared. Officials are worried that the disease from an infected tree's roots will spread to nearby healthy trees. So far, two trees have been removed. The supervisor said they will begin injecting healthy trees with some sort of solution to help keep them healthy.

The supervisor also said that he had been getting grief from several people for removing the trees. "Believe me, no one wants to remove these trees, especially not great old elms like this. But we don't have any choice."

Bagels for Avenue A?

Last week we mentioned that 165 Avenue would be turned into a restaurant/bar, former site of the Monk Thrift Shop....

Well, per a reader comment:

I heard from someone who worked on the construction of Diablo that this next door place will sell bagels.

Another tipster said that it is going to be a shop from the same people who own the Bagel World stores in Brooklyn.

Butter Lane closed until Thursday -- for a folding table and chair violation

Butter Lane, the popular cupcake emporium on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue, will be closed for the next three days thanks to the city. Co-owner Maria Baugh told me it is "due to a permitting violation for having a folding table and chairs in front of the shop." A Butter Lane staffer will be posted outside during business hours to answer any questions and give out coupons. The shop reopens Thursday.

"Obviously we're not happy with the penalty, but we plan to make the most of the down time," Baugh says. "Since they can't get paid for their regular work, we're going to pay our staff to plant flowers and do other small clean up/fix up jobs on our block during the three days."

Work is getting real serious at St. Brigid's

The amount of scaffolding continues to increase at St. Brigid's, on Avenue B at Eighth Street...

Meanwhile, looking up from Eighth Street, it almost looks as if the entire northern side of the church has been removed...

That was the side with the enormous crack in the foundation...(previously!)

2 Cooper shows off its windows that open

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A grizzly discovery on First Street

Who killed Teddy? In a dumpster on First Street near Second Avenue.

World Cup humor

Spotted outside the new sushi place on 13th Street and First Avenue.

East Village on Russell Brand alert

The 'Arthur' remake (a travesty that I won't even go into) is filming around Second Avenue and 11th Street tomorrow... The remake stars Russell Brand in the Dudley Moore role... co-starring Jennifer Garner and Nick Nolte....and maybe the old Batmobile.

Flea market today in Tompkins Square Park