Thursday, January 19, 2017

Spanish street artists PichiAvo will bring 'Urbanmythology' to the Bowery Graffiti Wall

Landlord Goldman Properties confirmed yesterday that the Spanish street-art duo PichiAvo will be the next artists to work on the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall.

Here's more on the announcement via the EVG inbox...

The artist team are recognized for their ability to ignite relationships between art and social contexts — fusing classic ancient gods and contemporary urban art to create exciting new works. Painting will begin, weather permitting, Monday, January 23, and will continue throughout the week until approximately February 4. Titled “Urbanmythology” the mural will remain up until the end of May 2017.

According to the artists, “We are excited about the opportunity to bring our “Urbanmythology” to the Houston Bowery wall, where we’ll combine classics that coexist in the city. It is an honor and we are very excited to share our artistic concept with New York and the world in a year where we celebrate 10 years as PichiAvo, enjoying and working together as one.”

This will be their first mural in NYC. Here's a sampling of their work from Lisbon in 2014...

[Image via]

And here's how the wall was looking early yesterday...where there's a blank slate for the taking...

After nearly a five-month run, workers recently removed the stenciled tapestry by Logan Hicks.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Highjinks today at the City Cinemas Village East on Second Avenue at 12th Street, as @EdenBrower shared... with a marquee that includes jokey film titles such as "My Dinner Without Andre" and "A Fistful of Dollhairs."

Turns out (H/t @David_Fitz) that crews were here filming a scene for "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt."

About the East Village Small Business Forum tomorrow

Via the EVG inbox today...

[Click to go big]

Small business owners/employees are asked to please RSVP by calling Steve Herrick of Cooper Square Committee at 212-228-8210 or by emailing Please put “Small Business Forum” in the subject line.

Out and About in the East Village

In this ongoing feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Eric Rignall
Occupation: Owner, Inkstop Tattoo
Location: Avenue A, Between 12th and 13th
Time: Friday, Jan 13 at 5 p.m.

Originally I was born in Egypt to an American dad, and we traveled a lot. I lived in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, Dominican Republic, New York and Philadelphia. I moved to New York in 1989 and I’ve been here since then. I started out in Staten Island — cheap rent there, and then I moved to Queens. I’ve been there for 25 years now.

I went to the Philadelphia College of Art for four years. When I moved to New York, I hoped to find something in that field but I ended up in screen printing, working in a factory, and then I opened up my own screen-printing business for a few years, but I got tired of it and wanted to do an apprenticeship to learn how to tattoo.

So I started doing that and I did it under the radar before it was legal. I had my screen printing studio on Sixth Avenue and 28th Street and was tattooing out of there for about a year. I was actually sitting in at City Hall in the hearings to see if they were going to make tattooing legal or not so I could be one of the first ones to jump on it and find a spot.

I opened up officially in this spot in February 1997. It was a little difficult at first because no one wanted to rent out to a tattoo shop. They figured that it was going to just be bikers, parties, and all sorts of craziness, but luckily I had someone who had a shop in Jersey to vouch for me and back it up.

The landlord asked for a big deposit to make sure, but once I got the spot it worked out very well. A lot of people thought I wouldn’t succeed here because they said there was a curse on this place. It was a funeral home and a driving school, but the funeral home got shut down by the marshals for smuggling drugs in the coffins. They figured there was a cloud over this place, but luckily I’m not superstitious.

The neighborhood was very different. The rents were very low obviously. I used to park my car across the street where that apartment building is — there was a little gravel lot there that charged 100 bucks a month for parking. The neighborhood was just starting to become better. At the time, Avenue B was still a little rougher and Avenue C you wouldn’t even go to. There were still a lot of bars, including my favorite across the street, Z Bar. There was a good underground music scene going on, more than there is now. Avenue A was definitely a little bit more raw, more gritty.

I got to know all the local people around here. Everyone knew everyone. Everyone was always outside — whole families out there. For example, the ladies with their chairs out of the sidewalk feeding their pigeons, and the guy selling the Piragua — the flavored ice. They were always outside and a lot of people were selling odd stuff. It was [accepted]. There was no problem.

I had a lot of local people coming in for years. Initially, it was just people in the neighborhood and then a few years went by and we got a much wider range of people from all walks of life coming through. I’ve had people around for 20 years, but as you tattoo someone for 20 years they run out of room, but we’re doing generations now. I’ve got someone on Monday who’s bringing in his son. I’ve been here long enough that I’m tattooing their kids. I had some friends who came in years ago when I first opened, their daughter was in a stroller, and now I’ve done three tattoos on her already — makes me old.

When we’re busy maybe each person will do three or four people a day. Generally speaking, three hours is a good appointment. Anytime longer than that and people start to get a little squirmy, but we break it down into sessions for larger work. They’ll come back in a couple weeks once its healed and do another round.

I like to do the real detailed larger pieces. I like to put everything into each piece. There was one that was a Mayan temple back piece. It had the same amount of steps as Tikal. I did the drawing from the photograph and did it exactly like the actual ruin, so I was cursing myself out for trying to be so accurate when I was drawing and tattooing it. My God, these are a lot of steps.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Report: Staten Island pizzeria Joe & Pat’s taking over the Lanza's space on 1st Avenue

[Photo from Monday night]

Joe & Pat's, the family owned pizzeria that has been serving up slices on Staten Island since 1960, is opening a second outpost — at the former Lanza's space on First Avenue.

Owner Casey Pappalardo told Eater, who first reported this news, that he and several uncles will be running the outpost and expect to open the 50-seat restaurant with a bar in the next six months.

Eater has more on the pizzeria's thin-crust pies in this 2015 video feature here.

[Image via Facebook/Joe & Pat's]

The state seized Lanza's last July for nonpayment of taxes here between 10th Street and 11th Street.

The old-world Italian restaurant, which first opened in 1904, sat languishing until an auction of its contents on Jan. 5.

Reminders: Community meeting about the former PS 64 is tonight

[EVG photo from Jan. 8]

As we noted back on Jan. 9, plans continue moving forward to convert the former P.S 64 and CHARAS/El Bohio community center on East Ninth Street into student housing.

Developer Gregg Singer, who bought the property between Avenue B and Avenue C from the city in 1998, is reportedly pushing Mayor de Blasio's administration to remove a stop-work order that has been in place since 2015.

According to published reports, Singer has a signed lease with Adelphi University, and hopes to have students move in by the fall of 2018.

Here's more from Crain's in a piece published on Jan. 11:

City Councilwoman Rosie Mendez and other local officials wrote to Buildings Department Commissioner Rick Chandler in October, saying that the lease does not meet the "community use" requirement, because Adelphi would use only part of the building. The officials also objected to the university's position that dormitories count as an appropriate community use. In an October letter to Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, Fisher argued that a dormitory would meet the deed-restriction requirements.

The disagreement touches a political nerve partly because the city's recent removal of a deed restriction a few blocks away allowed Rivington House, a nonprofit nursing home, to become high-priced condos. Unlike in that case, P.S. 64's deed restriction was issued by the City Council, and only the council may lift it. Singer is not seeking the restriction's removal, but the sensitivity stemming from the Rivington controversy and local opposition has kicked a Buildings Department matter up to the mayor's office.

CBS 2 also filed this report...

Preservationist groups and other residents have been opposed to Singer's plans, and want to see a return of the landmarked building to use as a cultural and community center.

All this and more will be a topic of discussion during a community meeting tonight (first noted here on Jan. 9)...

The meeting tonight is at 6:30 at Loisaida, Inc., 710 E. Ninth St. near Avenue C (next to Ninth Street Espresso).

Previously on EV Grieve:
Community meeting set as dorm plans continue moving forward at the former PS 64

The space for Turntable Lab, soon to move to 10th Street, is for rent

A Seventh Street resident noticed the arrival of two for rent signs from different brokers outside Turntable Lab on the block between Avenue A and First Avenue.

The resident said she was sorry to see the business closing. In this case, however, as we noted back in November, the store that sells a variety of vinyl, stereo equipment and assorted DJ gear is moving to a larger space on 10th Street.

Turntable Lab will be setting up shop at 84 E. 10th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue some time next month.

[Photo from last month]

For now, Turntable Lab remains on Seventh Street. However, a listing for the space did arrive yesterday on LoopNet.

Here are the details:

Wonderful ground floor retail space in well maintained building is available for the 1st time in 15 years! PERFECT FOR RESTAURANT OR BAR. ALL USES CONSIDERED. This spaces includes a full basement and the stunning backyard is an option to be included in the lease for this space.

Amazinglocation! Pure east village commercial space for rent. Located on high traffic destination... On the same block as major East Village retail & restaurant destinations such as Big Gay Ice Cream, Miss Lily's, Avant Garden, Pylos, Giano, Koan, Rose & Basil, Trash & Vaudeville, Luke's Lobster....etc....

Asking rent on the 750-square-foot space: $7,500.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Turntable Lab reveals new 10th Street storefront

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

1 more year for the phone book, apparently

I recalled reading last summer that Verizon was ending the print distribution of its business directory (aka telephone books) in New York.

According to published reports, "the company delivered 6.3 million business directories [in 2015]. Verizon estimates that by eliminating the printing of massive phone books it will save 13,600 tons of paper per year from entering the waste system."

In any event, as you may have noticed in recent days, Verizon has dropped a few tons of phone books off around the neighborhood...

[3rd Street between C and D]

[7th Street between A and 1st]

[6th Street between A and B]

In one case, I noticed that someone actually took one of the books...

[3rd Street between A and 1st]

I took one too — just to see if they listed EVG correctly... oh well — maybe next year...

Presence of ping-pong table doesn't deter these badminton fans in Tompkins Square Park

The action this morning via Derek Berg...

...with bonus shuttlecock pic...

VHS collection up for grabs

First Avenue and Ninth Street. Some cinema classics here, such as "Deep Blue Sea" and "Broken Arrow," which showed the world what Howie Long could be capable of before "Firestorm."

Anyway. Hurry before the rain starts!

Thanks to Wiliam Klayer for the photo!

New owner of 629 E. 5th St. offers tenants incentives to move out early

[EVG file photo]

There is new ownership at 629 E. Fifth St., a building on the north side of the cul-de-sac between Avenue B and Avenue C.

And the new landlord's property manager, Jordan Cooper and Associates, has notified the tenants in the 24-unit building that they will need to move out at the end of their lease, but preferably sooner.

One current resident shared the letter from Cooper and Associates ...

[Click to go big]

The letter reads in part:

We hope you had a nice holiday season. As we begin the New Year, the new owners wish to communicate their business plan and how it will affect you as current tenants with as much clarity and transparency as possible.

Ownership’s goal is to improve the building’s infrastructure common areas, basement, and to renovate each unit in the building.

Therefore we do not plan to renew or extend any leases at expiration.

Instead of a standard 30 day notice of non-renewal, ownership wants to provide as much time as possible for each tenant to seek new housing.

We are not terminating anyone’s lease. You are absolutely welcome to stay until the end of your current lease term (if you need information on when your lease expires please email or call the office). In order to expedite the construction process, ownership is offering incentives to anyone willing to move out on or around February 28th, 2017.

We are keenly aware that moving is not easy. We would be happy to have any qualifying tenants back in the building as soon as units are complete (generally 4 months after renovation begins). Ownership feels that providing open, honest communication is the appropriate way to handle our relationship.

As the current resident said: "It's causing a lot of people to be displaced into an unrealistic rental market and creating more unaffordable housing in the East Village."

The building arrived on the market in April 2014. The asking price was $12.5 million. Per the listing at the time:

There are 24 residential units, all of which are Free Market. Of the 24 apartments, 13 are month-to-month, 6 expire at the end of April, 3 are currently vacant and 2 expire between May and July. The rents are performing at less than 75% of market and considering the building is fully deregulated, an investor could quickly bring the units up to market rents as the leases expire. Therefore, a gross annual income of around $930,000 could be achieved in a relatively short period.

Public records from November show that the building sold for $16.2 million. The LLC listed as the owner matches up to the address of Morgenstern Capital, run by Robert Morgenstern, co-founder of Stone Street Capital. The Luthien Group was the seller.

Former beverage distributor on 2nd Street demolished to make way for 8-story condoplex

[Photo from August 2016]

The former Houston Street Beer Distributors at 298 E. Second Street between Avenue C and Avenue D has been demolished ...

Up next: As previously reported via New York Yimby, East Village-based Starleeng Equities has filed applications for an eight-story, seven-unit residential building. New York Yimby noted that the residential units should average 1,967 square feet apiece — most likely condos. There will be a duplex apartment on the ground and second floors, with full-floor apartments on the third through eighth floors.

According to public records, the building sold for a little more than $7 million in the fall of 2015 to 298 East Village Owner LLC. We have not yet seen any renderings of the new building via Zakrzewski + Hyde Architects.

Meanwhile, in other former beverage distributor on Second Street news... the one that was housed at 188 E. Second St. between Avenue A and Avenue B is now, as of last November, Karma, the art bookseller and gallery...

Previously on EV Grieve:
298 E. 2nd St. latest development site up for grabs

East Village now minus 2 beverage distributors

Something brewing (demolition) for former beer distributor on East 2nd Street

Some good Karma for 2nd Street?

Sandwicherie New York yumming soon in former Fresh & Co. space on 4th Avenue

The abundant "yumming soon" soon signage is up on the southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and 13th Street ... where Sandwicherie New York is opening an outpost..

Here's more about them via their Facebook description:

Our aim is to give our customers a natural, healthy and vibrant lifestyle ... we strive to build our small family owned business one SANDWICH(erie) at a time.

We are committed to serving you fresh and healthy meals, coupled with a pleasant shopping experience and premium service. Operated by a seasoned and very talented team that consistently puts out chef-inspired or made to order salads and sandwiches that are packed with great flavor. Eye popping New York breakfasts and lunches that include healthy quinoa and wild rice bowls, fresh-pressed juices and a large assortment of bakery and desserts.

Kind of sounds like the previous tenant here, Fresh & Co., which closed at the end of December.

This will be the second NYC location for Sandwicherie ... joining the outpost on 42nd Street near Grand Central. You can find their menu offerings with meat and vegan options here.

This will also be a competitive corridor for sandwiches. Make Sandwich, which "serves uniquely classic sandwiches and quality make-your-own ingredients with NYC hustle," opened several storefronts to the north on Jan. 9.

JuiceGo awning arrives on 9th Street

[Photo by Steven]

As noted back in September, a shop called JuiceGo is opening at 333 E. Ninth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

And yesterday, the awning went up ...

JuiceGo is expected to open later this month, and will sell a variety of made-to-order cold-pressed juices, smoothies, salads and sandwiches. You can find the JuiceGo website with more info here.

Beer & Cigars replace Massage & Bodywork on Avenue B

The storefront is coming together here at 206 Avenue B... not sure what this place will be called (the descriptive Beer & Cigars has a nice ring to it) between 12th Street and 13th Street.

Aside from beer and cigars, the shop will be selling cigarettes, glass, vape, e-juices and soda, per the signage.

The storefront was previously the equally descriptive Massage & Bodywork...

H/T to the EVG commenter who mentioned this arrival back in this post...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Today in yellow-bellied Sapsucker sightings in Tompkins Square Park

So that's what was causing that incessant drumming today (jk!) ... photo by Bobby Williams

Today in large holes in the middle of 10th Street

The 10th Street water main replacement and sewer rehab continued today between Avenue A and First Avenue...

Thanks to EVG regular Daniel for the photo...

What are those green bicycle lights on Citi Bike?

Via the EVG inbox today...

As part of an ongoing commitment to safer cycling in New York, the Citi Bike program is installing an innovative new safety feature — the Blaze Laserlight on 250 bikes this winter, Citi Bike and Blaze leadership announced today.

This pilot program aims to make Citi Bike riders more visible to drivers and pedestrians, creating safer conditions on the road and providing greater peace of mind to all.

Extensive research on the Laserlight on London’s bike share fleet revealed that a cyclist with a Laserlight at night is even more visible than a cyclist in daytime.

The vast majority of London bus drivers surveyed said the light made it easier to notice and react to cyclists at night, while 75% of cyclists felt more confident cycling with a Laserlight.

“By incorporating Blaze’s lights into the bike, we aim to keep New Yorkers on foot, behind the wheel and riding a Citi Bike safer and to improve the rider experience overall so that people of all backgrounds are inspired to try New York City’s popular bike share program,” said Jay Walder, President & CEO of Motivate, operators of the Citi Bike program. “Bike share is an extremely safe way to get around, and we are proud to work with Blaze to welcome every rider to Citi Bike while helping our city get ever closer to our Vision Zero goals.”

New map offers look at area's civil rights and social justice history

Via the EVG inbox from the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation (GVSHP)...

Civil rights and social justice are prominent in our minds as we begin 2017. And few places in America have made more significant contributions to civil rights and social justice struggles for African-Americans, Women, Latinos, Immigrants, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people than the Village, East Village, and NoHo. Now more than ever, it’s important to remember and pay tribute to that history and to the lessons learned from it.

So GVSHP is kicking off 2017 by creating a new Civil Rights and Social Justice Map of the Village, East Village, and NoHo – view it here. You’ll find well-known landmarks like the Stonewall Inn and Judson Memorial Church, locations key to the founding of the ACLU and the Young Lords, and the places where Lorraine Hansberry wrote and Bella Abzug lived. Learn the former sites of some of our city’s first African-American and abolitionist churches, as well as where the NAACP’s iconic “A Man Was Lynched Yesterday” flag flew. Find out where Billie Holiday first sang the anti-lynching anthem ‘Strange Fruit,’ where birth control began, and the spots key to the abolitionist journeys of both Abraham Lincoln and John Brown, among many others.

With nearly a hundred locations, the map just skims the rich surface of civil rights and social justice history in our neighborhoods. Know another site that should be included? Just email it and all information, along with sources, to – the map will be updated regularly.

Keeping the dream alive at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery

[Photo by Lola Sáenz]

Via the EVG inbox...

Join us for a celebratory dinner and conversation in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.

Spoken word artists D Cross and Bettina Gold, and poet Eric Waters are all intimately acquainted with the criminal justice system. Each artist’s performance will be followed by another course of great food and time for planning specific actions to increase awareness of racism and to reduce the harm of mass incarceration in the U.S.

Free will donations gratefully accepted.

The event at the church (entrance is on 11th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue) is 6:30-9 p.m. Details here.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday's parting shot

Photo on Second Avenue today via Derek Berg...

Week in Grieview

[Photo from yesterday by Derek Berg]

RIP Rita Lasar (Thursday)

East Village groups to Mayor de Blasio: Jared Kushner’s actions are not those of someone who "cares deeply about New York City" (Friday)

Community meeting set as dorm plans continue moving forward at the former PS 64 (Monday)

About Patisserie Florentine, now open on 10th Street (Tuesday)

Reader report: Concern over lax stray voltage warnings on East Village streets (Friday)

Out and About with Ali Sahin, owner of C&B Café (Wednesday)

A new community arts and performance venue on 8th Street and Avenue B (Friday)

Did Friterie Belgian Fries close on St. Mark's Place? (Thursday)

Remembering David Bowie one year after his death (Tuesday)

A great photo above Avenue A during the snowfall on Jan. 7 (Monday)

183 Avenue B, with potential to double in size, is for sale (Tuesday)

[Wrapping up a week of Ukrainian Christmas yesterday. Photo by Steven]

Meeting on Jan. 17 for shareholders living in HDFC buildings (Friday)

Water Witch Mercantile hasn't been open this year (Tuesday)

So long Citibank branch on Avenue A (Saturday)

Beyond Vape latest shop to depart St. Mark's Place (Friday)

The art of the deal at Taj Restaurant (Thursday)

New mural in the works for Houston and the Bowery (Thursday)

Make Sandwich opens on Fourth Avenue (Monday)

CB3 gives OK for East Side Tavern to take over the former Redhead space on 13th Street (Wednesday)

Two more Vietnamese food options (Wednesday)

Take heart, the Orangetheory Fitness is now open on Astor Place (Tuesday)


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Thoughts on the new Astor Place

jigsaw falling into place

A photo posted by S A M H O R I N E (@samhorine) on

I missed this essay from Justin Davidson in the current issue of New York magazine.

And the architecture critic, who provides some history of the space, is on board with the redesign, which provides "a blackboard full of possibilities."

Some excerpts:

Now, after several years of construction on the knot of streets and plazas, the fences have been peeled away like bandages, leaving a broad and orderly plain designed by the New York architecture firm WXY. New curbs confine traffic to sensible channels rather than let it slosh across a delta of conflicting lanes. Sidewalks have been broadened into pedestrian boulevards. Astor Place in 2017 feels like fresh turf waiting to receive its next deposit of history.


Even as recently as a couple of decades ago, this area formed a junction of classes and lifestyles. Ukrainians wandered in from the borscht and pierogi joints on Second Avenue, squatters and punks from Tompkins Square Park and Alphabet City; addicts and alcoholics drifted up from the Bowery. At Astor Place, they met clean-cut newcomers, NYU professors, and aging hippies, along with the new wave of West Village bankers on their weekend slumming excursions.

The triangle no longer has that souk­like vibe, and no amount of street design can bring it back, but, with a combination of modesty and flair, WXY has literally paved the way for the next iteration.


A lunar landscape

A shot of last night's waning gibbous Moon with 95 percent illumination as seen from the East Village (via telescope)... Photo by Grant Shaffer

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Saturday's parting (snow) shot

Photo from Tompkins Square Park today via Derek Berg...

EV Grieve Etc.: 'F*@#d in the East Village' takes the stage; Katinka retains its charm

[Photo in Tompkins Square Park by Derek Berg]

Teen arrested after stabbing sister, mother in the Riis Houses on Avenue D (Daily News)

Lower East Side Tenement Museum president announces retirement (The Lo-Down)

Two-person comedic play "F*@#d in the East Village" on stage through Tuesday at The Wild Project on Third Street (Official site)

An online retrospective on Bullet Space: "An Art Squat in the 1980s and 1990s" (Gallery98)

An appreciation of the colorful shop Katinka on East Ninth Street (Off the Grid)

East Village-based artist designed a lapel pin and is donating 20 percent of proceeds directly to the Women's March on NYC (The Red Pantsuit Pin)

Some East Village hawk visitors (Laura Goggin Photographer)

This weekend: Four-part series of short films inspired by New York’s Downtown gallery culture (Anthology Film Archives)

The "ambitious Vietnamese cooking" at newcomer Hà Nội House on St. Mark's Place (Grub Street ... previously)

A robbery at the TD Bank on 1st Street (B+B)

City finally ready to move forward with Package 4 of the East River Esplanade (BoweryBoogie)

A cat hospital on the LES in the 1870s (Ephemeral New York)

A last meal at Le Train Bleu, the quasi-hidden restaurant atop Bloomingdale's (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

...and in local squirrel news...

50 Avenue A is no longer a Citibank branch

About 20 minutes after the Citibank branch shut down operations yesterday at 50 Avenue A, workers began removing the signage here between Third Street and Fourth Street...

Workers continued to haul out the remains of the bank branch today... while telling customers that they need to go to the Seward Park branch on Grand Street for banking business...

There is also a Citibank ATM inside the 7-Eleven on Avenue A at 11th Street (and a branch on First Avenue in Stuy Town)...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Citibank branch on Avenue A is closing

Wake up and smell the... oh

Good Saturday morning from 14th Street and First Avenue...

Friday, January 13, 2017

Hitting that perfect Beat

According to published reports today, Larry Steinbachek, keyboardist with the pioneering synth-pop trio Bronski Beat, has died of cancer. He was 56.

The UK band's debut record, the Age of Consent, holds up quite well today. Two singles from that release hit the top 10 in the U.K., "helping to bring LGBT themes to mainstream attention," as NME noted.

The above video is for "Smalltown Boy."

Meeting on Jan. 17 for shareholders living in HDFC buildings

Via the EVG inbox...

We want local HDFC folks to be fully informed about what is happening with the NYC Housing Preservation and Development and their proposed new Regulatory Agreement for ALL HDFC buildings citywide. Now is the time to get involved.

As the flyer shows, the meeting is Tuesday night at 6:30, Theater for the New City, 155 First Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street.

Find more information at the the HDFC Coalition website here.

Citibank branch closes today on Avenue A

Back on Oct. 12, we shared the news that the Citibank branch at 50 Avenue A between Third Street and Fourth Street was closing in January.

And today is closure day — 3 p.m. to be exact.

The Citibank signage directs patrons to use the branch on Grand Street in Seward Park moving forward.

There has been an E.A.B. branch here since at least the early 1990s (if anyone can recall for sure). Citibank bought E.A.B. in 2001.

I asked a Citibank customer service rep here back in December about the closure. He said he didn't know anything — he was filling in from another branch — other that that the bank decided not to renew the lease upon the completion of its terms.

While we were talking, a woman who had been patiently waiting in a short line asked the teller if they had any 2017 calendars. The teller apologized and said that they didn't have any calendars. The customer said that she would return the next day to see if any calendars may have arrived. Meanwhile, a man — a regular on Avenue A and in Tompkins Square Park — sat sleeping in one of the chairs in the waiting area.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Citibank branch on Avenue A is closing

East Village groups to Mayor de Blasio: Jared Kushner’s actions are not those of someone who 'cares deeply about NYC'

On Monday, President-elect Trump officially named his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House adviser. Later that day, Mayor de Blasio praised Kushner during an unrelated press conference.

"About the person of Jared Kushner — I respect him a lot," de Blasio, who has opposed Trump, told reporters, as reported by Politico. "He's certainly someone I’ve been talking to over these last weeks. He's someone I intend to stay in touch with on behalf of the people of New York City. He's someone who really cares about New York City and is someone that would be very helpful to us. So I’m certainly pleased he’ll be in that role.

"And I can say clearly compared to many other people who've been named to other positions, I find him to be a lot more reasonable and a lot more moderate."

The mayor's praise and endorsement drew a response from two East Village-based community groups. Here's s a copy of the statement signed by Steve Herrick, executive director of the Cooper Square Committee, and Risa Shoup, executive director of Fourth Arts Block released yesterday:

Mayor de Blasio seems hopeful that his friendly relationship with Jared Kushner may be of some benefit to New York City, but our community has not benefited at all from Kushner’s ownership of close to forty buildings in the East Village.

Kushner has brought nothing but unaffordable, luxury housing to this community and to NYC at large. While we are in the grips of an intense housing crisis, and homeless rates are at an all-time high & virtually every regulated tenant in the city is facing harassment, Kushner has converted scores of affordable rent regulated apartments into luxury housing that rent for $3,000-$5,000 per month. In doing so, Kushner has faced allegations of harassment and lack of essential services repeatedly. Numerous articles have chronicled Kushner’s bad-acting over his four years of ownership here in East Village.

We say to the Mayor that Jared Kushner’s actions are not those of somebody who “cares deeply about New York City.” We say that Kushner’s actions have contributed greatly to the loss of affordable housing. Furthermore, if the Mayor stands by his words and thinks Jared Kushner is “reasonable and moderate,” we suggest the Mayor come meet with Kushner tenants in the East Village to hear what they’ve been through under his ownership.

There haven't been any shortage of tenant horror stories since Kushner started buying up properties here in 2013.

The Village Voice spoke with some of those tenants for a piece titled "Jared Kushner's East Village Tenants 'Horrified' Their Landlord Will Be Working in the White House."

Per the article:

"Trump's appointment of Kushner is in keeping with his cabinet selections of amoral billionaire crooks, liars, and thieves," says another East Village rent-stabilized tenant, who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation. "This guy's company preys on the feeble and infirm, lies, charges illegal late fees, puts tenants at risk in myriad ways, whose overall message to tenants is a shrug and a 'you get what pay for' re: heat, gas, hot water, modern plumbing, and electricity."

"We felt the complete lack of empathy and compassion from our landlord," she adds. "The whole country’s going to experience what we’ve been going through."

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Report: Jared Kushner buys $130 million portfolio of East Village rental buildings

Report: Jared Kushner paid $49 million for 7 more Ben Shaoul-owned properties in the East Village

More about Jared Kushner's East Village buying spree

Soon, we will all be writing our rent checks to Jared Kushner

Tenants claim: Kushner and Westminster want to destroy this building's beautiful garden

Reports outline how Kushner Companies is aggressively trying to empty 170-174 E. 2nd St.

Local politicos join residents of 2 Jared Kushner-owned buildings to speak out about poor living conditions, alleged harassment

Jared Kushner's residents at 118 E. 4th St. would like gas for cooking and some heat

Jared Kushner's East Village tenants wish he'd resolve issues closer to home

Reader report: Concern over lax stray voltage warnings on East Village streets

An EVG reader shared these three photos from several side streets...

Per the reader: "One of these pictures represents a tow zone. The other two represent a Con Ed shock warning that could electrocute you, your child or your dog. Can you tell the difference?"

[4th Street east of Avenue B]

[5th Street between A and B]

[2nd Street east of Avenue B]

Back to the reader:

"Minimal snow fall each winter brings multiple shock warnings to the East Village yet Con Ed refuses to adequately warn the public despite numerous requests, protests, City Council hearings, injuries, deaths and lawsuits.

"The problem is that no one walking up and down the block (or in and out of those buildings) with their kids or dogs has any idea that they are walking into an electrical hazard that could shock or kill them. All they see is the same caution tape used to signal wet paint or parking restrictions."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Beware of 'stray voltage' here on Avenue A and East 2nd Street

Resident shocked about Con Ed's nonchalance over stray voltage

A new community arts and performance venue on 8th Street and Avenue B

Starting in early December, the former yoga studio in the basement of 295 E. Eighth St. (this building) at Avenue B was transformed into Planeta Space.

Per their website, Planeta Space "is a community arts and performance venue focused on multidisciplinary collaboration within the fields of digital media, virtual reality, architecture, and music."

The space is part of Planeta, a research-and-development studio that works on applications for mobile devices and virtual reality.

This weekend, Planeta is hosting an exhibition of young Nicaraguan artists (Saturday at 6 p.m.) and a "KID'S Disco (Sunday at 4).

Check out Planeta's Facebook page for more upcoming events.