Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Earlier this evening around Tompkins Square Park

Anyone have any idea why this patch of the sidewalk near the Ninth Street entrance at Avenue B is cordoned off with "Danger Do Not Enter" red tape?

Updated: Answer is in the comments...


Dave on 7th said...

Yes, there are two GIANT broken limbs. You can see
them from the 9th Street park entrance side. I thought
they should have taken care of it immediately. When you see it won't believe no known was injured or killed.
It should have been taken care of yesterday.

Julio said...

Looking at the picture it might be a tree branch and they closed up the sidewalk.

Marty Wombacher said...

I thought it was a smoking area for the park.

EV Grieve said...

Jeez, I didn't even look up... I assumed there was some sort of sinkhole or pothole or, uh, something on the sidewalk....

Chris said...

Yep, two humongous limbs-- although maybe not likely to jar loose unless a heavy wind were to hit.

PS: Is it me, but does anyone find it funny that the parking spots adjacent are still taken?

Mr. Mister said...

My oblivious ass has been running through this every morning for the past week...

Maybe that's what those "Look Up NYC" tags in the street are all about.

Anonymous said...

is this the fast track for LADY GAGA'S VIP room?

starzstylista said...

Don't worry, never looking up is the sign of a true New Yorker - vestigial survival mechanism.

twilo said...

One of the crustys imploded and the acidic remains are all over the place!! Aaaahhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

hey be carefully and look at tree up.

Mr. Mister said...

Anyone taking wagers on whether the limbs will still be dangling after this storm that's about to roll in?