Monday, December 4, 2023

360 Bowery is all glassed up

Façade installation has reached the top at 360 Bowery, where workers have added floor-to-ceiling window panels on most of the 22-story office building...
Also, part of Kendall Jenner's elbow remains visible on the mostly-obscured Marc Jacobs billboard on the building next door ... so we have that going for us...
Anyone watching this project has said the same thing: It has gone up quickly. We saw the first sign of it above the plywood in January. The 360 website lists occupancy in the second quarter of 2024.

This development — offering full-floor office suites — replaces the single-level B Bar & Grill (1994-2020) on property previously a gas station here at Fourth Street. 

The developers of this project within the Soho/Noho rezoning area are a collaboration between Morris Adjmi Architects, CBSK Ironstate and AECOM-Canyon Partners.

And here's a sneak preview of what to expect from 360's revamped website...


noble neolani said...

Mid-town South is here to save you all the commute you dreaded each day. What, you work from home now? Never mind.

M said...

Another vertical suburban office park building with the blandest, cheapest materials allowed for more return on profit for the developers. Not even the slightest nod to the aesthetics of the existing neighborhood and community which is of course featured in the website as a selling point. Nothing on the website about any energy efficiencies to mitigate the huge energy costs of heating and cooling a glass plate building. Bland American predatory-capitalist real estate development at its finest!

Sarah said...

Thinking about the number of birds who will probably die flying into this building, and for what?

Maybe I'll be proved wrong and they'll lease up in seconds, but who-all is clamoring to locate offices here?

KPR789 said...

Agree with all commenters posting here. That this 22-story office bldg was doable due to the City's rezoning of SoHo/NoHo is also a head-shaker. And not at all surprising, given what many understood was the underlying agenda of the City's SoHo/NoHo Rezoning plan. The rezoning was teed up (and I quote from Mayor deB's office 12-15-21 release when the Council passed it) as a do-good for affordable housing: "SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Plan will bring 900 affordable homes and economic opportunity to iconic, centrally located neighborhoods." The economic opportunity being granted to the developers & investors, is a boon for them but hardly a boon for the neighborhood or the residents that lost their affordable apartments in the demo for this.


I'd kill for the office with a 20ft Kendall staring in like King Kong.