Meanwhile, on the corner of 12th Street and Avenue A, paper has gone up in the windows of the long-dormant space that once housed the Raven...
Unfortunately, we don't have any more details on what's going in here... However, the folks behind the proposed Mexican cantina (El Camion) here have moved on, sources tell us. As you may recall, the El Camion brass gave very little notice about an open house on a Friday night at 5 back in May. The CB3/SLA committee later denied their request for a liquor license transfer.
Those glass windows are just so depressing. Remember Raven's beautiful French windows/doors? I recall whiling away many a summer Friday in those breezy seats ... Bauhaus on the stereo, Jayne County sipping beer at the bar. Sigh.
i really miss the raven too. double sigh.
Oh, but Anonymous, Glamma, you couldn't be SEEN at Raven, which is half the reason we're overrun nightly by yobs - so they can be SEEN. This crappy space fits their bill perfectly! Has anyone looked to see if they open to the sidewalk?
The windows do not currently open to the street, but they could very easily be converted.
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