Well, first, we wouldn't be shocked by this. Still. Clearly a hoax. The sign is taped to the outside of the window. Plus! You recall the sign that appeared here this past Sunday.
In any event, not bad... but not quite as good as the jokesters who put this up at the former Second Avenue Deli across the way several years back...

Of course, that turned out to be a Chase branch...Joke's on us.
Maybe they can take over the bodega at 4th and C which was shut down by NYPD last night. Underage veer sales? Taxless smokes? Worse?
i love these jokes!
very disappointingly - no duane reade kiosk.
How do you know it's a joke?
That sign scared the shit out of me!
"dog friendly" is a masterful touch, one that really doesn't need the typographical enhancement.
Sure, that Hooters sign was a joke back then, but you won't be laughing when one actually opens here. Be very careful what you (don't) wish for as it may actually come true. No one thought Mr Stay-Puft could ever hurt anyone and look what happened.
How about a Hooters pop-up shop?
[Tiptoeing away...]
Judging by the size of some of our hefty transplants I was going to suggest a Lane Bryant / Claire's Accessory combo for this spot.
Or maybe a surgical pop up shop that could make them talk through their mouths and not their noses?
Or a licensed therapist to reassure them it's OK to make eye contact with other people and not dive head first into an iPhone screen when someone looks at them?
When it comes to catering to the needs of the newcomers at the expensive of our neighborhoods, the possibilities are endless.
When DID the newcomers go from black leather skinny to so overly corn-fed? Saturday nite in the EV went from Desperately Seeking Sid and Nancy to Sex in the City as imagineered by binge drinkers in West Virginia U's 4-H Club. Wish I could just turn the channel!
@ Ken
Walking home last night... I thought maybe a group of women had just looted a Dress Barn and showed up on my block ...
Ha! Like sausages stuffed into little black dresses with strappy sandals or those shoes with the really high wedge in the back. The wedgies aren't the best idea when you're going for the 5 shots of anything for $10 at the Continental though.
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