Monday, April 23, 2012

April showers bring... new trees along Tompkins Square Park

EV Grieve reader Robert notes the arrival of new trees this morning... which city workers planted along East 10th Street and Tompkins Square Park...


Anonymous said...

They have enough trees over there, hook up some other streets yo.

Hey19 said...

In a rare stroke of genius, it seems they waited for the drought to break to do this, it looks like its going to be wet all week, hopefully that will give these trees a good head start.

VH McKenzie said...

@Anonymous 10:47 -- you can hook up your own street with a tree, yo!!

Seriously --

I got the tree planted in front of our building on 11th Street wayyyy back in 1989. It was ascrawny and pathetic sapling thenbut now it's HUGE.

Old proverb: When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today!

Anonymous said...

what a stella thing to do for earth day/ earth week

Mr. Mister said...

Saw the crews on 4th St earlier today.