Thursday, April 25, 2019

It looks as if 264 E. 7th St. won't be demolished after all

In September 2016, a permit was filed with the DOB to demolish the three-level townhouse (circa 1842) at 264. E. Seventh St. between Avenue C and Avenue D.

Preservations rallied to try to have the string of pastel-colored residences here considered for landmarking. However, in late October 2017, the Landmarks Preservation Commission refused to consider them for such a designation.

And that was the last we heard of the property. In a mailing yesterday, however, the Village Preservation (GVSHP) noted that new owners purchased the property, and it appears they intend to keep the building intact. (Public records show an LLC paid $7.7 million for the address.)

According to a new permit filed with the city, the owners plan to renovate No. 264 and convert it to a two-family dwelling, leaving the exterior of the building in place and adding a small extension in the rear.

Per Village Preservation: "This is a tangible indication of the new owner’s plans to maintain the building rather than demolish and replace it with a taller and larger building." (Like what happened across the street.)

And as noted before, Felicia Bond lived in the garden duplex at No. 264 when she illustrated the renowned children's book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" in the mid-1980s.


While No. 264 may have escaped demolition, the fate 268 E. Seventh St. remains unknown.

In September 2017, a demo permit was issued for the three-level home.

[File photo of 268 E, 7th St.]

There are permits still awaiting approval — as of October 2017 — for a 6-floor structure with 8,000 square feet of residential space divided between two units.

Actor John Leguizamo owned No. 268 starting in 1995. In February 2013, the building hit the market with a $4 million ask. However, as Curbed noted at the time:

It's unclear how recently Leguizamo lived in the place, or whether or not he even still owns it — the deed was transferred to an LLC in 2002, and the listing says that it was "Recently a single family residence; currently used as a 3-family" ...

Leguizamo watchers on the block figure that the actor moved away from here about 2001 or 2002.

According to public records, No. 268 sold for $3.65 million in September 2013 to investment banker Wilco Faessen, who's listed as the developer.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Live in the house that inspired the art for 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie'

City says no to landmarking row of 7th Street homes, clearing way for demolition of No. 264

Come live in John Leguizamo's former home here on 'Artists Row'

Another look at the now-shuttered East Side Gourmet Deli

A quickie update (of sorts!) about East Side Gourmet Deli, which closed on the southeast corner of Avenue B and Fourth Street late last week.

An EVG reader shared these photos... showing the current state of the storefront ... and the arrival of the notice from the marshal, noting the premises is now in the legal possession of the landlord...

As you can see on the notice, the original execution date — Feb. 6 — was crossed out. Apparently the deli had a temporary stay of execution.

Hanoi Soup Shop debuts today on St. Mark's Place

Hanoi Soup Shop opens today at 115 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue. This is the quick-serve cafe extension of Hanoi House, the Vietnamese restaurant a storefront away on the block.

Per a preview at Eater:

The main attraction will be pho, available in chicken, beef, or vegetarian varieties, plus other dishes like papaya and watercress salad, summer rolls, and banh mi. Rotating specials will include bun bo Hue, a breakfast soup from the port city of Hue, and a stew lamb rib kho, a stew. Fruit shakes and Hanoi’s famous egg coffee will also be on tap.

Starting hours are 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The owners say they plan to expand those hours in the future.

No. 115 last hosted the pop-up shop Mr. Bing. The previous tenant, Water Witch Mercantile, closed at the end of 2016 after just two months in business. Past tenants also include Box Kite Coffee and the Tuck Shop.

And this isn't the end of Hanoi House's expansion plans. As we first reported last month, the owners plan to take over the former Five Tacos space between these two storefronts to serve as a bar area for patrons waiting for a table at the restaurant. Read more about the plans here.

CB3 OK'd a new liquor license for this space last month.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday's parting shot

Bobby Williams shares this photo of One Manhattan Square barely noticeable on the horizon down by the Manhattan Bridge... as Gothamist recently described the 72-floor residential building: "a gleaming cheese grater of truly terrifying proportions."

What the F? New subway stop arrives on 4th Street courtesy of 'Mr. Robot'

Earlier today, crews installed a fake F stop on the southwest corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street as these photos by EVG reader Devon Schuyler show...

Later in the day, workers installed a few more touches ... this photo is from Derek Berg...

Apparently this is for a "Mr. Robot" shoot... back filming in the neighborhood.


An FYI from 11th Street and Avenue C ...

Thanks to Vinny & O for the photos!

The Tribeca Film Festival arrives in the East Village

The Village East on Second Avenue and 12th Street is serving as a venue for the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival, which starts today and runs through May 5.

As such, the theater is only screening films from the Festival. Village East will return to its usual programming on May 7.

In the meantime, you can always check out the Anthology Film Archives on Second Street and Second Avenue or the Metrograph down on Ludlow or the Quad Cinema on 13th Street... not to mention the Film Forum, IFC Center, the Angelika Film Center or Cinema Village.

Previously on OMG EV Grieve:
The fellow who was terrorized by old people during the Tribeca Film Festival

Inflatable union rat makes Webster Hall appearance

The inflatable union rat is out this morning on the corner of Third Avenue and 11th Street... where reps for Local One — the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E) — are handing out flyers about the non-union work happening at Webster Hall, which reopens Friday (not Saturday per their flyers) with Jay-Z.

EVG reader Emily shared these photos...

AEG Presents and Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment are the new operators of Webster Hall.

[Updated] NYPD releases pics of suspect wanted for smashing LinkNYC kiosks

[Image via @Machiz]

Updated 4/25: Police made an arrest.

As Gothamist reported, someone smashed 30-some LinkNYC data harvesters kiosks around the city over the weekend, including on 14th Street. You can read all about it here.

Anyway, the 9th Precinct tweeted out pics of the suspect...

[Updated] M14 mystery abounds as SBS ticket vending machines arrive

Perhaps we'll have a little more clarity later today — two days before the L-train slowdown starts — on the status moving forward of a) the dedicated busway originally slated for 14th Street and b) the SBS stops for the M14A and M14D.

Transit watchers expect Mayor de Blasio and the city to disclose its plans for 14th Street today.


UPDATED 6 a.m.

Vin Barone at amNewYork has this scoop:

The de Blasio administration will ban private through-traffic on 14th Street between Third and Ninth avenues as part of a new pilot street design to help speed up buses during the L train’s Canarsie tunnel reconstruction, according to a draft release of the plans obtained by amNewYork.

But the changes won’t come until June...

UPDATED noon: Read the city's press release here.


City agencies had already taken the first steps to make 14th Street a car-free busway for most of the day. However, with the full L-train shutdown called off by Gov. Cuomo in early January, those plans were put on hold.

In a series of tweets yesterday, one local transit authority made the case for how important buses will be to help people get around in the next 15-18 months...

And seizing on this moment...

Meanwhile, it's still a big mystery what the MTA intends to do with the M14A/D. As previously reported, proposals to eliminate a handful of stops on Avenue A and Avenue D to accommodate express service have been met with opposition from residents and local elected officials.

In a Daily News article published yesterday, CB3 District Manager Susan Stetzger "accused the DOT and MTA of a lack of transparency." As of the paper's deadline, neither agency had informed her of a final plan.

Local City Councilmember Carlina Rivera has suggested an M14 SBS with supplemental local service similar to the M15.

As several EVG readers have noted, the MTA has already been installing SBS ticketing machines along the M14A/D routes with a goal of beginning service by June.

[Photo from April 11 on Avenue C by Shawn Chittle]

[14th Street at 1st Avenue]

[14th Street at Avenue B]

We spoke with several residents who expressed their annoyance that the SBS machines started arriving just two days after the MTA and DOT held a meeting at the 14th Street Y to gather community feedback on the proposed changes to the M14A and M14D bus routes. "I guess they had their minds made up already," said one reader in an email.

For their part, the MTA has this to say about the route:

If you ride an M14 bus, you’ve likely experienced a longer than expected wait at your stop, a longer than expected trip once you’re on your bus, buses that arrive in bunches and off-schedule, or some combination of the three. During the busiest travel times, M14 A/D buses spend about 60% of their trips stopped at bus stops or stopped in traffic. We’ve got a plan to fix this and keep buses moving — we’re partnering with the New York City Department of Transportation to launch Select Bus Service on the M14 A/D.

Select Bus Service (SBS) is a package of improvements designed to target and correct the situations that slow buses down and make service unreliable. Citywide, customers tell us they are more satisfied with their SBS bus than their local or LTD (limited) bus. We’re committed to bringing these improvements to the M14 A/D and the 27,000 customers who use these buses by June 2019.

For further reading:

M14 Select Bus Service, Busway Needed at Start of L Train Reconstruction, Manhattan BP Says (amNY)

• City Drags Feet on Plan to Move Riders on 14th St. During L Train Slowdown (Daily News)

• MTA Says Buses Are The Best Bet on 14th St. During the L Slowdown — But Busway Remains In Flux (Streetsblog)

• Never Stop Stopping: Removing Bus Stops Isn’t Easy — In New York City or Anywhere Else (Streetsblog)

• As L Hell Begins, Some Aren’t On Board With the MTA’s Plan For Buses (Bedford + Bowery)

Bright Horizons bringing child care to EVGB

Construction continues at 524 E. 14th St. in the retail spaces at EVGB, the newish residential complex between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Posted permits note that the work is for a day care center ...

Updated: Paperwork shows that this will be another outpost of Bright Horizons, one of the country's largest child-care providers. (H/T Upper West Sider!)

This is the first retail tenant for this address...

The day care center joins Target, which opened in EVGB's corner spot at Avenue A last summer.

According to listings at Newmark Knight Frank, these storefronts are part of what's being billed as "the East Village's most dynamic block."

There's another storefront for lease next to the day care center at No. 524. There's also the space directly adjacent to the Target in the building at No. 500.

Previously on EV Grieve:
New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units

Target offers details about its flexible-format store opening summer 2018 on 14th and A

The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street

Up to 4 more retail spaces available to join Target on 14th Street

Reader report: About East Village Acupuncture & Massage on 2nd Street

Back in May 2016, we posted a story about City Acupuncture East Village, at the time a new community acupuncture clinic at 155 E. Second St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.

The clinic, run by longtime East Village resident Donna Nield, was part of City Acupuncture, which has five locations in NYC and now in Silver Lake, Calif.

Per an EVG reader, Nield struck out on her own earlier this spring. Her business now goes by East Village Acupuncture & Massage. (Find their website here.)

"I was one of their first clients, and since then they've treated thousands of people in the neighborhood for conditions ranging from body pain and injury to anxiety and depression," the reader said in an email.

Meanwhile, City Acupuncture opened a new location in early April at 52 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Community acupuncture in the East Village