Crews are prepping 10th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue to create a circa-2015 (those were the days!) Christmas scene for a "Mr Robot" shoot on Friday and early Saturday morning ... EVG Christmas Scene correspondent Steven shared these photos from this morning...

Block Association reps posted these signs for neighbors... noting that the production crew is making a donation to the Block Association to help replace the downed trees from that flukey storm this past November...

The Block Association is also requesting a hiatus on film shoots along here.
So I guess it’s Ok that I still have my Christmas tree up after all.
thanks to numerous mayors there are few streets that look like this they bring jobs and taxes to the city and should be valued. )But not filmed on non stop)
I live on 12th St. off Third Ave. and I'd like NYC to give this whole AREA a hiatus from filming for a couple of years. What with movies and the various TV series, it feels like it never stops. Isn't this what professional movie sets (as in Astoria) are for??
PS: Why isn't someone working on AI to make it unnecessary for the crews to film "on site"? Surely someone can conjure up, via code or hologram or whatever, the charming streets of the Village without actually having to BE here.
Definitely should be valued, NY gives millions upon millions of tax credit dollars to movie companies for temporary employment jobs. Some of those savings actually end up in the bank accounts of the actors. Good thing we'll all in favor of tax credits to billion dollar companies.
Great idea to get a contribution. But the production comp[any is l-o-a-d-e-d. Make them pay for all the trees. A drop in the bucket. If you knew what the stars of Mr. Robot are paid... Just saying!
Those decorations are like so 2015.
it's great they film here, assuming no damage... shares real city character with the world...
But will there be fake snow?
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