Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Parking lot becomes another parking lot — for now

As we reported last week, the Manhattan Parking Group was closing its lot at 74-84 Third Ave. at 12th Street. On Thursday morning, crews arrived to remove the signs.

According to multiple sources, this space will some day house a new apartment building. There's nothing on file yet with the DOB to suggest anything imminent.

Meanwhile, new management took over the lot last Friday, though one source said this was a temporary arrangement.

Meanwhile, workers are testing soil samples to monitor the water level here... such exploratory drilling is required prior to the start of any construction project...

The good, the bad and the Ugly Kitchen

Sorry, a little early for that headline...

Here on Restaurant (turnover) Row on First Avenue, Grub Street noted that Ugly Kitchen is likely Soft Opening this week at the now-departed Veloce Pizzeria space.

This past weekend, a Very Special Tipster© caught a glimpse of Ugly Kitchen's exterior ...

...and here is the Soft Opening drink menu ... starting with an $11 Cucumber Peach Martini described as "Organic Cucumber Vodka and peach."

... and the food menu.

We rather like the reflection of the Golden Arches in the menu.

Anyone know what happened to the tree in front of this address?

Please do not walk into the East Village IHOP

An addition to the "we are not open" sign on the EVIHOP on East 14th Street...

You will have to wait two more weeks.

Plywood Proclamations: You Are Pizza! We Are Pizza! Eat the Pizza! Eat The Pizza!

Speaking of Restaurant (turnover) Row, a sign is now up for the incoming L'asso EV pizzeria on First Avenue near Seventh Street ...

As you may recall, L'asso partner Greg Barris told Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo that "we're definitely going to make people a little worried. There’s an endless amount of pizza in that neighborhood, but there really isn’t anyone doing what we’re up to."

There was a line for the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop pretty much all weekend long

At least when we looked. Here's a photo from last night. They opened on Saturday. You may have heard about it. Anyway, someone finally topped "The Help" at the weekend box office.

[EVG repost] The greatest plea-warning that you will read this or any other weekend, probably

We first posted this Friday night... you may have missed it during the holiday weekend...

In case that you haven't seen these along Avenue A this evening... we watched them go up around 5 ...

Monday, September 5, 2011

One way to feed to the pigeons without feeding the rats

By hand. In Tompkins Square Park today.

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Ted Nugent called, he wants his Méridienne sofa back

First Street near Second Avenue.

Breaker, breaker: The Bandit spotted on Second Avenue

Perhaps dining at a nearby "choke and puke"? (And if you really want to watch the trailer for this cinematic milestone ... go here.)

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches closed for renovations on Second Street

Just catching up on items from the last few days... Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches on Second Street just off Avenue A is closed for renovations... if the sign out front is correct, then they should reopen on Thursday...

A royal flush on Houston and Avenue B

This weekend, Chico painted over the Kate-William mural on Houston at Avenue B ...

[Top photo by Bobby Williams]

...for a new Loisaidas ad...

The Mystery Lot receives an end-of-the summer weed whacking trim

I'm just sorry that I wasn't there to witness it live, like that one time last summer.

And now, a photo of Vincent Gallo on the side of a bus on First Avenue

At 14th Street yesterday afternoon...

[EVG Flashback] Avenue A transformed into fraternity-sorority party for Diablo Royale Este's 'Boats 'N Hoes' bash

We first posted this on Sept. 8, 2010 ... Diablo Royale later apologized to neighbors...

On Sunday night, Diablo Royale Este — home of the Hopsicle! — at 169 Avenue A was host to a party that attracted what one resident described as "swarms" of young adults.

By Monday morning, the EV Grieve inbox was filled with e-mails about the bash. Such as this one from a reader:

You may be hearing from other people about this already, but there are swarms of what appear to be college students trolling East 12th Street between A and B. From what I can hear, it sounds like they are all trying to find some party. They're ranging in age from late teens to early 20s, and they are loud and obnoxious. ... it is so depressing. Just heard a big, "WHOOOOO!" I never thought the East Village would become one big frat/sorority party. I moved here to get away from those people!


Am I the only one in town and experiencing over 500 18-20 year olds who have literally taken over the sidewalks and three-block radius, as I write?? I came home at 11 and Diablo Royal is having some event that has packed the sidewalks and streets with young people screaming and breaking bottles. There is one cop car parked outside and no cops to be seen. It's INSANE HERE.

I called 911 to complain and the operator said "It's Labor Day." Then I went and found one cop who said "it's nearly over," but I have no idea what it is. Jason Bieber??? I've NEVER seen this many people in one place since attending Obama's inauguration in DC.

Several Royalegoers told a resident that Diablo Royale was hosting a Boats 'N Hoes party.

And you can see what the readers were talking about in the photos in this post....the line for Diablo Royale stretched south on Avenue A and wrapped around the corner on East 10th Street...

One tipster said that officers from the Ninth Precinct eventually broke up the party. Lt. Patrick Ferguson at the Ninth Precinct told me that "summonses were issued to the club — they over promoted an event."

Meanwhile, some neighbors who were were already upset with Diablo Royale Este since their Cinco de Mayo opening, are now fuming. Said one longtime resident:

"Our worst fears are being realized as Diablo is catering to and becoming a destination for young party folk."

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Last night at Diablo Royale Este

Diablo Royale Este opens today: features two bars, one screening room and spit-roast pigs in the backyard

The first review of Diablo Royale Este is in!