Photo of Christo from the EVG archives
According to Goggla, the photographer who has documented the hawks and other wildlife for the past 11-plus years, he has been MIA for the past two weeks. Her last photo of Christo came on Feb. 14, and he has not been spotted since.
We posted a photo of a hawk in Tompkins on Feb. 21, mistaking it for Christo. In fact, it was a new male red-tailed hawk who had taken up residence here.
Here's more via a post from Goggla:
I wasn't around the park very much the week of the 17th, but what ever happened took place some time between February 14 and 21. By the 22nd, Amelia was documented mating with another hawk, who was also working on the nest. As this is expected behavior for this time of year, I didn't notice right away that something was wrong. It was only after I checked some of my photos that I saw the hawk mating with Amelia was not Christo.
I consulted with another hawk watcher and photographer who also had photos of the new hawk. Christo has dark eyes, brown stripes on his legs, and a particular belly band pattern. This other hawks has bright yellowish eyes (young), no markings on the legs, and a different belly band pattern. I tried to tell myself that maybe the sun made the eyes look different, but the legs of these two hawks are very different.
There is a possibility that Christo is out there somewhere, but the fact that another hawk is mating with Amelia and working on their nest makes this unlikely.In February 2020, Christo got caught in an airshaft on Seventh Street after chasing a pigeon. Thanks to some residents and Ranger Rob, he was rescued.
We’re hoping for Christo's return, but with each passing day, it seems less likely.